After appeasing his teammates, Fengshen came to Ciel and Jeanne, who were already waiting impatiently, with a wry smile.

The two goddesses are new here. We come to this void often, but we have never seen them before. Fengshen said with a smile, feeling like an enthusiastic handsome guy, ready to take the two beauties traveling on the street. In the alleys, he first deceives women and then robs them of money, and his methods are very authentic.

At the beginning, his strength was insufficient, but Feng Shen deceived many people with this trick, and only then did he have the capital he has today. Unfortunately, this trick didn't work well today.

If I had seen him, I'm afraid he would have taken action long ago. Charles said coldly. After all, the other party's attitude when they first arrived did not look like they were here to make friends, not to mention that they had been warned by Shu Liya.

Fengshen smiled slightly and did not explain. After all, this was a fact. There was no way to explain it, and there was no need to explain it, so he continued.

It's right to be careful. This is not the center of the material world. It is not completely covered by the divine network, and there is no orderly and kind-hearted system to maintain order. So vigilance is necessary, but don't reject all goodwill because of this. Fengshen Ruoyue referring to.

Oh, so you came here with good intentions. Joan of Arc's pure eyes were like a mirror looking into a demon, surrounded by the wind god's kind face and dark heart. At this time, she felt speechless.

Haha, who can become a god now? What kind of little white flower can be deceived by lying? The goddess of plump lips said with a mocking smile to Fengshen, obviously dissatisfied with Fengshen's attempt to invite the two goddesses to join, even if he The same goes for uneasy kindness. Women's jealousy is so inexplicable, and goddesses are no exception.

Fengshen resisted the urge to take a deep breath to relieve the depressed feeling in his heart. He had no choice but to cause trouble. It was his own people who could not be easily replaced. Otherwise, he would have taken action long ago, just like his previous teammates, making them disappear. Not sure.

Hunting gods like them who separate incarnations and plunder everywhere are not uncommon in the material world, but the central area of ​​the material world is densely covered with divine nets, and powerful gods are everywhere, so they must be sneaky, and the most important thing is to run. Be quick.

At the edge of the central area, there are gaps in the divine network, and there are no powerful divine systems. You can come boldly, but the land is vast and sparsely populated, and there is no suitable movement ability. The harvest may not be as much as what is wasted in the void, so you can control the void. Only the god of wind can become the leading one among the four gods.

But this cannot be said by Fengshen, because a qualified hunting team must have corresponding majors in order to be more efficient.

However, there is also a priority in the division of labor. For example, the giant god and the old man holding a knife, one of them is responsible for breaking doors, and the other is responsible for killing people. However, they are not irreplaceable. In fact, similar gods can be found everywhere in the material world, and the gap is not that big.

But the goddess of plump lips is different. Known as the Kiss of the Void, she has an insatiable appetite and has even achieved the feat of sucking dry a small pantheon.

Even if it is just an incarnation, after breaking the plane wall, it can suck out the hidden essence in one breath, and it is very efficient, which cannot be replaced by other gods.

Therefore, even if the other party doesn't give him face, Fengshen can only endure it unless he can find a replacement.

There are several good gods in the hunting industry. The God of Wind, who originally wanted to play with some skills, lost interest and waved his hand.

As a thug, the giant god muttered that this would be the end of it, then he raised his warhammer and aimed it at the wall of the plane, without paying any attention to the two goddesses. He believed that the old man holding the knife could hold on with one against two. When he broke open the plane wall, the two of them would join forces, but they underestimated the two goddesses.

Faced with a giant god who was a hundred meters tall and whose sacred war hammer exuded incomparable power, Jeanne held a scepter and did not panic at all. With a tap of the scepter, the originally invisible wall of the plane suddenly emitted golden light, and the origin of the Northern Stars was also related to Her priesthood echoes each other, guarding the earth.

The giant god's expression changed as soon as he dropped his hammer. The mountain-heavy war hammer did not destroy the plane wall, but suffered huge rebound force, forcing him to spend more divine power to suppress it.

The plane wall is not a vegetarian in the first place. I wonder how the plane's barrier against the invasion of the void can be so fragile. In fact, even the gods cannot easily break through the truly complete plane barrier. At most, they can only tear a small hole through the weak point. Get in there.

In the past, the giant gods were able to achieve such amazing results. The priesthood and the artifact were on the one hand, mainly because the plane walls of the plane fragments were broken, and they were pieced together and glued together with divine power. Naturally, they could not withstand the heavy hammer. .

Although the plane walls of the Northern Stars are also spliced ​​together, the origins of the Northern Stars are complete, the laws are perfect, and with the seeds of the World Tree as the core, coupled with the harmonious authority of the Princess of the Universe, the cracks have long been closed, not only are they round and integrated, but they also maintain the main plane. level of strength, so not only did the giant god's hammer return in vain, but he also suffered a counterattack from the plane. Countless laws turned into chains and tied up the giant god who could not dodge.

The giant god's face turned green, he roared loudly, and struggled hard, but to no avail.

As the incarnation of divinity, the giant gods are intangible, but the laws are also intangible, and they are restraining the gods. Otherwise, why would the gods not want to enter the plane.

What's worse is that the perfection and strength of the laws of the Northern Stars are not like ordinary planes at all. They are comparable to large planes. Not to mention it is just an incarnation of divinity. Even if the body is here, it is afraid that it will not be able to break free. For a moment, the giant gods are like Being suppressed by the entire plane, Yao, who was the most powerful among the four, was suppressed and unable to move.

All this happened too fast. Before the giant god's hammer fell, the old man holding the knife had already flashed in front of Ciel, so he was unlucky.

The old man holding the knife is not a mainstream human race in the material world. He has obvious alien characteristics. The scimitar in his hand is very huge and heavy, but it is extremely fast. With a flash of cold light, he is about to cut Ciel into pieces. .

Ciel looked at the old man's attack with admiration. The opponent's sword seemed to be chaotic, but in fact it cut and blocked all the space around him, like a net falling on one's head, making it impossible to avoid.

It's a pity that in the face of absolute strength, these can only be used for appreciation.

The iron chains wrapped around his arms brought a burning sensation that penetrated deep into the soul, but this only made the fighting spirit in Ciel's heart boil more and more. The double blades of chaos tightly held in his hands tore apart the knife laid by the old man with just one movement. Net, these two god-killing weapons that once slaughtered a god line showed their ferocious side for the first time in another world. Just the aura they brought caused problems with the operation of the old man's divine power. Ciel, who had already locked him, swung two weapons. Cutting the sharp weapon into pieces, not only the body of divine power collapsed, but even the divinity was robbed, leaving him dead without the power to defend himself. The God of Wind and the Goddess of Plump Lips couldn't help but gasp.

It’s not like the four-man team hunting gods has never encountered difficulties. The key point is that even if they suffer a loss, at most their divine body will be blown up. After the divinity escapes and re-condenses, it will lose its divine power. But it can be defeated so simply and died so cleanly. , making the two of them shiver.

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