The four gods who had finished the hunt divided their origins, just like robbers who had finished dividing the spoils, they turned around and left. They did not give the gods a chance to react, but the impact they left behind was shattered by the loss of their origins. The debris of the plane spread and grew larger and larger, shrouding the hearts of the gods like a shadow.

The gods on the fragments of several planes looked at each other more and more warily and unkindly. The atmosphere of hugging each other for warmth as they fled the end of the world suddenly disappeared, leaving only a tense atmosphere.

In fact, long before this, everyone understood that the central area of ​​the material world was not as beautiful as imagined. Just like people from small places yearned for big cities, in fact, there was a belief in the law of the jungle, and it was even more cruel.

There is no way, the central area of ​​​​the material world is rich in resources, but it also means that competition is more fierce. If they are not strong enough, even if they successfully arrive, they will only become prey or the bottom, and this is something they cannot tolerate.

Who is used to being a high-altitude god, who can lower his head to serve others?

The only way to solve the current predicament is to follow suit and plunder other gods to make yourself stronger to deal with future threats.

At this moment, several gods did not take action. First, they knew that the one who struck first would definitely become the target of public criticism. Second, they were worried that the four gods who specialized in hunting gods had not left at all and were hiding nearby, waiting to reap the benefits.

But the four most powerful and evil evil gods have begun to take action, because they seem to have found a way to make a fortune.

In the most majestic castle in the fragment of the plane where the noble goddess resides, she looked up into the void and seemed to notice something. She looked thoughtfully at the fragment of the plane where the four evil gods were, and then sent invitations to several other gods. .

The three human kingdoms in the south are now in a panic. The dwarves and elves are also in a panic. Therefore, after receiving the invitation from the noble goddess, even though the last alliance hosted by the noble goddess became a joke, they did not delay their departure. It's really because I feel so insecure.

They are all barely able to become gods. Not to mention accumulation, they can't even do it with a divine weapon. If they really fight, they might not be the opponents of the four incarnations of gods.

Moreover, the other party is an avatar, so what if he is beaten to death, but he is still remembered by the other party, which makes him even more panicked.

After witnessing all this, Shu Liya commanded the two Silver Shields to fly through the subspace toward the next destination with satisfaction, because her purpose of coming had been achieved.

The dark elves focused their attention here, and the several gods occupying the plane fragments were also wary of each other. As a result, the empire was naturally stable.

But just when Shu Liya was about to go to the plane occupied by the orcs where the elves had fled, she accidentally discovered the traces of the four hunting gods. After following them for a while, she found that they were flying towards the northern stars, so she immediately communicated through subspace. Contact Empire.

Although they didn't know how the other party discovered the Northern Stars, the empire knew that the battle was inevitable, so it reported the matter to Maya, because this was no longer a problem that the mortal army could solve.

Maya was not too nervous after hearing the news. It was no coincidence that the hunting god discovered the Northern Stars, because the other party calculated it by following the direction in which those plane fragments moved.

As for the threat, if it is the main body coming, it is difficult to estimate. Now, it depends on what purpose it wants to achieve.

The reason why Maya is so confident is that according to Shu Liya's assessment, they are just four divine incarnations of the lower god level. Whether it is Angel, the goddess of death, or the two sisters of the princess of the universe, as long as they show up, they can make the other party retreat, even if the other party's body is stronger. The same is true, because the incarnation of divinity will definitely not be able to defeat two powerful goddesses.

The question is how does this benefit the Empire?

There is no benefit in simply scaring the other person away, so pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger is the best choice. So Maya contacted several goddesses and asked them to perform plays. Women are naturally good at acting and are very interested in it.

Joan of Arc, Guardian of the Earth, and Char, the Blade of the God of War, stood on the plane wall of the Northern Stars. Even though they were about to fight one against two, they still showed no signs of nervousness.

The Guardian Priesthood and the Earth Priesthood work together. At this time, Joan of Arc is almost connected to the Northern Stars. As long as she does not leave too far away, her power is endless, and her defense power is exaggeratedly high.

Ciel didn't have these boosts, and she didn't need them either. A pair of Chaos Blades was enough for her to kill gods like chickens.

The two of them didn't have to wait too long. The four hunting gods who controlled the wind of the void appeared near the Northern Stars.

After discovering the two goddesses, the four hunting gods were stunned for a moment, and then looked past each other indifferently, focusing on the Northern Stars, which they knew were rich in origin at a glance.

The gods who died in their hands were no longer one or two. The two goddesses who had just stepped into the realm of gods were just two plump prey in their eyes. They were not worth wasting their energy. On the contrary, it was the Northern Stars that caught their eyes. Bright.

It's rare to find a plane with such rich origins. The God of Wind dispersed the surrounding void wind and stared at the northern stars greedily.

Since it's rich, let's smash it quickly and share it with everyone. The giant god responsible for smashing the plane wall sneered, weighed the artifact war hammer in his hand and was about to go up, but was stopped by the God of Wind.

It's rare to meet two beautiful goddesses. It's too rude to fight and kill them when they come up. Why don't you let me invite them to join our team, so that the seat is naturally at our disposal. Fengshen said with a smile, thinking of a good thing. arrive.

It's so nice to say it, but it's just because of sex, isn't it good for me? The goddess next to her said to the handsome guy pretending to be sad, and pouted her lips like a coquettish person. She didn't even need a corkscrew to open red wine.

There were four hunting gods, in addition to the wind god and the giant god responsible for demolition, there was also an old man holding a long knife and an amazingly charming goddess. The one who spoke at this time was the goddess with a voluptuous figure and a pair of eye-catching plump lips.

Facing the flaming red lips that almost touched his face, the handsome guy smiled politely. Not only did he not speak, but he even stepped back. He was obviously very afraid of the goddess who spoke.

He is called the Wind of the Void, and he has destroyed countless planes in his hands, which makes people scared. But this goddess with the kiss of the void has killed more gods in her mouth than he knows, so Even as a teammate, he wouldn't dare to get close easily.

Why don't you say anything? Do you really think so. The goddess of plump lips said reluctantly, forcing Fengshen to say a lot of good things before she could get over it.

The giant gods were very impatient when they heard this, but there was nothing they could do about it. The wind of the void controlled by the Wind God was the guarantee that they could hunt smoothly in the void.

It was because of his skills that the four of them could fight as long as they could, and run away if they couldn't. Otherwise, they would have been beaten to death. I really thought that they would be able to get a soft persimmon every time.

As for the goddess with plump lips, when the opponent opens her mouth and sucks, the source of the plane hidden deep in the ground is sucked out like a torrent, which cannot be stopped. It is extremely efficient and indispensable.

Moreover, although the body of the giant god is strong, he cannot withstand such methods. Every time I see it, I can't help but think back to the old woman who sat on the ground and sucked up dirt before she became a god. Even if she has the power to move mountains now, every time I think of it, I still have the illusion of being weak and cold, so I dare to provoke him.

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