A few days after the Silver Shield left, the Northern Stars also connected to the periphery of the Divine Network. The originally stretched network cable became much thicker, enough to accommodate people for teleportation. Therefore, the Empire held a meeting to discuss whether to open a channel to the Divine Network to communicate with the outside world.

In the end, Owen made the decision to open it, because the empire cannot always be closed. It must be in contact with the outside world and absorb enough nutrients to thrive.

The reason why Irving, who is accustomed to being stubborn, makes such a slightly radical decision is naturally because he has sufficient confidence.

First, after approaching the center of the material world, the subspace began to expand crazily.

The original subspace was no bigger than Owen's Kingdom of God. After the integration of Kingdom of God, the area only expanded three to five times. In the end, the destruction of the main world took a big hit, and it doubled again.

But as it gets closer to the center of the material world, subspace expands at a speed that even Owen feels horrified, and will have a tendency to cover the entire material world in the future.

What is more terrifying than the Divine Network is that the subspace is not parasitic on the material world, but is both dependent and independent. In theory, the subspace itself is a chaotic and unopened universe, with infinite changes and possibilities.

Owen has not completely gotten rid of mortal thinking, so he is afraid of the terrifying expansion speed of subspace, even if he is the master of subspace.

But just as Owen thought, people always change. Sooner or later he will adapt to the current situation and desire more, or simply want to have fun.

It was with this confidence that Irving decided to open channels for external communication.

However, the Northern Stars are not completely open to the public. Instead, only the mountains are open to the outside world, and the Northland is classified as a military important area.

After a month, the Silver Shield, which dragged the elf spaceship across the void, finally returned.

However, he did not return directly to the air force base outside Beicheng, but came to the foot of the mountains.

The vast and dense forest at the foot of the mountains made the elves who had just got off the elf flying boat somewhat relieved.

For elves, the environment is very important. It is not whether it is suitable for survival, but it represents the attributes of the owner here. An evil and chaotic race will not have such a harmonious and natural environment.

The fact that they are not an evil and chaotic race is very important to these elves who are already helpless, because they can no longer withstand the twists and turns.

Shu Liya stepped off the Silver Shield, followed by the Thunder Warriors guarding both sides like a steel city wall. Those elves all avoided and saluted with fear, because the killings of the Thunder Warriors completely frightened them, and these elves were also full of thoughts. The reason why the high priest didn't even dare to let go of a fart and followed him obediently to the Northern Stars.

As an elf high priest, in addition to piety and reputation, strategy and scheming are also indispensable. Otherwise, why would he prepare a hundred elf girls and boys in advance? They are not sacrifices for the victors.

He knew very well that in that situation, it was useless to promise any wealth or promises, because the strength was inferior to others, and the other party could take what he said. Only willing surrender had a little value, and for this he did not hesitate to sacrifice the elves. future as a price.

Acting like this is naturally not in line with the simple and proud temperament of the elves, but someone must do this kind of thing.

In fact, when embarking on the path of void migration, the Elf High Priest was already mentally prepared, and when he took out the contract, he also prepared for the worst.

The contract signed with the ancient elf tree as a medium cannot be violated by the elf, because the ancient elf tree is the belief of the elf. This is known to the elf high priest, and he also wants to let others know. Only in this way can others think that they can master it through the ancient elf tree. All elves, but in the darkest place in his heart, he actually has rebellious thoughts.

When they can no longer survive, lighting the ancient elf tree with their own hands becomes their only way to survive. This is also the last chance of life left by the elf high priest for the elves. The price of violating the contract and betraying the faith will naturally be borne by him, a sinner. , other elves are innocent.

Fortunately, what they encountered was an empire, which was very tolerant from the very beginning. It was not just humans. Foreign races were also an important part of the empire, and a mere elven tribe was not a problem.

You can build your home here. The first three years are tax-free. After that, you have to pay tithes and perform military service every year. These are the obligations of empire citizens. Violators will be deprived of their status as empire citizens. Shu Liya stared coldly. The Elf High Priest said that as a powerful psyker, she could of course sense the other person's thoughts. Although she didn't care, don't think she looked good.

From today on, we are members of the empire, and we are willing to dedicate our loyalty and lives to the empire. The elf high priest said with a serious expression. As for what he was thinking, he knew that Shu Liya also knew it, but he didn't want to pay attention to it. Just him.

After giving him a deep look, Shu Liya silently turned around and boarded the Silver Shield. She still had many things to deal with, and she had no extra energy to waste on these elves, not even the few elven boys and girls she was more optimistic about. None were taken away.

When the Silver Shield disappeared into the sky, the Elf High Priest secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the process was very tortuous, at least they were safe for the time being, and this plane had a better environment than the one they originally chose to immigrate to. But I don't know why they couldn't sense the existence of magic?

Fortunately, elves are not purely magical creatures. They prefer the power of nature to magic, so the absence of magic has little effect on them.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the Elf. The Elf High Priest, who was just about to take a breath, hurriedly asked someone to help him over. He was really afraid of another accident. With his short life span, he really couldn't withstand the torment.

Lizardmen! When he saw a group of lizardmen coming, the Elf High Priest suddenly took a breath. If he hadn't felt any hostility, he would have almost let others take action first. After all, the lizardmen's combat effectiveness was not bad.

Lizardmen are not a rare race, but their reputation is not very good, second only to orcs. After all, as cold-blooded animals and stupid minds, their lifestyle is extremely primitive. For them, even the same race is food. , let alone elves, so it’s normal for them to start fighting when they meet.

However, these lizard men did not hold weapons, but tools and food, and their temperament was more gentle, or civilized. Therefore, the elf high priest stopped the impulsive elf guard and focused his attention on the lizard man dressed as a priest opposite. On the old man.

Although colleagues are enemies, it is easier to communicate with each other, so the elf high priest put on a smile and greeted him, while the lizard man priest also smiled and talked with the other party while holding incense and other gifts.

The attitude and performance of the two priests also affected both parties, because the high priest was not only the host of the sacrifices, but also the spiritual leader. Especially in times of crisis, with the blessing of various powers, even the leaders had to obey the orders of the priests. , so although the elves were not adaptable, they still cooperated with the lizard people to build a new home.

Unexpectedly, the craftsmanship of these lizardmen was pretty good, and their architectural style was very in line with the needs of the elves, which made the relationship between the two parties change from strangers to relatively relaxed.

The lizardmen were also curious about these elves falling from the sky, so they tried to communicate with each other, but it didn't go very smoothly because the elves were always vigilant.

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