Two priests of different races sat together and lit a furnace of fine incense. Amidst the smoke, they communicated in the priest's unique way, such as pointing at the smoke to talk about the weather, looking at the bonfire to talk about the harvest, and touching each other. Touching the buttocks affects fertility.

You chatted around, waiting for the hallucinogenic incense to take effect, then shook your head and said something inconvenient in vague language. As for whether the other party could understand it, haha, just like the doctor's handwritten formula, you Tell them whether they understand.

When it started to get dark, the lizardman priest who had not yet worn off the medicine left a sacred book and left unsteadily, while the elf high priest, who seemed to be shaking his head little by little, stared at the charcoal fire. His eyes were straight.

Although the Elf High Priest looked like he had run away from home, he was actually sober in his heart. He was just reminiscing about the confrontation between the two old foxes just now.

The current situation is better than he imagined. This empire that he has never heard of is very tolerant. Not only elves and lizardmen, but also many different races live together, such as the beasts on the mountain. People, and people outside the forest.

Different races and different beliefs miraculously have no disputes, because the gods they believe in all belong to the same pantheon, and they are never limited to believing in one god.

This time, the lizardman priests came not only to help their new neighbors, but also to promote their belief in the deity Dragon Mother.

However, the lizardman priest knew that there was little hope. After all, except for the lizardmen, other races had more respect for the dragon mother than faith, so they had the intention of forming a good relationship.

Although the empire does not prohibit conflicts between different races, it is limited to conflicts. If you really dare to fight with a knife, you will be beaten by the imperial army and disgusted by the gods. Therefore, the originally barbaric lizard people began to Learn to contact other races in a gentler way, this time it is an attempt spearheaded by the lizardman priests.

For the lizardman priest, it was a dispensable attempt, but for the elf high priest, it was a matter of life and death. He did not dare to be careless in the slightest.

After drinking a bottle of energy-replenishing potion, the elf high priest carefully thought over what happened during this period and the conversation just now. His serious look was not elf at all.

No elf is willing to live like this. Unfortunately, for the high priest who is responsible for the future of their elf, naivety, arrogance, luck, and laziness are all powerful enemies. In order to survive and continue, let him personally give up the most beautiful elf. He would do the same thing even if he sent the elf into the hands of the slave owner, even if he died, he would never forgive himself for what he had done.

Although cruel, it is the law of survival in the material world. No one will treat you kindly because of your kindness. Only the strong are qualified to be compassionate. This is also because the Elf High Priest has no capital to make mistakes now.

With blasphemy against his own faith, the Elf High Priest picked up the holy book and read it with a complicated heart.

The elf high priest is not from a remote elf tribe. In fact, he is the chief high priest of an elf kingdom. He even went to the elf empire favored by the elf gods to study for hundreds of years. He is well-informed and rightly so. It was because he had enough knowledge that he was shocked by the contents of the holy book.

The Elf High Priest is no stranger to the pantheon, but it is very rare for one pantheon to have so many gods, and they are all goddesses.

However, this pantheon is not unorthodox. On the contrary, there are only two goddess queens who are god kings, and the other goddesses perform their own duties. It is a quite complete pantheon with great potential.

After coming back to his senses, the high priest continued to read carefully. With each page he read, his faith weakened a little, and his complexion became more depressed, even with a bit of death.

This is because the elf high priest betrayed his belief in the ancient elf tree. He was looking for a new object of faith. Such an ungrateful performance. If he had not believed in the ancient elf tree, he would have been punished by God. Even so, Not only the body, but also the soul has traces of fragmentation. It can be said that it is only one step away from being wiped out.

As the chief high priest, it goes without saying that the old elf's faith is firm, but in his heart, the continuation of the elf is still based on his inner faith, coupled with the continuous blows and the huge pressure brought by the difficulties he will face in the future. , he miraculously converted overnight.

This is not about cutting the porcelain into pieces to fit the shoes, but about smashing the porcelain into pieces and then reshaping it into shape. You can imagine how difficult it is.

After paying a huge price, the Elf High Priest vaguely felt part of the essence of believing in gods through his shallow faith, and he was relieved because his choice was right.

Unfortunately, there were too few single beliefs, and they were not pious enough, so the Elf High Priest mustered up his energy and personally dug out the last roots of the ancient Elf tree.

This is a three-meter-high wooden cylinder. It is the heart of an ancient elf tree, which is equivalent to the human heart. The elf high priest knows what it means to dig it out with his own hands. The elf flying boat originally still had some vitality left. It quickly withered, and all the elves fell into sadness and confusion, because this was their only remaining faith.

Fortunately, the elf high priest stepped forward in time and used his own prestige as a guarantee. He claimed that he felt a goddess' pity for them after arriving here. If they were pious enough, they might be protected by this goddess.

At this time, the elves had lost their faith goals and were in a special period of confusion in their lives, so they were slowly attracted to the goddess described by the high priest of the elves.

This is a goddess who represents spring. She will bring us new vitality, making us grow stronger and more prosperous like the vegetation that sprouts in spring. The elf high priest cheered up and worked hard to promote the goddess of spring, and It was decided to hold a sacrifice for the Goddess of Spring half a month later, and invited the nearby lizard people to participate.

The Lizardmen are no strangers to the goddess of spring, because after learning farming, they hold a spring festival every spring to worship the goddess of spring.

This is not surprising, even lizard people will worship the Cat Goddess or other gods at home, but this does not affect the lizard people's belief in the Dragon Mother. Obviously, the empire's allowed multi-faith has affected the lizard people.

After understanding this, the Elf High Priest is always a little uncomfortable, because whether it is the Elf Kingdom or the Elf Empire, even if they believe in the gods of the same Elf God System, believers will not believe in each other's gods, and are even regarded as great avoid.

However, the relaxed belief environment is a good thing for the elves who are outsiders. However, the elf high priest did not relax because of this. Instead, he was more actively preparing to seize this opportunity. The hundred elf boys and girls who were not sent out also became He became the main force in this sacrifice and studied the hymns of gods and the dances of sacrifices seriously.

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