Feeling the despair that had spread into the subspace, Shu Liya nodded with satisfaction.

She is not the one who was taken advantage of, and the word kindness has nothing to do with her, so if you want to scheme against her, you must pay the price, not to mention that there is no better deal than saving the desperate.

Release the Void Wanderers to clean up the orcs and prepare to join the gang war. Shu Liya knew that the elves could not suffer too many casualties, otherwise the battle would be meaningless, so she ordered an attack.

The Silver Shield's weapons were too lethal and were not suitable for clearing out the orcs climbing on the surface of the Elven Ship, so dozens of Void Wanderer drones were released.

The Void Wanderer is a general-purpose drone equipped with the Silver Shield. It is divided into maintenance, collection, exploration, combat and other models. It folds the fuselage and unfolds like a mechanical bat. There are two mechanical claws under the abdomen, which can be transformed into Weapons or repair tools, the ones released at this time are naturally combat-type.

The Void Wanderer, which spreads its wings like a mechanical bat, is not very fast, but very flexible. After approaching the elf spaceship, the two thermal energy pods under the belly of the aircraft continuously release thermal energy rays.

Thermal energy rays have a relatively short range because they are severely disabled in the void and are far less powerful than live ammunition weapons.

However, the Void Wanderer is not large, and if it uses a live weapon such as a bolter, it will be blown around by the recoil.

In order to ensure sufficient lethality, the Void Wanderer tried to get as close as possible to the elf ship and accurately shot the orcs.

Under the power of the heat ray, the skin was as rough as an orc's and the flesh was as thick as an orc's. If it was touched, the skin would be charred and the flesh would be rotten, making it scream and scream.

But they haven't been able to hide yet. After all, they are hanging on the outer wall of the elf flying boat, and there is void all around them. How can they hide?

The orcs, who exuded a burning stench, tried their best to hack at the walls of the elf spacecraft, and some tried to kill the strange flying objects with flying axes. Unfortunately, the void wanderers were extremely flexible and were occasionally hit, because the orcs had no point of exertion and the void. Problems such as stalling will at best result in damage, not complete destruction.

The orc was already out of shape, and was hung on the outer wall of the elf ship, unable to move forward or retreat. He was burned through his body, and his stomach was steaming with the smell of water heated by a microwave. He was eventually buried in the void and became a substance floating in the void waiting to be decomposed.

After clearing an area on the wall of the Elf spaceship, four hook locks were ejected from the Silver Shield's hatch and inserted deeply into the hull. Then the Void Rover popped out a circular saw and began to cut the outer wall of the Elf spaceship, waiting for one to be opened. Behind the cave, the Warhammer soldiers who had been waiting for a long time put on their full-coverage helmets, activated the internal life-support system, and then hung on the hook lock. The jets behind them pushed them into the elf spaceship.

As soon as they stepped into the elf flying boat, the Warhammer soldiers were attacked by three parties. However, the elves soon received the order that the other party was a friendly force, so they became Warhammer soldiers and joined the elves to deal with the orcs and dark elves.

The warhammer soldiers wearing simplified power armor raised their mortal bolt guns and did not disperse. Instead, groups of three or five continued to advance along the complex environment inside the elf ship, clearing the enemies on the elf ship quite efficiently.

Although it is a mortal version of the bolt gun, the lethality is still sufficient. Even if the violent orcs face the explosive bombs with extremely deadly rate of fire and power, the thick flesh and blood will be blown away, the bones will be broken, the internal organs will be shattered, and the blood will spatter. Only the dark elves were too difficult to deal with, and this was mainly related to the complex environment inside the elf ship.

As an ancient elf tree, you cannot expect this thing to be able to grow horizontal and vertical passages and cabins. Here, there are branches and leaves everywhere, which is an advantage for the elves and can effectively resist invading enemies, but for For dark elves, it is also an advantage.

These assassins in the darkness are proficient in stealth and hiding. If you are not careful, the sharp blades thrust out from the shadows will take away the lives of the Warhammer soldiers. No matter how vigilant you are, it will be useless.

Although the warhammer soldiers have been strengthened, the dark elves' sharp blades not only smear the poison that seals the throat with blood, but also add the curse of absorbing life and annihilating the soul. Once stabbed, the flesh and blood will wither in a large area, and the soul will dissipate, even if the gods' No believer is immune.

Fortunately, the Warhammer soldiers had all been exposed to psychic energy. Under the protection of psychic energy, their souls returned safely to the Kingdom of God. However, the heavy casualties also made Shu Liya's face look unhappy.

Although the Silver Shield sailed with a full load, in order to train more qualified personnel, there were only three people per post. As a result, only 300 Warhammer soldiers boarded the ship. Excluding the 100 people who stayed behind, 200 people entered the complex elf spaceship inside. It was really It is beyond our capabilities.

Let the Thunder Warriors dispatch. Shu Liya wanted to take charge of the Silver Shield, so she could only use the Thunder Warriors who should not be on the sailing list.

The Thunder Warrior, who was just taking precautions, silently picked up his weapon and jumped to help the elf flying boat.

These two-meter-tall steel warriors are far more powerful than Warhammer soldiers. Their thick, fully covered composite armor and steely faith make them fearless. Their roaring bolters and chainswords allow them to kill any enemy of the empire. Tear apart, even if he is as strong as an orc, he is as fragile as a half-moon lamb when facing a thunder warrior. A fist wrapped in thick alloy armor can dent an orc's skull with one punch, and his brains will spurt out from his ears and eyes.

The ultramarines carefully crafted by the empire may not be the strongest, but they are the most comprehensive. They may not be able to detect the dark elf assassins who hide their ignorance, but their flaws will be revealed as soon as they take action. Warhammer soldiers cannot catch them and cannot detect them. But to the Thunder Warriors, the sound was no less than the sound of a flash bomb.

Not only is his spiritual sense sharp, but his reaction and speed are also at superhuman level. With a wave of his backhand, before the buzzing sound of the chainsaw sword fell, the dark elf assassin who launched the fatal blow was turned into pieces, full of curses. The blood spilled on the ground, making a strong corrosive sound, but to the Thunder Warriors wearing high-quality mithril steel armor, it was as harmless as contaminated dewdrops.

After several contacts, the Thunder Warrior with strong psychic ability locked onto the spirit of the dark elf. He pointed his thick bolter to hit wherever he wanted, turning the dark elf hiding in the dark into pieces together with the surrounding coverings, greatly improving his ability. Improved cleaning efficiency.

As the number of orcs and dark elves decreased, the attitudes of the elves gradually became a little weird.

But the contract signed by Shu Liya used the ancient elven tree as the medium. Unless these elves were willing to be forced to believe in the ancient elven tree, they could not disobey it at all.

However, this also means that Shu Liya must save the ancient elven tree whose origin has been severely damaged, and this is also the purpose of the high priest.

He is not afraid of the elves being treated as slaves. As long as the ancient elf trees are still there, the future of the elves will still be there. As for the hardships they suffered during the period, the elf high priest does not care. He even personally selected a hundred elf girls and teenagers to use The nectar cleanses the body and the juice moistens the stomach, just to offer it to the savior.

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