When the Silver Shield passed through the meteorite belt and saw the target that was constantly sending magic messages to the outside world, it was surprised to find that it was a flying boat formed by an ancient elf tree.

This elven ancient tree airship uses a huge tree trunk as its keel, and its dense branches and leaves form a thick hull. Its huge roots emit a faint light of faith and turn into fuel to propel the airship forward in the void. It looks very magical.

What's even more magical is that the Elf Ship is now crawling with orcs. You must know that this is a void, no better than the vacuum environment of the universe.

But these rude orcs didn't care at all about the harsh environment they were in. They didn't even care about the thin air. They still roared and wielded their battle axes to hack at the outer walls of the elven spacecraft, trying to break in and crush the thin elves to death.

Although the outer wall of the elven airship is made of hardened branches and leaves that are comparable to steel, they are nothing to the brute strength of the orcs, and they are cut out one after another. The elven guards inside the airship are busy using arrows and spears to try to kill these intruders. Raging Orcs.

But the outer wall of the spaceship was covered with orcs, like lollipops that fell into an ant nest, and they couldn't be killed. The worst thing was that there was a dark elf spaceship chasing behind them.

The dark elves are the mortal enemies of the elves. The elves would rather be eaten by the orcs than fall into the hands of the dark elves. This is why they still send magical messages to the outside world despite knowing that there is little hope.

After seeing this scene clearly, Shu Liya frowned. The elf flying boat was several hundred meters long, including its height and width, enough to accommodate thousands of people. An opponent that could allow thousands of elves to escape was obviously extraordinary.

I wanted to leave, but I didn't expect the Elf Ship to fly towards the Silver Shield as if seeing a savior. This made Shu Liya feel unhappy.

She had been a pirate queen back then, so of course she knew the purpose of the merchant ship that encountered the pirates approaching other ships. When she was about to fire a cannon to let the other party know how powerful it was, she received a communication from the other party.

The magic projection unfolded in front of Shu Liya. An elf high priest who looked to be in his seventies or eighty years old was pleading and speaking very fast. In order to prevent her from not understanding the elf language, he even repeated it in several other widely circulated languages. Again.

In fact, Shu Liya understands Elvish, but she did not interrupt the other party, but fell into deep thought, because the contract in front of her made her a little excited.

Adjust the direction, speed up, and order the personnel in the turret to aim at the Dark Elf's spaceship and prepare to fire! Shu Liya finally made up her mind and gave the order at the same time.

It was originally a trial voyage, and fighting was also part of the trial voyage. What's more, she was still within the confines of subspace, so she had enough confidence to fight.

With the surge of power, the Silver Shield vibrated briefly, and soon rushed past the Elf spaceship towards the Dark Elf spaceship behind it under the strong push.

Compared to the elven football-like ancient tree spacecraft, the dark elves' spaceship is more compact in appearance. It uses a dead ancient elven tree as the keel, black thorns as the hull, countless skeletons as embellishments, and wailing souls as energy. The ship is apocalyptic, and much faster.

After judging the speed of the dark elf spaceship, Shu Liya frowned, but did not say anything, but asked the soldiers to prepare for battle.

As the Silver Shield approached, the dark elves also discovered the intruder and immediately raised the alarm.

Unlike the completely sealed Silver Shield, both the Elf Spaceship and the Dark Elf Spaceship are similar to deformed sailing ships, retaining a deck. This is mainly because they use the origin contained in the spacecraft to form a protective film that imitates the plane wall. As long as the protective film If it doesn't disappear, a normal living environment can be maintained inside. This is why the orcs can lie on the elf flying boat.

At this time, the dark elves who gathered on the deck and were about to jump to the elf flying boat did not panic after hearing the alarm. Instead, they immediately pushed the wailing ballista onto the deck.

As its name suggests, the Wailing Ballista is made of skinned elves and twisted flesh. You can see the twisted crossbow arms of four elves screaming in pain as the white bone gears rotate and stretch the muscles, because under the evil magic , these elves who were used as materials are still alive.

The dark elves, who have long been accustomed to the ubiquitous wailing on the ship, placed the crossbow arrows made of polished spines. This kind of spinal crossbow bolts connected to the skull is not very lethal physically, but the power of the curse can easily swallow up lives, even for dragons with high magic resistance. After one shot, the large dragon scales will dry up and fall off due to loss of luster, and the muscles underneath will shrink due to loss of vitality. This has a miraculous effect on the elves' ancient tree flying boats. Unfortunately, the dark elves encountered silver this time. Shield number.

A dozen wailing crossbow bolts hit the outer armor of the Silver Shield, leaving only brilliant fluorescence and broken bones. The thick armor was unscathed, and the curse that could have penetrated was also protected by the inner double layer of magic and psychic energy. Tear it to pieces and annihilate it, with no impact on the interior.

Fire! Shu Liya, who was very satisfied with the Silver Shield's defense, ordered all the main guns to fire without hesitation.

The special environment of the void makes resistance almost non-existent, but the trajectory is easily affected and deflected. For this reason, the cannonballs used by the Silver Shield are longer than ordinary cannonballs, and the tail is similar to a rocket, which can modify the trajectory. Therefore, even if the dark elf is in trouble, The spacecraft tried to evade and was hit one after another. Suddenly the deck collapsed and the ship walls shattered. After the protective film was broken, the dark elves and items in the cabin were sucked into the void.

After a salvo, a powerful airflow spewed out from the back of the Silver Shield's turret and spacecraft. It was the high-pressure gas generated by the artillery launch. It was guided and sprayed out to offset the impact of the launch. Otherwise, the Silver Shield would probably roll. More powerful than a washing machine.

Because the Silver Shield needed to stabilize its hull, the heavily damaged Dark Elf spacecraft flew in the direction of the Elf spaceship desperately.

Shu Liya smiled slightly and did not stop her. Instead, she ordered to change direction and use secondary guns to continuously weaken the dark elves. It was not until the dark elf spaceship plunged headlong into the elf spaceship that she ordered to slow down and prepare for a gang fight.

At the core of the Elf Ship, the Elf High Priest appears to be getting older and older, because his life is bound to this ancient Elf tree, and in order to travel to a new plane, the Ancient Elf tree has consumed a lot of its essence, causing his Most of their life force was burned, but they didn't expect that the plane was occupied by a group of orcs, causing them to be forced to escape urgently, so their already weak source was reduced a lot again.

To make matters worse, they were also targeted by a group of dark elves, and the high priest had to continue to burn his little source to try to get out of the predicament.

Even though the ancient elf tree is the totem of the elf and can accommodate thousands of years of accumulated faith, it is not a god after all and cannot convert faith into divine power. Therefore, the utilization rate is very low. It is no longer easy to support so many elves. Think about it. It is too difficult to reach the next safe plane safely, so we will only venture closer after encountering the Silver Shield.

But the suffering is not over yet. The sinful dark elves have also boarded the airship and are killing continuously while robbing the souls of the elves. This makes the elf high priest who is kneeling in front of the statue and has a bit of death energy in his body pray in pain. Divine protection.

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