Alas~ Demon Owen let out a long sigh. His expectations seemed to be dashed.

The Academy City has been sleeping for a hundred years, but time has only been disturbed and has not disappeared. Therefore, once the Law of Chaos as a barrier disappears, the late time will immediately catch up. In other words, the Academy City will spend a hundred years at once. By then, except for a few Legends with long lifespans and some special races are almost all dead, and their corpses are everywhere on the spot.

Although the buildings, materials, and specially treated books can be preserved, losing most of the professors and students will still cause the college city to lose most of its value.

Demon Owen was silent for a moment, and after contacting his true form, he changed his decision and pulled Academy City into the subspace.

The subspace is above all the laws of the material world and is self-contained. It can even reverse time, space and life and death. Anyway, I have never heard of subspace demons who grow old and die, so as long as the academy city is pulled into the subspace, all problems will disappear. is the problem.

The problem now is that once the academy city becomes subspace, it will not be that easy to enter the material world again.

However, compared to turning into bones in sleep, they are probably still willing to go to the subspace. At worst, they can just die if they want.

Thinking of this, Demon Owen guided the increasingly turbulent spiritual energy to impact the Academy City, decomposing and swallowing the laws of chaos, and absorbing the turbulence of time and space. The Academy City naturally also suffered the assimilation of spiritual energy and gradually moved closer to the subspace.

But the demon Owen, who was focused on inducing psychic energy to infect the college city, did not notice that the center of the earth beneath the college city was also contaminated by spiritual energy.

Maybe he noticed it but didn't care. After all, the main world is about to be destroyed. Who cares about this little thing.

When the academy city infected by psychic energy was attracted by the subspace and thrown into it, the center of the earth that had been oppressed by the teleported academy city for hundreds of years rebounded instantly, and the demon Owen who was finishing his work was ejected from the underground world.

For the demon Owen who had achieved his goal, there was no need to stay any longer, so he simply left. Therefore, he did not find that the state of the center of the earth was wrong, nor did he find that the evil empire had discovered a way to go deeper underground during the recent shock. crack.

The vibrations in the core of the earth spread to the surface. In the following time, there were continuous large and small earthquakes, which seriously affected production and life, but had no impact on fighting and killing. The people who deserved to be killed were still killing, and the damned could not survive, no matter what Neither the orcs nor the dark elves who are being hunted by the territorial elves have any intention of stopping.

In the midst of the chaos, because of the perfect system, efficient operations, and strong power, Beidi was not greatly affected and still implemented the final plan step by step.

Especially with the addition of the subspace academy city, the completion speed of the final plan has more than doubled.

Now the scientific research center is mainly responsible for the integration of technology and magic, while the subspace academy city is responsible for providing information and improving the basics.

With thousands of scholars and legal professionals in the academy city, as well as thousands of years of accumulated knowledge and technology, it saves a lot of time in the scientific research center. Many new technologies have been perfected more than once when they first appeared, so the final plan was implemented. It went very smoothly. Tens of millions of people migrated to the mountain plane. At the same time, the transformation of the mountain plane continued to prepare for accommodating more people.

The borders of the main world are collapsing, the oceans are seriously polluted, and the earth is cracking. Time is running out. Maya stood on the World Tree, raising her head and reporting to Owen, who had transformed into subspace.

Owen's true form has not appeared in these years, because he has to preside over the integration of subspace and the Kingdom of God, and the excessive workload has taken up almost all of his energy. Now that the collapse of the main world is imminent, Maya has to come to remind him.

Accelerate the population migration and start the bundling plan. Owen's body used a little energy to reply to Maya.

This is enough, the final plan is about to enter its final stage, and they are all ready.

At this time, the main world fell into a strange calm. Humans, orcs, and dark elves all contracted their power and began to prepare for the final carnival.

Although the war disappeared, the bells of destruction did not stop. On the contrary, the earth cracked open in the continuous vibrations, and the cracks extending to the end of the world divided the main world wantonly. Even the ocean battle was not spared, and the cracks swallowed countless lives.

Now the earth in the main world maintains its shape only by the gravity of the earth's center, but this cannot last long because the Fel Empire is trying to plunder more of the origin by dividing the earth's center.

After Ms. Mithril and An Qi noticed it, they decisively devoted their efforts to fight for the center of the earth, not caring whether the world would be destroyed early because the situation could not be worse than it is now.

The core of the earth is the heart of the earth. Its damage directly leads to the rupture of relevant laws, the loss of the origin, and the loss of gravity. Therefore, the earth is full of huge cracks like canyons. Now, as the situation becomes worse, these huge cracks are gradually connected to Together, the earth was completely torn apart.

The cracks spread to the sky, and the marks in the sky were nothing. As the sky goddess faintly heard the screams, the plane barrier was like a broken glass dome. The sun, moon and stars dissipated, the laws collapsed, and the wind of the void took the opportunity to invade. The main world Starting to collapse from the inside out, there is no hope anymore.

This time the Northland was not immune, but the territory that had been well prepared activated the temples all over the Northland. Countless faiths turned into chains under the condensation of holy objects, intertwined and tied together, forming a network of beliefs that enveloped the Northland.

The chain of faith is invisible, but as the divine power stored in the kingdom of God is released and poured into the faith network to form a divine power network, the interference with matter is formed.

Every temple is a nail, every holy object is an anchor point, countless beliefs form a network, and powerful divine power is poured into the material world, which has a huge impact on the Northland, making the broken earth prosper and let The shattered sky is stabilized again.

The many goddesses of the Northland pantheon are not idle either. They constantly seize the broken origin of the main world and pour it into the Northland. They thicken the foundation to keep the Northland intact. They also move the fragments of the plane wall to form a new location over the Northland. Facing the wall.

To put it simply, it means taking materials from the broken main world to build your own small plane.

It is not just the Northland pantheon that does this. In fact, the gods are just like having a final doomsday carnival, launching unscrupulous zero-dollar purchases in the main world. Countless laws are split, and the deep origins are plundered. In the wailing of all things, The gods plundered everything without mercy, just to build an ark that could be used to cross the void as their own shelter.

The Northern Gods, who had been prepared for a long time and had many gods, took advantage and made many gods jealous, but no one dared to provoke a God at this time, because they really have the energy to beat you, even if they can't beat you to death, they will. Your boat is overturned, and the world is completely destroyed, and you have nowhere to run.

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