Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 595 The Academy City in the Center of the Earth

Under the order of the Fel King, the Fel Empire launched Fel Ratmen and Fel Warlocks all over the main world to attack the Demon Leader, and they attacked without mercy, as if they had a life-and-death hatred.

The leader of the devil was stunned when he encountered an unreasonable disaster, but he had no scruples when he fought back. The two sides fought fiercely as soon as they came up. The fight was incomprehensible and the death was confused. However, the Evil King had no intention of explaining, and the Abyss Demon Mother also Didn't mean to ask.

It sounds incredible and unreasonable, but for the evil god, this is a normal reaction. If you hit, you will hit, if you kill, you will kill. There is no need to ask why until you are at a disadvantage.

When Demon Owen knew that the two sides were fighting, he was stunned for a moment, then silently stopped and walked away. This made the Evil King more sure that he had found the right murderer, so he invested more power, and the Abyss Demon Mother's counterattack became more intense.

However, the battle between the two sides did not cause any waves in the main world, because there is chaos and death everywhere now, and more fighting is nothing. Even the other two of the Four Evil Gods do not care about this, but take the opportunity to promote their own plans , and also took advantage of the situation to rob, so the melee between the two sides quickly evolved into a chaotic war among the four countries, and even involved many innocent forces.

Only then did Demon Owen understand that for the four evil gods, it didn't really matter who they fought. Expanding chaos, causing killings, and accelerating the end of the main world were their ultimate goals.

In any case, the purpose of Demon Owen's trip has been achieved, and Ms. Mithril also took the opportunity to seize the mining areas outside the Fel Empire and then increase the mining of underground minerals. This is the top priority for the territory.

Ms. Mithril, who knew the ultimate goal of the territory, immediately ordered the speed of mining to be accelerated after occupying the mining area. She must provide the territory with a large amount of high-quality rare minerals in the shortest possible time. However, a certain unexpected incident forced the mining to a halt. .

Mining in underground mining areas is not that easy. The biggest problem is environmental degradation and collapse that are prone to large-scale mining.

Large-scale excavation will damage the ecological environment. This is nothing on the surface. But in the underground world, if the environment within a certain range is completely destroyed, unless there is no need to breathe, it will be a no man's land.

This can be compensated for by magical plants, but collapse cannot.

There is no problem in digging a mine alone. However, with the mining, the mines gradually expand in all directions, just like the stones are corroded into honeycombs, and the ability to withstand pressure is naturally greatly reduced. However, before, the Evil Energy Empire exploded everywhere, resulting in many places. Geological deconstruction is damaged,

After Mithril City took over, they were not familiar with the new mining area. Coupled with the order to increase production, the mining area's upper limit was finally broken, causing widespread collapse and a bottomless crack.

If you want to resume production, you must detect the collapse, otherwise the entire mining area will be destroyed, so a team followed the cracks deep underground and found a city.

Who would have thought that Academy City would be teleported here. Demon Owen standing in the space mezzanine said with a complicated expression, while Ms. Mithril next to her had the same expression, and even had deeper emotions.

As the last princess of the empire, she couldn't help but feel emotional when she saw the academy city that represented the empire's heyday again. She had so many mixed feelings for a moment that she couldn't describe what she felt.

The empire has long since disappeared, and the identity of the princess has lost its meaning. Now she is just the lord of Mithril City and a goddess of the Northland pantheon.

What's the situation in the college city now? Ms. Mithril tried to sense the situation inside the college city, but all methods were blocked by the strange laws that shrouded the outside of the college city. It was like testing the air, and she didn't know what was going on inside. I don't even know if there are anyone alive.

It's a strange and familiar law, and it also smells of divinity. It seems that the foundation of the academy city is really deep, and it actually contains divinity. Demon Owen was not too surprised by this, even if the imperial capital fell, As a former imperial princess, Ms. Mithril only brought out part of her background, which was enough to support her in establishing Mithril City and becoming a god, let alone Academy City, which could almost be regarded as one of the two poles of the empire.

If it weren't for being trapped here, it would be a force that cannot be ignored.

You go back to resume production first. At the same time, call An Qi and ask her to preside over the Death Shadow Sect. There must be no chaos in the underground world. Leave this place to me. After carefully sensing, Demon Owen said to Ms. Mithril.

Ms. Mithril knew that Demon Owen was an avatar of the God King, so she did not refuse. She nodded and took back this incarnation and returned to Mithril City to take charge. At the same time, she applied for the assistance of Angel, the goddess of death, to guard against the red-eyed Evil Empire’s target. Place it in Mithril City.

Although he let Ms. Mithril go, Demon Owen actually had no good solution. This place was too deep and exceeded the scope of the subspace. He also used his authority to pull the subspace and forcibly sink to this location, and Can't last.

However, the expansion of the subspace has not stopped. He only needs to wait patiently for a while to cover this place. Only then will he truly crack the academy city.

Despite this, Demon Owen is not idle. He is trying to explore and analyze the state of the academy city, sensing the laws of chaos, and the familiar divinity.

The Academy City is now covered by chaotic laws and space-time turbulence, so it is completely independent from the main world. However, what really works is the hidden divinity of the Academy City, which belongs to the God of Reality and Illusion.

After confirming this, it is impossible for Owen to give up Academy City. Even if he now controls the subspace, the God of Reality and Illusion, a god who has long since fallen in the long river of time, is still of extremely high value to him.

As the subspace continued to approach the college city, Demon Owen began to use his psychic energy to continuously attack the chaotic laws covering the college city, just like washing away the spider webs stained on it, causing the entangled laws to gradually loosen, and some gaps appeared, allowing Psychic energy can penetrate.

With the continuous penetration of spiritual energy, and with the help of subspace control of spiritual energy, Demon Owen has been able to sense the internal situation.

Still alive. Demon Owen smiled, and became more motivated after sensing that the students and professors in the college city were just asleep due to the influence of the flow of time and space, and were still alive.

He was not happy to save people, but he knew how much wealth these people represented.

As the academic center of the empire, Academy City not only has the most cutting-edge and profound knowledge reserves, but also gathers the most knowledgeable professors and the most talented students in the entire empire. These are irreplaceable assets.

As long as the people and knowledge inside are obtained, the North will gain wings to soar.

Owen is still very self-aware. Regardless of the prevalence of guns in the main world now, it is actually just a slight improvement in gunpowder weapons. The essence has not changed much, especially in terms of alchemy and magic, which is actually a regression.

There was no way. After the empire collapsed, there was continuous division and chaos. There was no basis for concentrating resources and manpower for research. Therefore, there was no such thing as the Academy City. In addition, the empire collapsed suddenly and the Academy City disappeared. The inexplicable situation led to the loss of a large number of top researchers and data, especially in terms of accumulation, which caused heavy losses.

Therefore, if we can get countless outstanding scholars from the academy city and nearly a thousand years of accumulation, the territory can directly make up for its own shortcomings, and truly have the power to combine technology and magic to create miracles.

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