Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 597 The Void Drifting Journey

There was a dull loud noise, the gravity was completely out of control, and the entire main world expanded in a circle, but it was even more broken.

Feeling that the gravity of the earth is weakening, the gods know that the center of the earth is finished, and the time has come to leave this world that is about to be completely broken in the doomsday ark, because there is no need to consider the issue of gravity when leaving.

This is only for the gods, but it is a disaster for the life in the main world.

After losing gravity, not only was the air lost, but large fragments of the plane wall were also separated from the constraints of the main world and rolled into the void. More winds of the void took the opportunity to blow into the unresistant main world.

Countless lives on the surface are dissolved in the wind of void that can decompose everything. Whether you are hiding in a thatched house or a strong castle, the wind of void takes away all life, leaving only decaying dust, and even the bones are destroyed. break down.

As the gravity continues to weaken, the edges of the world that have long since collapsed are also breaking away from gravity. Hill-like fragments float towards the void. Due to the lack of original protection, they gradually collapse and dissipate, and finally disappear into the void, without any remaining traces. , the destruction of the main world has officially entered the final stage.

Ms. Mithril and Angel moved half of the center of the earth to the North, and activated the remaining origins of the main world to liquefy the earth. They took the opportunity to reorganize the underground world of the North and reorganized it with the underground city under the North City as the core. Various treasures were included in it. Minerals are piled around like money.

Other goddesses also went to help, and managed to finish before the edge of collapse spread to the Northland. Then in a long and terrifying roar, huge cracks opened around the territory, and the Northland began to separate from the main world.

The northern land with a radius of thousands of miles is huge, and it is not easy to maintain it intact. If it were not for the network of temples spread across the territory, allowing divine power to bind the earth, and the goddesses are constantly repairing the plane walls above the northern land, they would have exploded long ago. opened.

Knowing that this could not last forever, Owen, who was in the subspace, immediately controlled his spiritual energy to pull the North Land, which had separated from the main world, to drift toward the mountains plane. He also adjusted the angle so that the North Land flipped up and down so that it faced the mountains plane from bottom to bottom. catch.

This is no different from holding a large chicken upside down. Fortunately, half of the earth's center maintains the basic gravity of the north and does not scatter into the void. However, losses and casualties are inevitable.

Whether it is the plane of mountains or the Northland separated from the main world, they are giant objects with a radius of more than a thousand miles, but under the buffer of subspace, the two sides do not collide and always maintain a certain distance.

And this is just the beginning. If there is no next step, the two sides will eventually separate again or have a serious collision. Otherwise, it will be a mess.

Under Owen's control, the seeds of the world tree that had grown in the mountains stretched out countless roots, penetrated the earth and spread to the ground of the mountains, just like a potted plant pulled out of a flowerpot, with dense roots The beard hangs down into the void, and the way it opens its teeth and claws is very Crusu's style, but it is still a long way from the north, because the bottoms of the two are not flat, how can the fencing accommodate each other.

At this time, the Slime Queen moved her huge body to reveal herself. Even the void was unable to deal with such a huge giant. For the first time, the Slime Queen completely let go of her appetite, devouring countless earth and stones, repairing uneven places, and secreting some powerful energy at the same time. The super sticky and strong substance bonds the two sides together, making it easier for the roots of the World Tree seeds to take root.

But this is only the surface. When the incomplete earth core that plundered the autonomous world merges with the original heart of the mountain plane under the guidance of the World Tree seeds to form a new core, the two planes can truly become one. This is the new dimension imagined by Owen.

The plane is flat, and the larger the area, the greater the girth, like an upside-down glass bowl.

What he has to do now is to turn the glass bowl into a glass ball. In this way, the circumference remains unchanged but the area doubles. After perfecting the cycle of the sun and the moon, a pseudo planet will be formed.

In this way, not only doubling the usable area, but also adding a thicker underground world, it is enough to accommodate several times the number of lives. This is the goal of the final plan and the bundled plan.

But now is not the time to continue improving. After it is basically stable, Owen immediately sets off a subspace storm, blowing the new plane away from the scope of the main world.

Now the main world is still expanding, because there are more and more cracks inside, and more and more laws and origins are leaked. However, rational gods have begun to stay away, such as the noble goddess. Her kingdom has absorbed a large number of people from the main world. The laws and origins of extraction, as well as a large number of people, are the necessities for crossing the void and the capital for her comeback.

But there are more irrational ones, such as the four evil gods. They have long been addicted to the final carnival of world destruction. Destruction and death release a large number of souls, blood and despair. These are the roots of their power, not to mention the leakage of the main world. The rich laws and origins, and one bite can save them hundreds of years of accumulation. Who is willing to give up, let alone those who are competing with them, such as orcs and dark elves, so they are even more reluctant to leave.

But the last moment came. Because the laws were broken and the origin was missing, the main world was finally unable to maintain its own excessive quality. The mutual repulsion caused the main world to completely explode. Countless fragments were shot into the void like cannonballs, leaving only a few Wherever the wreckage is floating, it proves that there was originally a beautiful and powerful main plane here.

The unlucky Four Evil Gods did not have time to escape, and suffered heavy losses. They were also entangled by the dark elves driving the spaceship. The orcs also used the plane fragments to roar, trying to rush into the Kingdom of the Four Evil Gods, leaving the Four Evil Gods like rotten flesh attracting flies. They all looked very embarrassed.

Anyway, the void drifting journey has begun.

At this time, Owen was controlling the World Tree to digest the plundered laws and origins, but he himself was simply too busy, so he decided to become a god again so that he could control the growing power and resources.

First of all, he is himself. His main body is the master of subspace. Any priesthood and divinity are meaningless to him, but the clone can bring him more insights. Therefore, in addition to the demon Owen, he also separated the ancient sages. Erwin, the former understands life, and the latter understands laws.

Then came the death group headed by An Qi. Even though the Northland successfully separated from the main world and formed a new dimension, the death toll in the territory alone was actually as high as one million. This was because most of the population had been moved to the group in advance. The mountain plane and being fully prepared.

This is true in the Northland, and one can imagine the situation outside the Northland.

Those who are not qualified but believe in the North God system will have their souls returned to Owen's kingdom after death, and this group of people numbers in the tens of millions.

If Owen hadn't integrated the Kingdom of God into the subspace and put the newly arrived undead into a deep sleep, everything would have been in chaos, so the death team was arranged as soon as possible.

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