Panic, fear, despair, it's such a wonderful taste. The demon Owen, who was sitting cross-legged on the mezzanine of the space and holding up a space to make soup, raised his head and felt the breath of fear collected by the demon green land. He took a deep breath first, and then felt satisfied. He nodded, grabbed it casually, and the negative emotions turned into condiments and sprinkled them into the soup.

These seasonings cannot increase the nutrition of the soup, but can bring more despair to the infected person, and then more negative emotions will return.

The new soup was brewed, and Demon Owen happily distributed it to the eager garden demons. After drinking it, they became more energetic, with thick moss and colorful mushrooms growing all over their bodies. The footsteps continue to spread deadly spores and tenacious fungi to the surroundings, like a moving source of infection.

The effect would be better if they died, because the flesh and blood of dead garden demons would become the most nutritious soil and breed more plants and microorganisms. The larger and greener demon green space would contaminate a larger area and spread more targeted viruses. Disease and plague take away all the vitality, soul and despair that do not belong to the garden, becoming new materials in the soup pot.

As long as the process is not interrupted, Demon Owen can continue until the end of the world, and this is the authority he holds now.

In the new Fel Empire deep underground, the Green Spot Curse is spreading. Tens of thousands of Fel Ratmen are like rats with mold spots, lying on the ground and wailing softly. Some are so severe that they are almost like whole rats. It is almost covered with moss, there are green threads in the eyeballs, and hyphae are sprouting out of the orifices all over the body.

If the symptoms are mild, the infected area will be scratched repeatedly. The thick moss will be scratched. The skin, which is like a sponge and is pricked by roots, is extremely soft. It will be torn apart with a slight scratch, revealing the bright red flesh and blood underneath. But under the broken After the skin and torn moss fragments fell on the flesh, a new layer of infection appeared again, and it continued to deepen.

The belly of some ratmen was infected and rotten, and their green intestines were bulging out. The smell of putrid internal organs mixed with the smell of moss was very strange, but no one had the energy to think about this anymore.

The sweating fel warlock is busy cooking a fel soup. This fel-rich soup can effectively remove curses and kill green spot infections.

However, the Fel Ratmen are just more friendly under the long-term influence of Fel Energy and will not lose themselves easily. This does not mean that they can withstand more Fel Energy. Otherwise, the Fel Energy Empire would have been full of Fel Energy Warlocks. .

In this case, drinking too much Fel Energy soup is no different from drinking poison to quench thirst, but they have no choice now. If they don't think of a way, the entire Fel Energy Empire will be dyed green.

The evil warlock in charge of feeding the soup frowned and observed the situation after one sip. If the symptoms were relatively mild, two or three sips would kill the extremely tenacious green-spot fungus. The moss would dry up and fall off, revealing bright red and bleeding flesh.

Those with severe symptoms would die from the excessive concentration of evil energy before all the green spots were killed. For this reason, some evil ratmen had to cut off the parts still stained with green spots when they were close to the upper limit of their tolerance.

The head must not be seen, and there is nothing that can be done about the limbs. The strong evil rat man holding a bone chopping knife, wearing a gas mask and a full set of protective clothing, first used a wooden board as a cushion, and then raised the knife and dropped it with a crisp sound, Then, with feeble wailing, the severed limbs were thrown into the storage bucket, waiting to be destroyed.

Some of them just peeled off the skin and dug out the flesh from their bodies. Whether they could survive or not, they had to leave it to fate. Anyway, the evil rat people didn't have any effective treatment methods, so they were wailing all over the place for a while. The firearm-wielding rat-men wore gas masks and used evil flames to turn their dead members and limbs into ashes. However, the despair did not disappear, but instead continued to spread.

The Fel Rat Corps are trying their best to stop those garden demons who are humming songs and running to die, but it's useless. The flesh and blood of those terrible demons are like fungal aggregates, and they will continue to grow even if they are contaminated on the Fel Tank. The fast armor became crispy, mushrooms grew out of the gun barrels, the tracks were covered with vines, and the driver inside also became a new parasite.

If the garden demon can still be stopped by sacrifice, then those strange demon dogs that let loose their joy are unstoppable in their spread and destruction.

It runs so fast that it is impossible to catch it, and it has a special liking for destroying buildings, and its efficiency is amazing. Even if it never harms the rat people, it still causes serious losses to the Fel Empire.

What's even worse is that where these demon dogs poop and urinate, various colorful mushrooms will grow. These mushrooms are not poisonous, but they will corrode buildings, and the spores they spread will drive the evil ratmen into madness and collapse. In emotion.

Under successive attacks, the evil rat-men were forced to give up a lot of territory and even blew up many roads. However, it was useless. These demons always appeared suddenly, causing the evil rat-men to collapse abnormally and had to seek help. Their king is also their god, the Evil King.

The Fel Ratmen and the Fel Empire are the foundation of the Fel King. Even if it now becomes one of the Four Evil Gods, it cannot be ignored, so it immediately spares some of its energy. After all, the existence of the Fel Empire is also related to its future plans. .

Promoting the end of the world does not mean dying along with it. In fact, the evil king's plan is to take the opportunity to plunder more origins, and then seize a fragment of the plane to escape from here. Therefore, the evil empire must not allow any losses, otherwise it will only be left with a polished commander. , the four evil gods must eliminate it.

The Evil King who made such a decision was not an exception. In fact, after the alliance became a joke to the outside world, fleeing had become the plan of most gods, because no one wanted to die with the main world, and Owen was no exception.

But you can't escape empty-handed, otherwise you have to go through a long road to the void, so every god needs more believers to plunder more resources. This is why the Evil King pays attention to the Evil Empire.

In fact, each of the four evil gods has its own believers and base, and each has its own ideas and interests. However, due to premature birth, the four of them had to be tied together to stabilize their positions, but you have to say that they work together to externally , purely a joke.

The Evil King knew what was happening as soon as he arrived in the Evil Empire, because God knows everything.

In fact, it is because the minds and souls of believers are open to gods. How could the evil king not know what happened when there are no secrets.

But the Evil King did not doubt the territory, nor did he doubt the Northland pantheon.

Although the hatred between the two sides is as deep as the sea, the Evil King still knows something about the Northland God System. It belongs to the neutral and lawful order and has nothing to do with the chaotic and evil demons. Therefore, it immediately pointed the finger at the four evil gods. One of them is the Abyss Demon Mother, who is the leader of the largest demon warlock organization in the main world.

So when the Evil King heard that it was related to the devil, he immediately suspected the Abyss Demon Mother.

As for the reason, as a chaotic and evil evil god, there is no need for a reason at all. Just like when it was clear that they should unite to fight external threats, they not only took advantage of the situation, but also acted as a guide.

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