According to the collected intelligence, it is speculated that after the dark elves dismembered the Kingdom of Yum, the next target is the Northland. The purpose is to cause a wider range of chaos in the shortest possible time and accelerate the end of the main world. Sam Yi said. The minister of Root came to report the situation to Maya in person, which shows how much he values ​​the dark elves.

There is a reason for this. Even though less than a thousand people have died at the hands of the dark elves now, the damage caused is not inferior to those of the crazy orcs. It can be seen that they are powerful. This is a completely different enemy.

How much do you know about the situation of the dark elves now? Putting down the document in her hand, Maya listened intently to Samyi's next explanation.

The sources of intelligence are divided into two parts. One part comes from the outside world. It is obtained through the master and outsiders. It is known that the dark elves are a special race that wanders in the void in clan units. It is very dangerous in terms of existence and purpose. Even if he has seen too much darkness. It was also difficult for Samyi to understand the thinking of the dark elves.

Although the dark elves wander in the void all year round, they are not bad at strength and often conquer certain planes.

But the dark elves did not occupy these planes. Instead, after extracting part of their value, they destroyed them without hesitation.

Because the ultimate goal of the dark elves is to destroy the material world and return to eternal darkness.

Dark elves believe in darkness. We are not sure whether it is an ancient god or some kind of phenomenon. We only know that dark elves do not think darkness is a god. Therefore, they are not opposed to sacrificing to other gods. Instead, they are quite keen on torturing them. , slaughter and destroy, please those evil gods in exchange for power, so they have a very bad reputation, worse than the orcs. Samyi continued.

Because they are cruel and murderous and never leave anyone alive, the outside world does not know much about the dark elves in detail. It will take some time to find more reliable sources of information. Therefore, I arranged several arrest operations at the root. Successfully captured a few dark elves. Samyi frowned slightly, obviously what happened next was not going well.

But after finding that they could not escape, these dark elves under control died quickly, without even leaving their souls. It is obvious that the other party has mastered some extremely clever and secret means of suicide or escape. Samyi did not mention it. Physical death is regarded as real death, so it is said.

It is obviously a serious dereliction of duty to seize a living person and let the other party commit suicide. However, Maya does not think there is anything wrong with Samyi, because she knows very well that the roots are never a soft-hearted place. It is just the simplest thing to seize the living person and twist the limbs. There is no shortage of methods and various seals targeting the five senses, spirit and soul.

These methods are enough to turn the legend into a soft-footed shrimp, and even the demigods have to take a breath. This is the ultimate that mortals can achieve.

In this case, the other party succeeded in committing suicide. It was obviously not an ordinary method. Nine times out of ten, it was related to gods.

Since there has been a fight, what is the strength of the dark elves? Maya then asked, the gods will be responsible for the affairs of the gods. She now needs to know more information about the dark elves so that she can respond easily.

Very strong, powerful in all directions, with almost no shortcomings. Even if we fight only a few times, we can still give such an evaluation. It is completely different from the elves in the main world. Samyi sounded more serious, and then took out a thick A stack of relevant information.

Elves belong to an advanced race. Their appearance, lifespan, and talents are all enviable, and many nobles can only hope for them.

High elves, in particular, have greater advantages. They are naturally magical creatures. Their powerful magic and spirit make it easy for them to become druids or mages. Even becoming believers can provide more and better faith power.

Otherwise, how could the elves have such a great reputation, and how could the elves attract so many malicious eyes?

However, this natural advantage also limits the development of elves. Because there are almost no natural enemies and long lifespans, it is difficult for elves who love nature and pursue art to pursue power. Therefore, there is often nothing big after hundreds of years. The change is a complete waste.

The dark elves are different. They are cruel and have countless enemies. For this reason, they are more unscrupulous in pursuit of power. They will do anything as long as they can enhance their strength. This has led to the growing gap in strength between the elves and the dark elves.

There is evidence for this territory. Although the several dark elves captured at the root were dead, they were not delayed in exhuming them. After comparing them with the elves in the main world, we came to this conclusion.

The advantages and disadvantages of elves are very prominent, such as extraordinary flexibility and balance. Even a wood elf child without any training can run freely in the forest. If it were a human, it would have hit his head.

At the same time, outstanding eyesight and reaction also make every elf a natural marksman. Coupled with keen perception, if it were not for the naive character, there would be no elf slaves at all, because no human can sneak attack the vigilant elf.

However, the shortcomings of elves are also obvious. First of all, the muscles and bones of elves are not as strong as other races. At the same time, they do not like fighting. Their arrogant and naive character makes them easy to suffer in this regard. Once they trust others to get close or fall into a trap, a strong person will Any farmer can make a dozen half-blood elves.

The dark elves are different. The environment in which they grew up forces them to pursue power from an early age, so they will not waste their talents. They are more vigilant and vicious by nature and will not let down their guard at all.

Therefore, after a hundred years of brutal training, every dark elf is a qualified assassination master and weapons master. Not to mention farmers, even fully armed knights can be killed with bare hands.

But this did not make the dark elves feel the slightest sense of security, and they still pursued power pathologically.

During the autopsy, the territory found that the bones and muscles of the dark elves were three to five times stronger than those of the elves in the main world.

Even in this fantasy world, this huge intra-racial gap is still unscientific and extremely abnormal, because normal exercise cannot achieve this effect.

Sure enough, after more detailed inspection, traces of alchemical transformation and sacrificial strengthening were discovered.

This discovery not only proves that the dark elves are cruel to themselves, but also proves that the dark elves possess powerful human body modification and strengthening technology.

This is just the physical aspect. Although the Dark Elf's equipment looks mass-produced, it is very strange, or insidious, both in terms of materials and manufacturing process.

For example, the seemingly thin black tights feel smooth and delicate. If you look carefully, you can see dense magic patterns. It is a high-quality enchanted equipment.

With the blessing of magic patterns, this black tights not only provides plate armor-level defense, but also has the effects of invisibility, silence, and odor removal. It is the best equipment for assassins, but it only requires one raw material to make it. The spirit of rebirth.

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