From these seized equipment, researchers in the territory found evidence that proves the cruel side of the dark elves.

After testing, the researchers in the territory were surprised to find that these tight-fitting leather jackets were actually the skin of elves. No wonder it was so smooth and delicate, so close to the body, and could be easily enchanted.

However, after deducing the manufacturing process, it was discovered that it was not just a simple peeling. If it was just peeling, it could even be called mercy, because in order to truly complete this magic pattern leather jacket unique to the dark elves, it is necessary to process the semi-finished materials for a long time. Cruel torture, the longer the time, the more cruel the torture, the better the effect.

In order not to damage the skin, the torture can only be done internally, using a special agent that can slowly dissolve the muscles and internal organs, just like the prey that is slowly decomposed into juice by the venom injected by the spider. The whole process is painful and slow.

During this process, the dark elves will collect the fragments of the collapsed souls of the elves, rub them into this piece of equipment to serve as a source of magic power, and collect rich nerves to inlay them into magic patterns, so this piece of equipment can also repair itself, that is to say This equipment is alive.

This is just leather clothing, helmet weapons are even more cruel.

The helmet of the dark elf is made of the skull of the elf. In addition to protecting against light and other effects, it also seals the pitiful howl of the elf that penetrates into the soul. Even the hardened root ninja suffers a lot from this. If it were not for the root ninja, he would never act alone. , I’m afraid there has been attrition.

As for weapons, whether they are cold weapons or ray weapons like magic light guns, they all use parts and soul fragments from elves, all of which are dark, high-grade materials that have been tortured.

How much hatred do the dark elves have against the elves? Maya frowned and said incomprehensibly as she watched the territory deduce the process of making equipment by the dark elves.

I don't know. Regardless of dark elves or elves, the history is older than most gods, so there is not much information in this area that needs to be collected specifically. Sam has seen a lot of cruel things, such as the followers of the four evil gods. The means are not much inferior, so the equipment of the dark elves only focuses on its functions.

The master is about to build a new super army. This is a good opportunity. You can arrange it carefully and don't lose too much. After knowing this, Maya put it down and gave it to Samyi to handle, but still A word of advice.

They will be the master's sharpest blade in the dark. Samyi did not agree. Judging from her attitude, it was obvious that she had prepared a whole set of feasts.

There were so many things in Maya's hands, it would be good if she could spare some time to pay attention, so she didn't say much. After all, Samyi was the person in charge of this, and unless there was a big problem, she would not intervene easily.

After leaving the administrative center and following the secret passage into the underground city to return to the roots, Samyi's eyes began to fill with anticipation, because what she was about to see were the seeds sown by the master himself.

At this time, as the psychic channel opened, a special group of drow elves came to the dungeon and were looking around with innocent and curious eyes.

Their eyes are as innocent as those of children, but they have delicate looks that succubi envy, as well as tall figures and long blood-red hair.

But don't underestimate them. Just the two sharp blades with spiritual brilliance in the hands of these special drow elves are enough to prove their strength.

This group of drow elves feels both tempting and dangerous, like gorgeous statues stained with blood. They are the gene seeds that Owen sown in the dungeon. The Blood Witch has now grown up.

These drow elves with fragments of Owen's original gene have a growth rate that exceeds that of all elves, and have no shortcomings in strength, physique, agility, and spirit. They also have amazing talents, and each one has legendary potential.

The most elite ninjas in the root came out of the darkness and were a little surprised when faced with these beautiful drow elves who were nearly two meters tall. However, their eyes were still cold due to the habits they had developed over the years. According to the orders they received, they served each other for each other. Explain the enemies you need to face next.

However, not everyone had arrived yet, so both sides were waiting.

Not long after, the door to the Kingdom of God opened, and a group of special elves walked out from the garden at the bottom of the Kingdom of God. They were equally tall, but more toned, with obvious muscle outlines. Not only did they have sharp teeth and nails, It also has horns and a tail. It doesn't look like an elf at all, but it has a strong elf style that no one can mistake.

They are the survivors of the Elf Kingdom who were used as cannon fodder and fuel by the goddess of morning light. They have become members of the garden after being taken in by the demon Owen.

This is a group of carefully selected warriors who are proficient in various combat techniques and good at targeting demons. Because of their demonization and the blessing of their loving father, they have strong physical fitness and vitality, and they also master powerful magic.

After the three parties met, they arrived at the border through the underground railway, and then quietly sneaked into the chaotic Yum Kingdom to find the dark elves hidden in it.

At this time, after receiving the order from the main body, the demon Owen reluctantly put down the spoon and moved his increasingly fat butt to the dungeon, surrounded by many happy garden demons and watchdogs.

This incarnation is no longer as simple as a demon lord. He has transformed the entire abyss into a garden and has become an abyss lord, which means he has the level of a god in the Kingdom of God. Naturally, his true body cannot enter the main world.

However, after the subspace at this time began to merge with the Kingdom of God, its area more than doubled, and it already covered part of the main world. Therefore, although the demon Owen in the spiritual state was clumsy, he could safely walk in the gap between the subspace and the material world. , his huge body and terrifying power did not have any impact on the outside world. Instead, he had enough energy to protect the playful little guy around him, and quietly came to the underground world together.

The Ogre Dungeon is no longer what it used to be. It has now become the largest transfer station in the underground world and has become more formalized and urbanized.

Many businessmen now know that starting from Green Shade City and going straight along the Forest Avenue, it won't take long to reach the entrance to the Ogre Dungeon.

After paying a small fee, you can pass the checkpoint and follow the spacious road into the underground world.

After being widened by the cavemen, the road to the underground city is not narrow and can even accommodate three carriages traveling in parallel. In addition to the left and right lanes, there is also an emergency lane, so the road is very smooth and there will be no traffic jams.

In addition, the earth and stone mixed with water from the cave dwellers are very strong, like cement, which prevents rockfalls and collapses and reduces accidents.

At the same time, in addition to maintenance stations along the road, there are also patrol teams to maintain road safety so that merchants can arrive safely.

Various measures have made this road connecting the underground and the surface very prosperous. Every trade can earn ten times the profit. It is a well-deserved golden road.

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