Regardless of whether they are dark elves or drow, they are both names for the elves who have fallen into the darkness. There is no difference in essence, but the style of doing things is different.

As for why an elf as pure as a little white flower became corrupted and became so famous, there are too many reasons.

The most common ones are a wrong sacrifice or being targeted by an evil god. After all, the beautiful, elegant and talented elves are too tempting. Who can resist the temptation of letting them fall? Just like those in Japanese anime who encounter pornography. Same as Mao's wives.

Then there are natural and man-made disasters, such as the group of elves still in the garden.

It is common sense that the purer it is, the easier it is to be contaminated. How can elves be an exception? Even once they fall, the more noble they are, the more outrageous they are.

Therefore, it is too simple and easy to fall. If the elves were not famous for protecting their shortcomings, pure-blood elves would have become extinct long ago.

For example, drow, who could have imagined that an elf like a cold goddess would be addicted to physical pleasure and enjoyment after falling, and would also use the ability to reproduce as the right to rule, which would simply explode the outlook of the elf who has not yet fallen.

But this kind of thing is pretty good. Due to the unique matriarchal governance method of Drow, the size will not be too large. After all, the number of children it can give birth to is only three digits, and it is really impossible to give birth to a country.

After all, except for the drow mistress who is special and super fertile, the fertility of other drow elves is just like that. In addition, there is extreme inequality between men and women, and they are used to stabbing their own people in the back. The internal friction is serious, resulting in the family population not being able to increase at all. They can only maintain their rule by enslaving other races.

This kind of cruel ruling method both internally and externally is destined to make it difficult for Drow to grow because it can easily lead to collapse due to internal reasons.

Therefore, the drow can only rule an underground city and affect a surrounding area, and the harm will not expand.

The dark elves are different. They gather together as clans and are larger in size. Although they are equally cruel both internally and externally, they have the advantages of being well-organized, hierarchical, and obedient. Therefore, internal friction is less serious and their cohesion is stronger.

In addition, dark elves are extremely cruel by nature. In addition to their irresistible hobby of torturing life, they also like to obtain the power of evil gods through sacrifices.

Dark elves do not believe in gods. They believe in darkness itself. Therefore, they have no burden in exchange for power from any evil god who is willing to accept sacrifices. The ultimate goal is to plunge the entire material world into eternal darkness.

To achieve this goal, the easiest way is to destroy all planes. Therefore, the harm caused by the dark elves is far greater than that of the drow who stay underground and live in the meat and wine ponds, and are listed as key targets by Owen.

But this is not easy. Just like this group of dark elves, they rode the black spirit battleship across the void and sneaked into the main world silently. They killed everywhere without any fanfare, and did not even show the slightest trace. They were very professional in hiding. Get up, even if the territory was notified by Owen, the dark elf's foothold was not found.

It wasn't until something big happened that a trace of it was caught at the root and revealed.

A few days ago, the newly enthroned king of the Yum Kingdom and all his children and relatives who had the right to inherit were all killed in assassinations, and the methods were extremely cruel and full of sacrificial style.

Unbeknownst to others, the territory with more outside sources immediately suspected that this was the handiwork of the dark elves, but it was not yet certain, so it was decided to stay put to avoid alerting the enemy.

The newly completed ruler's pyramid of Yum Kingdom lost its spire just after it was formed, which immediately caused a huge shock.

Everyone can see that there is a problem here, but if there is a problem, the nobles who have just put down their knives and forks to have a meal will sprint towards the king's throne. As a result, the newly stabilized Yum Kingdom not only fell into chaos again, but also faintly There are signs of division.

When the Yum Kingdom was originally the Hundred Cities Alliance, although the structure was loose, the ruling class was flattened. Because every city lord had corresponding rights, although it was difficult to gather strength, it was also difficult for turmoil to destroy the entire alliance.

It’s different now. After the big fish eat the small fish, several powerful nobles have appeared in Yum Kingdom. To a certain extent, they can represent the entire kingdom, especially when the king and the entire royal family are all finished. No one can suppress their ambition.

So as long as they still have ambitions, the next war and turmoil will be inevitable.

This successful assassination was the work of the dark elves. They were keenly aware of the hidden dangers within the newly established Yum Kingdom, and went straight to the point, using the simplest method to cause huge turmoil. Only chaos could conceal their purpose.

Although this sword was cruel enough, it was not secretive enough. Many people saw that this was a conspiracy, an internal conflict that wanted to plunge the Yum Kingdom into chaos and make them kill each other.

But it’s useless to just see it. You don’t earn it, but others earn it. Everyone wants to be in a position, and no one wants to be stepped on. It’s that simple.

So even if they know that this is self-destruction, they can't stop, because if they stop now, they will definitely die first. Instead, they keep trying. Although they may not be able to have the last laugh, they will definitely not be the first to die.

It has to be said that the dark elves have reached a very deep level of grasp of human nature. They first assassinated all the royal families to provoke unrest, and then cleverly used assassinations or guidance to make the nobles who originally only planned to win the new king deeper and deeper. Yum The chaos within the country gradually expanded.

Every assassination and every guidance makes the situation worse and worse, taking one step further towards the cliff of destruction.

Even if some people want to compromise or withdraw, all escape routes are cut off by various accidents, forcing them to run wildly on the road to destruction, unable to stop at all.

Yum Kingdom is too close to the Northland, so all internal changes are grasped by the roots rooted here, and summarized and reported to the territory.

Owen never believed that the world was purely bright, nor did he believe that war was limited to frontal battlefields. Therefore, he created a secret guard based on ninjas from the beginning to prevent himself from being assassinated and to prepare for assassinating enemies in the future.

Later, characters from the Hokage series were summoned to establish the root, which was gradually improved and gradually became the dark blade guarding the territory.

Now coupled with the Holy Shield, the Hydra organization, and the Sisters, the terrifying strength of the dark side is not inferior to the military power of the territory.

Such a powerful force will naturally no longer be limited to defense, so the nearest Hundred Cities Alliance is deeply affected by it. Even the establishment of the Yum Victory Kingdom was promoted by the Northland, just because the territory needs a target to block the front.

Therefore, the chaos and self-destruction of Yum Kingdom is something that the Territory does not want to see, and it also means that the conflict between the Territory and the Dark Elves is unavoidable.

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