The psychic infection went smoothly, and it wasn't long before Emily also produced a machine spirit, but Owen knew that this was not universal.

Emily has no soul, and her body has been greatly modified. It's okay to say that she is a biochemical robot with human memories and ways of thinking, so she can generate a machine soul without any hindrance to replace the soul that has long since disappeared.

Brian simply turned himself into a non-human being. Only the brain with countless probes inserted into the hill-like machine aggregate is made of protein. Even when cleaning, people are afraid of accidentally flushing him into the toilet, so he can also produce a machine soul.

Apart from these two, Irving can't think of anyone else who has the conditions.

In any case, Owen's attempt was successful. It didn't take long for the two people's projections to appear in the subspace, and there was another shadow that was not solid enough. However, the potential was not inferior to the two, and it was even more strange, because it was Fire Queen.

As long as the shadow continues to solidify, both Emily and the Flame Queen will become subspace demons. Even if the body in the material world is destroyed, they will be reborn in the subspace and become truly immortal.

These are just some of the benefits. The biggest benefit is that after coming into contact with psychic energy and subspace, the relationship between Emily and Brian was opened up. The Flame Queen also broke the upper limit of artificial intelligence and saw a new world that had never been seen before. Out of endless inspiration.

Seeing the two people who were obsessed with studying the machine soul, Owen shook his head and said nothing. Anyway, the machine soul originated from subspace and was not afraid of losing control. This is why he gave the Flame Queen psychic seeds. This is an artificial intelligence, really. Condensed in subspace, they are probably existences such as electronic demons.

However, it was only then that Owen discovered that the proportion of negative energy in subspace was a bit too high, and it could easily arouse negative emotions in people's hearts, which could lead people to fall into madness. Even as the master, he could not guarantee that he would not be affected.

Moreover, the real subspace is not a pure aggregation of negative energy. In fact, emotions and negative energy are only part of the subspace, not all of it.

The early subspace should have been chaotic, just like the other side of the material world that had not solidified. Later, the emotions and souls of all living things penetrated into the subspace, causing pollution and solidification, and finally gave birth to the stubborn and unyielding being. Four hawkers, and countless evil gods and demons who are like scum.

So if Owen doesn't want his subspace future to become a cesspit, he must do something.

Owen didn't notice this before, because he was the incarnation of subspace. How could he feel that there was something wrong with him? Now he found out because he had just returned from the pure and pure spiritual sea of ​​Queen Slime. Therefore, Extraordinarily sharp, he discovered this hidden danger early.

When the subspace was first formed, too many negative energy things were added, such as the power of nightmares, the origin of the shadow of death, etc. In addition, the main world has been unstable recently, with countless casualties and injuries, and it has also fallen into endless chaos and endless negative energy. Energy and emotions poured into the subspace, and it was obvious that the positive and negative energies were completely out of balance, so Owen needed to add some positive energy to neutralize it.

The faith of the territory can provide considerable positive energy. After all, the happiness index is relatively high. Compared with the chaos of the outside world, the happiness suddenly explodes.

But it is not enough, it lacks the positive energy of its original nature.

Owen couldn't help but turn his attention to his own kingdom of God.

Integrating the kingdom of God into subspace and transforming the pantheon into subspace gods are all in Owen's future plans, and it is obvious that they need to be advanced now.

The Kingdom of Light is a positive energy, but it is too positive. It is a bit difficult to integrate with the current subspace, and you need to make an transition in the middle.

After thinking for a moment, Owen listed the order of fusion as follows: Kingdom of Eternal Night, Kingdom of Garden, Kingdom of Light, Kingdom of Purgatory, and the fusion was carried out in this order.

The essence of the Kingdom of Eternal Night is closest to the current attributes of subspace, but it is more inclined to tranquility, which is just used as a neutralizer.

After the Kingdom of Eternal Night serves as a buffer, then there is the Garden Kingdom, which although full of life and happiness, is essentially demonic.

Finally, the kingdom of light full of positive energy and the kingdom of purgatory are connected to complete the goal of perfecting the subspace.

As for why it is necessary to integrate the Kingdom of Purgatory, which is obviously also a gathering place of negative energy, just like the material world breeds the Hell Abyss, hell is a garbage recycling station, filtering impurities, reusing recyclable materials, extending the lifespan of the entire material world, and separating at the same time Hazardous substances are thrown into the abyss like a trash can to ensure the healthy growth of the material world, so Owen also needs a trash can.

The connection between the Kingdom of God and the subspace is going smoothly, and the roots of the World Tree are also spreading towards the subspace, stabilizing the chaotic spiritual energy in the subspace, and weaving new spiritual laws under the control of Owen, and therefore for a long time , it is difficult for him to interfere in matters in the material world.

Time always passes quickly when busy, and the void spaceship originating from other gods or forces finally arrived.

Owen, who was awakened, used subspace to cover up the Kingdom of God and the plane of the mountains, and then looked at these outsiders who were completely different from the rough orcs.

Compared with the powerful orcs, this fleet can be called a void spaceship. Each spaceship is hundreds of meters long, but the hull is too long and flat, and with the dark paint, it just follows the darkness. Like the dagger thrust out of the weapon, it is silent but quite deadly.

The method of invasion is also different. It is not like the orcs directly bursting out the remaining divine power and forcing it in, but inserting it blankly. The consciousness of the main world does not react much, let alone reject it.

Owen saw clearly that these black sword spaceships used the power of shadow to directly cross the plane wall, rather than colliding with the law barrier of the main world.

The main world is going to be in chaos again. Owen sighed, then withdrew his energy and concentrated on the subspace.

In fact, the main world has reached the extreme level of chaos, and the population continues to grow negatively. If this continues, destruction will be a foregone conclusion.

Under pressure from the outside world, the internal struggles of many forces began to subside. Although they did not reach the level of unity and unity, most of the forces were integrated and there was no longer internal friction.

This can be seen from the Hundred Cities Alliance's announcement of the founding of a country called the Yum Victory Kingdom.

But everyone knows this is a joke, because after some civil strife, the king had just ascended the throne, followed by a month-long canonization ceremony.

Under the banner of the king, the big lord annexed the surrounding small lords and re-divided the original territory. The only change was the need to pay tribute to the king.

From money to resources, from population to weapons, the king formed a huge army to deal with external threats.

In fact, it is still a change of soup but not medicine, except that there is an extra king in name, and then a game of big fish eating small fish is played in the name of the king to make up for the previous losses.

As for the overall interests, they need to fill their stomachs and treasury before they will consider it.

But this time the ones coming are not the orcs who only know how to go straight, but the dark elves who are more proficient in the art of destruction.

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