After giving Emily some authority over the World Tree and being able to mobilize a small amount of divinity with various attributes, Owen turned his attention to her again, hesitant to speak.

Emily is a pure unlucky person. She was born in a family of legendary mage. She has no shortage of talents. She is diligent and studious. Coupled with the teaching and heritage of her family, she became a legendary mage at a young age.

If everything goes well, in less than a hundred years, even if she cannot become a god, she may still be on the road to becoming a god. In fact, she has already seen the road to godhood.

Unfortunately, she was stabbed at the last moment, causing her soul to dissipate, leaving only the remaining living body and the memory in her brain, so her current state is very strange.

To the world before Owen, she was undoubtedly a normal person, able to run, jump, eat, drink, and think. But to the magical world, she was a living dead, more like a dead person than the undead, at least The dead still have souls.

Because she has no soul, Emily ceases to exist once her body dies or her brain is destroyed.

In order to ensure her survival and prevent accidents, Emily underwent extensive modifications to her body, implanted a large number of artificial organs, and turned herself into a biochemically modified person.

But this is still a temporary solution rather than a permanent solution. Even if she copies hundreds of clones through cloning technology, she cannot change the fact that she is a living dead.

Owen had earlier had the idea of ​​​​helping her solve the problem, but he could never find a clue, because her situation did not involve creating a blank soul.

Now that he has become the master of subspace, Owen is inspired, because he remembers that there is a special existence in the Warhammer world, the machine spirit.

Machine spirits are somewhat similar to the spirits in Eastern mythology. Not only plants and trees can become spirits, but also dead objects can become spirits, and even turn into human forms, such as Piba spirit, Shiji empress, and white bone spirit.

The Warhammer universe is not bad either, even a purely mechanical bolter has an organic soul, let alone a biochemically modified person like Emily.

I don't know if it will work, but at least there will be no harm, so after explaining the matter, Owen gave the psychic seeds to Emily.

Psionic energy is not picky, just like evil energy. It can infect even dead things, not to mention living things. It can even reverse life and death at high concentrations and make warships covered with biological organs, so the process of integrating psionic seeds is very smooth. .

After obtaining the psychic seeds, Emily put her hand on her heart, her expression a little confused, because the high-precision mechanical heart that she personally made and installed unexpectedly accelerated its beating frequency uncontrollably. This is completely abnormal.

With her ability, even if this heart beats for another hundred years, the frequency will still not change at all. So where does the change come from?

Seeing Emily's thoughtful expression, Owen was also observing her changes.

Owen didn't know how the machine soul came into being. He only knew that it had something to do with psychic energy and belief.

Overall, Emily is developing in a good direction, because everything is mechanical, and only change is the true meaning of life.

Seeing Emily who was about to conduct a disemboweling self-examination on herself, Owen shook his head and let her do it on her own.

Owen has not forgotten his first researcher, Brian.

Compared to Emily who wants to live a new life, Brian is more suitable for the cruel world of Warhammer because he has never stopped transforming himself and does not care about appearance at all, so in order to accommodate his increasingly larger body, he specially built I built a gear hall as my work place.

As for rest, as long as the nutrient solution can keep up, Brian, who has divided his brain into two hemispheres and can think in turn, doesn't need it at all.

But this is also what troubles him the most. From the original crawler trash can to the giant metal mountain that now occupies an area of ​​a football field, Brian still hasn't stopped transforming himself, but it's not technology that limits him now. Not the material, but the brain he is proud of.

No matter how much he is transformed, Brian still needs his brain to think and the brain as the residence of his soul. Therefore, he can connect countless devices to assist his brain in thinking, but he cannot abandon his brain. Once he does this, even himself There is no guarantee that the ability to think and create will be retained.

Owen walked slowly towards the gear hall. There were complex pipelines everywhere, as well as various types of maintenance robots and T800s responsible for guarding. They worked together to maintain the continuous operation of the huge and complex machinery in the gear hall, working hard and without complaint. Never stops.

As for why human workers or spirits are not used, it is because these maintenance and guard machines are all under Brian's control, which means that this is his mechanical field, which is precise and efficient, far better than flesh and blood bodies that have a certain chance of making mistakes.

Owen does not interfere with Brian's ideas and practices. As long as he does not break the bottom line, he will give some support. Otherwise, Brian's transformation would have been so smooth, and the Thunder Guards would have checked the water meter with a bolt gun. .

Arriving at the ten-meter-high metal gate inlaid with countless gears, Owen had not yet made a move. The heavy, huge and tightly fitting gears began to rotate. The gate slowly opened with a dull vibration, revealing countless pipelines and unknown machinery. Up the mountain of metal, this is Brian.

In order to maintain the operation of this huge body, countless pipelines are connected to it. Powerful magic power, high-voltage electricity and other energy sources flow through it, just like the blood vessels in the human body, transporting nutrients and allowing a large number of machines to operate for a long time.

The dull electronic sound sounded, and for the first time in nearly a century, Brian stopped all calculations and running experiments, woke up the sleeping other half of his brain, and greeted his God with a pious attitude.

The more he transformed himself, the more Brian felt his own shortcomings and limitations, and the more he was in awe of Owen, who was able to bring out countless knowledge and skills.

Curious about how far Brian could go in this way that was incompatible with the magical world, Owen also gave him psychic seeds and personally instilled psychic energy to help him render his huge body that had completely lost its human form.

Under the infusion of subspace psychic energy, the machinery that had become a part of Brian was roaring at full speed, even causing the entire gear hall to resonate.

For any machinery, full operation means higher wear and pressure, but the pleasant sound of the machine can be heard from the roar, and the machine is alive.

I didn't expect to see the joy of the machine soul so soon. Owen didn't know whether this was because of Brian's transformation of himself, or because he still retained his soul. The generation of the machine soul went smoothly beyond expectations.

I got a new life. For the first time, Brian felt the existence of his entire body not through data, as if he had truly transformed into this huge mechanical aggregate.

At the same time, the calculations that were originally limited by his brain continued to exceed the upper limit, and he felt full of vitality.

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