By gently tapping the rails and pipes, and through the sound, Heritage can determine what is normal and what is wrong. Therefore, it takes less time and is more efficient. Otherwise, he is just a worker and his salary can support a large family.

Watering and fertilizing the lanterns, replacing wearing parts, everything was in order, and we soon arrived at the first emergency shelter.

The underground city has designed and built many emergency shelters all over the place. Although some remote ones have never been used, they still need to be maintained regularly. If we wait until they are needed to use them, we don’t know how many people will die. , so no one dares to be careless in this regard.

Not to mention that many times, emergency shelters are also shelters for railway workers like them when they are in danger. Even for their own lives, no one is willing to be lazy in this regard.

Heritage firmly grasped the door handle like a steering wheel. After turning it once, the sealed door opened. Immediately, the backup power supply inside the shelter also started. The lights that came on smoothly proved that their efforts were not in vain.

Both are skilled workers and work together to check whether the equipment is operating normally and whether the emergency reserves are intact.

Damn it, something is invading! Peter's urgent yelling made Heritage, who was lubricating the bearings, immediately throw away the tools in his hand, pull out his revolver and quickly walk over to fight Peter.

On the wall on one side of the water purification workshop, a large hole was opened in the thick cement wall. Peter was pointing a gun at the hole and looking to the left and right with vigilance. His forehead was sweating because he didn't know where the intruder was. .

The invasion of underground creatures is nothing new for dungeons. Most of the invading creatures are very weak and are quickly eliminated by the dungeon's immune system, vipers and slimes. Not even the scum is left, and the powerful ones cannot escape. A hunting team composed of T600s.

However, the underground city is so large that it is inevitable that fish will slip through the net, especially in the underground transportation network where there are usually few people.

The accident that Heritage and Peter hate the most is encountering intruders, because if you are not careful, you can really die.

With a solemn expression, Heritage gestured to the size of the hole, checked to see if there were any remaining hair and scales, and finally found a thick, short black hair.

It's the black-backed rat-man. Hairide's face looked a little ugly. This was not the first time he encountered the black-backed rat-man. Some of his co-workers were even killed or injured at the hands of the black-backed rat-man. As for the news he had heard, there was even more news, so he immediately Get nervous.

The black-backed rat-men originally lived in the underground ruins of Green Shade City. They were later driven out and multiplied rapidly in the Devil's Horn Forest. Now they have overflowed into the underground city and become a nuisance.

Just in large numbers, it can be tolerated, but the claws of the black-backed rat men are very sharp, which means that they are very good at digging holes and can cause greater damage. They are also intelligent and like to act in groups, which means that when you look at By the time one black-backed rat-man arrived, there were already ten or a hundred times more black-backed rat-men hiding in the darkness.

Good luck, they are just a few spies, bad luck, we will tell you here today. Heritage took a deep breath, clenched the pistol, and tried to get as close as possible to Peter, because all dark and narrow places may be hidden. There are black-backed rat men.

The two of them were no longer in the mood to continue working, and there was no need. The most important thing now was to return to the site as quickly as possible to report the matter and let the hunting team clean up the black-backed ratmen who had wandered in.

But the black-backed rat-men are not animals that only rely on instinct. They are also intelligent and have dealt with the territory a long time ago. Even though the rat-men's lifespan is short and it happened many generations ago, it is still passed down in the form of stories. , so when he saw the two of them trying to leave, he immediately jumped out to stop them.

Three adult black-backed rat-men slowly walked out from the shadows and corners. They were wearing simple leather armor and holding weapons. They were obviously out of the range of the beasts.

All residents of the territory have received combat training. From one-handed axes, spears, shields, matchlocks, to current firearms, they have been exposed to them and know how to use them. Especially railway workers who often go deep into uninhabited land are issued monthly A box of bullets, guided by professional soldiers to shoot, so as soon as the black-backed rat-man appeared, Hairide immediately raised the gun with his right hand without hesitation, quickly moved the hammer with his left hand, and fired all six bullets in one breath.

Shooting in a nearly sealed environment is simply torture for oneself. Humans can barely bear it. The rat men with more sensitive senses were almost frozen with fear. Two were killed on the spot. The other one was just about to escape. Peter, who was well prepared, shot him to death with a shotgun.

But as expected, there were more than just these three black-backed rat-men. The lingering sound of gunshots disappeared, and the smoke was still filling the air. Two more rat-men sprang out from the corner, and they rolled over close to the ground, just like frightened watermelon bugs. , rolled up the body into a ball, and rolled quickly.

The fur on the back of the black-backed ratman is very tough and can be used as leather armor with only simple processing. With the continuous rolling, it is difficult to hit the vital point, so the two of them chose to fight in close combat.

Peter's shotgun already had a bayonet inserted under it. Although it seemed awkward to have a bayonet attached to the shotgun, it was fine as long as it was useful.

Heritage didn't have a bayonet, but he had a wrench. A big wrench weighing four to five kilograms. If you hit it on your head, you can lift the Tianling Cap on the spot.

The slightly embarrassed two people got on the maintenance vehicle and turned the power to the maximum. They were relieved when they saw the maintenance station.

Similar incidents happened from time to time. The webmaster first asked the two to be sent for treatment, and then reported it. As for the treatment fees and subsidies for the two, as long as the invasion of the black-backed ratmen was confirmed, it would not matter, otherwise the workers would be so Work hard.

Not long after, two steam armored vehicles arrived, and sixteen black-painted T600s descended from them. They also held scary-looking small-caliber Gatling machine guns in their hands and carried heavy ammunition boxes on their backs.

Seeing these metal skull faces, the stationmaster breathed a sigh of relief. These metal puppets were real killing machines. As long as the ammunition was not exhausted, no matter how many black-backed rat-men there were, it would not matter.

According to the instruction manual, the stationmaster issued more precise orders to the sixteen T600s. Next, these metal machines will carry out patrol-style cleaning along the passage to both sides to kill some harmful organisms.

In fact, similar cleaning work will be carried out every once in a while, but no one can guarantee whether there will be any accidents during the interval, such as this time.

After receiving the order, the T600 troops divided into two groups and advanced in two directions of the platform.

The T600 is not as smart as the T800, but there is still no problem in simply operating the steam car, and the darkness cannot hinder them at all, and the sound collector will not miss the slightest movement, so it is not far away, unique to Gatling The tearing sounds continued intermittently, and it was not known which mouse was unlucky enough to be accidentally shot.

The T600 is good at everything. It's cheap, fast, and has plenty of firepower. However, it's difficult to improve its intelligence. It's easy to fall into traps and be targeted. As a result, it can't stand alone at all, so it can only be used to perform some simple tasks.

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