Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 586 The Slime Queen who unites all things

Dozens of black-backed ratmen naturally would not let Owen stop. In fact, after making sure that the two workers were safe, he had already crossed dozens of miles to reach the Buffalo Collar mining area.

Any production is inseparable from materials, not to mention that the territory is still striding along the technological route, and its demand for resources is much higher than that of magical civilization.

Fortunately, the Northland is very rich in mineral deposits, especially in the Buffalo Territory. In addition to iron ore, a variety of minerals have been discovered nearby. Not only are the reserves large, the quality is also good, and the distance is close, they have become the most important raw materials for the territory's industry. mining area.

However, there are no mountains in the North, so mining must be done underground. In the past, the amount of mining was small, and it could be done secretly underground. Now thousands of tons of minerals are mined every day. For efficiency and safety, it is no longer possible to mine underground. , the soil has long been lifted up, forming huge mine pits. Mine carts are transporting full loads of ore every moment, which is very spectacular.

The mined ore will be immediately sent to nearby steel mills to be cast into different types of metal ingots. Most of the rough-processed raw materials will be transported to Beicheng's large-scale industrial zone via surface railways for further processing and forging. It has become a weapon for soldiers, a tool for farmers, and a commodity for merchants, meeting the needs of all aspects of work and life in the territory.

But there is also a batch of high-quality raw materials that will be transported along the underground railway to the high-tech industrial zone in the underground city. This is the real industrial core of the territory, specializing in the production of various high-precision advanced weapons and equipment, such as powered armor and heavy-duty weapons. tank.

Owen followed the train transporting raw materials to the underground city industrial area. It was no longer a handicraft workshop or a steampunk factory. A large number of spirits cooperated with the research center, and even he did not expect the power that exploded.

From high-precision machining to large-scale forging, everything needed for industry is here. Even if the technology and equipment cannot keep up, there is also magical alchemy and magic materials. This is the reason why the territory has almost developed into the space age in less than a century.

Owen witnessed with his own eyes the collision of a 10,000-ton forging press and Mithril steel, and the resulting optimization was several times that of a single technology and material. In other words, low-quality Mithril steel, after being processed with technology, showed new capabilities comparable to high-quality ones. Mithril steel.

Although the processing was more complicated, the saving of raw materials allowed this combination to spread throughout the industrial area. A large number of new technologies and materials were constantly discovered, creating a deeper foundation for the territory.

What’s even more frightening is that with the extraordinary skills of Jingui, the precision of all products exceeds the limit that humans can achieve. Otherwise, how could the territory produce small batches of power armor suitable for extreme warriors in less than a hundred years? This thing is a product of the interstellar era. .

After admiring the industrial beauty, a satisfied Owen headed to the next place.

Because the tasks are heavy recently, whether it is railways, mining areas, or factories, they are all working non-stop throughout the day, and therefore require a large number of workers to rotate. Therefore, during this period, a group of skilled workers with good skills were mobilized from the surface to go underground. city.

Although it has increased the cost, this is Owen's dungeon, not the empire's hive. It is impossible for him to squeeze people to death, so the three shifts of an eight-hour work system are the most reasonable. This requires More workers.

As the number of new workers increases, new residential areas are being built to meet the needs.

Because the technology has become quite mature, communities similar to the ones where Hirid lived soon appeared all over the underground city.

With the power of magical plants, the new residential area does not lack sunlight and air, and there are abundant fruits to enjoy all year round. Some harmless magical animals are even allowed to be raised to soothe the mood. It can be said that in life and Mentally, this place is better than most surface humans.

In addition, supporting buildings and facilities such as schools, hospitals, and temples are all well-equipped. In recent years, underground farms and pastures have been built in the underground city. Therefore, in addition to having a roof, the residents of the underground city live a more comfortable life than the people on the surface. Therefore, in the After the initial period of adjustment, the new workers quickly fell in love with the place.

Of course, there's no shortage of adventurers anywhere, so the dungeon dwellers will have two chances to decide their fate.

The first time is when parents make a choice before entering school, whether to let their children study in the underground city or go to the surface.

The second time is before I start working, I can choose to go to the surface or join the army.

These are all opportunities to change destiny, and Owen is never harsh on his subjects.

After walking through these areas, Owen went deeper and deeper, gradually reaching depths of the dungeon that no one had ever reached before.

There is no road to get here, there are only some cracks and pipes that humans cannot enter, and even the ubiquitous roots don't know much about this place.

For Owen, this place was no secret. It was just a sudden whim of his at a certain period, so two special places appeared in the deepest part of the dungeon.

One is the country of snakes. The group of snakes summoned at the beginning has gradually grown and grown, and Owen has added something from time to time in the early days. At present, in addition to ordinary poisonous snakes, psychic snakes with modified roots, warcraft snakes with special bloodlines, and the intelligent Meidu. Sha and the powerful Naga clan.

They form different classes in the Snake Kingdom, like the royal family, priests, warriors and subjects. Although they are primitive, they already have the prototype of a country.

The Kingdom of Snake is also a believer of Owen, but he does not have a corresponding priesthood, so his faith is stored. If necessary, he can give birth to a snake demigod in minutes. If he uses the origin of the world tree to give the name of the god , it is not a problem to directly promote a god.

This is not Owen's end point yet. Below the Kingdom of Snakes is the real bottom of the dungeon, where there is the unity of all things, the Slime Queen.

Slime divides and reproduces. In fact, it is not correct to say that it reproduces, because in the case of the Slime Queen, no matter how many divisions there are, there is only one will, so it is said that all things are unified.

Slime, which eats everything, reproduces very quickly when there is enough food. Therefore, even if Owen has asked the slime queen to take it easy, there is still a bottomless abyss hole under the dungeon, and Owen is suspicious. Will the main world be chewed through by the Slime Queen?

The abyss cavity is filled with a huge amount of gelatinous substance, which looks a bit like the soft cups some boys secretly hide.

Owen showed his figure. After sensing his arrival, the gelatin slowly flowing in the underground space began to gather, eventually forming a huge female upper body. It was unclear whether it was countless individuals gathered together or an indescribable figure. giant.

But for Owen, it is full of intimacy, because before he became a god, what he liked most was to stay naked in Queen Slime's body and think about life. He didn't need to breathe, eat, or excrete, and he almost merged with her. The Slime Queen took care of everything for him, so he could relax completely.

It's a pity that he lost this fun after becoming a god. Even if there is a similar subspace, the feeling is completely different.

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