Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 584 Life in the Underground City

Owen hid this trump card very well and never used it after a certain period of time. Not to mention the people in the territory, even he almost forgot about it.

When he had no money in his pocket and could only rummage through the small vault, Owen, remembering where he hid his private money, transformed himself into a psychic state, then dematerialized and went deep into the dungeon.

Today's underground city has become worthy of the word city. Not to mention the huge network of underground passages that extend in all directions throughout the North, the population living here alone exceeds 100,000.

They work, live, and even reproduce here, and they have begun to be different from humans on the surface, which makes Owen feel a little strange.

It is not forced to move to the underground city. Although the system-transformed population who entered in the early days were loyal, reliable and hard-working, with the continuous development, some unconverted populations who have passed strict review are also allowed to enter the underground city.

As the population gradually increases, the living conditions that were originally just for survival are also constantly improving to meet more needs. This allows the underground city to begin to get rid of its original limitations and develop towards a more perfect city.

As the founder of the underground city, Owen rarely slowed down when he witnessed this scene and began to appreciate the scenery of the underground city today.

Owen, who transformed into a psychic form and walked in the mezzanine of space, was invisible and untouchable. From the beginning, no one knew that the owner of the territory was patrolling his city. This also allowed him to see the most real side of the city.

The underground transportation system is the largest and most spectacular building in the underground city. The underground passage is large enough to accommodate two parallel trains. With Beicheng as the transportation hub, it connects many important locations in the North, from the border to the south, to the mountains to the north, and to the forest in the east. To the west is the sea, which is like an artery transporting nutrients, connecting the Northland together.

In addition to transporting supplies, the secret and safe underground transportation network also serves as an important backup transportation capacity in emergencies. Therefore, there are tens of thousands of staff in the Underground Transportation Department alone, just to maintain the smooth flow of this huge underground transportation network. run.

Heritage kissed his wife goodbye and walked out of the house with the still warm lunch box.

As a skilled worker with a long working experience, Hai Ruide's income is not bad, so the conditions of the community he lives in are not bad. They are all two-story houses with single houses. Every day, the lanterns on both sides of the road will light up the road. The sunflowers on the lawn also provide sufficient lighting for the growth of the private garden, and the brightness can be adjusted to make people feel more at ease.

Although it is night on the surface, it is still very lively here. There are many people walking around with magical creatures suitable for raising, and energetic children are also running around with toys. This makes Heritage have to be careful not to eat these things in his lunch box. The kid who was running around was knocked over.

It wasn't until he got on the steam bus on the side of the road that Heritage put down his hand protecting his lunch box, and then said hello to the people he knew.

He found an empty seat and sat down. Amid the slight rhythmic swaying, Heritage chatted with his co-workers about the latest news, mainly some changes in the surface of the earth. After all, major changes in equipment represent the expansion of production and transportation. As a railway, Worker, he couldn't be more sensitive to this.

Soon, Heritage arrived at the station where he worked. After saying goodbye to his acquaintances, he first went to the station manager to check in, and then went to collect the equipment.

This is not a platform for goods to enter and exit, it is just an ordinary maintenance station, so there are not many people. Herred's job is to sit on the monorail maintenance vehicle with the workers and check the rails and pipelines along the way until they arrive at the next platform. Go back the other side.

Because we need to check along the way, it takes eight or nine hours to go back and forth, so we need to bring food with us.

This job is very monotonous, but the tasks are heavy, so the income is not bad. Haired, who has been working for more than ten years, does not plan to change jobs because his third child has just been born, and what he needs now is not adventure, but stability.

Hi, Peter. Haidry greeted his partner who was receiving equipment.

Another love meal, really enviable. Peter said jokingly when he saw the lunch box in Haidry's hand.

If you are willing to lower your requirements, I'm afraid the second child will be born, let alone a love meal. Haidry shrugged to Peter.

Then I'd rather have a working meal. Peter shook the oil paper bag in his hand and said.

The station provides free dry food every day, but this portable dry food is simply starch cubes with some oil, salt and dried vegetables added. It is fine at first, but over time it becomes a kind of torture, especially when going to the toilet. I wish I could use a tool to open a pipe.

Haidui glanced at the dry food with lingering fear and quickly looked away.

When his first child was born, because he was still a trainee worker, his salary was not high. In order to maintain his livelihood, he ate dry food for a whole year, and even took food that his fellow workers did not want, and ate three meals a day. As a result, he now sees The square-shaped oil paper bag makes you feel like your stomach is full.

The two of them each received a piece of hard-shell armor. The half-body armor made from the carapace of this magical plant was very light. Although the defense was a bit poor, it was enough for railway workers like them.

Then Haidry got a revolver, and Peter got a double-barreled shotgun, which was also a necessary tool.

After handing over the work with the workers from the previous shift, Haidui picked up the inspection sheet, calculated the areas that needed to be inspected by his team, signed for some common parts, and then went to the monorail inspection vehicle to fill up fuel and water.

The monorail maintenance vehicle is not just a frame with one wheel. In fact, it is a small steam vehicle, about the same size as a roller coaster. It can ride four people. It is very compact, but it is fixed on a track and cannot rotate. It can only move forward or Back away.

This is to prevent the steam train from deviating from the direction and causing an accident. After all, there is a railway next to it. If an accident occurs, it will not be as simple as death.

After carrying enough fuel and filling the water tank, the two of them checked the condition of the car. After all, if it broke down halfway, the two of them could only rely on lifting the seesaw-like lever to drive the car forward manually. Even if they could come back, they would be exhausted. Half dead.

After completing all inspections, they put the received parts in the trunk. The two started the steam vehicle. With the sound of the whistle, the maintenance vehicle drove towards the depths of the dark tunnel.

This railway is not busy, so the only sound that comes from the steam trains is that it makes people feel sleepy after listening to it for a long time.

But neither of them dared to be careless. The underground city was safe, but after all, it was underground. Occasionally, some vicious underground creatures would accidentally enter. When the time came, they would have to rely on the firearms in their hands to protect themselves.

Fortunately, there are pots of lanterns every 100 meters in the tunnel, which are the favorite creatures of railway workers, so they help water and fertilize every time they come. As long as they are taken care of well, the light will be brighter.

While watering, Heritage also saw a few venomous snakes, but he was used to them.

There are many venomous snakes and slimes in the dungeon, but even children will not be afraid of them because they have already become a part of life.

In such a huge underground city, there are always places that cannot be taken care of. These remote and narrow places all rely on these little guys to maintain them, such as eating rats and bugs that like to gnaw, cleaning up the moss that grows in damp corners, and extending the equipment. As the earliest inhabitants of underground cities, they play an important role in extending their lifespan and avoiding environmental degradation.

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