Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 575 The countdown to the end of the main world

After crossing the northern border, the territory stopped chasing those orcs, and instead conducted various targeted studies. These orcs were so strong that ordinary soldiers could only rely on human lives to fight against them.

The plane fragments that had become two mountains in the North were found immediately and are currently blocked by the army, waiting for the arrival of researchers.

As the magic spacecraft landed, a large number of professionals arrived. Under the escort of soldiers, they climbed up the two mountains full of alien atmosphere to explore.

It's a pity that Crossing the Void has exhausted the origin and blessed power of the fragments, leaving only a pile of worthless stones. Otherwise, we would know what method the opponent relied on to use two mountain peaks to cross tens of thousands of orcs. Throw it across the void into the main world.

However, on the mountain, the orcs still left some valuable clues, which can be used to gain a preliminary understanding of the orc race.

The first thing discovered was a large number of gnawed corpses of orcs. According to professional speculation, after exhausting their few food reserves in the void, these orcs obtained food by killing each other, and the strongest and most ferocious ones were killed. The group of orcs successfully arrived at their destination.

I have to say this is cruel, but very effective.

The orcs were inherently vicious, and coupled with their extreme hunger, it was no wonder they behaved so crazily.

According to the intelligence collected by the territory, more than a dozen cities south of the Northland have fallen. Hundreds of thousands of humans have become food for the orcs, and more people have become food reserves and efforts.

Orcs are not picky eaters. Compared to beasts with sharp claws and thick fur, humans with fine skin and tender meat undoubtedly taste better. They don’t even need to be roasted. They taste better when eaten raw. In addition, they like to gather in large numbers. Every town is a good choice for orcs. They are all big granaries for a good harvest.

However, this is irreversible and devastating damage to any human force, especially the believers of the Four Evil Gods and the forces in the Imperial City. They not only take advantage of the situation, but also act as leaders, causing the originally controllable chaos to gradually become unmanageable. It also made the alliance formed by the noble goddess a complete joke.

Although Owen had expected this, the actions of the Four Evil Gods still made him wary.

Although the Four Evil Gods are evil and chaotic, they are not fools. There must be a deeper reason for them to make such a decision.

Owen suddenly had a bad idea. The Four Evil Gods might have colluded with the outside world. Simply put, they planned to sell the company and run away with the money.

Only this possibility will make the four evil gods ignore the safety of the main world, because they no longer need it.

Moreover, it is impossible to say that the noble goddess did not expect this. Everyone knows the virtues of the four evil gods, let alone the evil noble goddess.

The problem is that the Four Evil Gods rebelled so fast that the noble goddess had no time to use her methods. Therefore, before there was time to separate the relationship between the two parties, the so-called alliance that was implicated became a complete joke.

If that's all, the main world can bear it, and Owen can bear it too. It's just a battle between gods, but there's a mad god along the coast.

The opponent's upper body was a muscular man with long hair and beard, holding an anchor and a lantern, but his lower body was made of thick tentacles.

When he is awake, the other party will use a lantern to break through the fog on the sea and use anchors to pull shipwrecked ships back to the harbor. But when he falls into madness, he will tear apart every ship he encounters.

Had the other party not been close to the coast, the damage would have been even greater.

And for some reason, the other party is clearly a god, but he can appear in the material world.

There is no doubt about the power of gods, but even if they can enter in person, the various targets and suppressions in the main world are no joke.

In other words, no one can beat a god who has come in his true form, but if it is a siege, then no one can beat him.

As long as enough people go, there may not be no chance, so this attracts a large number of legends and demigods to go.

Once you complete the feat of killing a god, you can rob the opponent of his divinity and priesthood and become a true god.

As for why the other person is crazy, it doesn't matter at all.

Not only the legends and demigods were tempted, but even some gods were moved.

The Guardian God of the Coast obviously has a maritime priesthood, even if it is just a scrap, but as long as he works well, he may not be unable to become the God of the Sea.

But before these people and gods could take action, the scene where they met in the coastal area was repeated, and the seafood curse came.

Owen recognized the mad god as the Guardian of the Coast, apparently tainted while dealing with the Old God.

However, he was not sealed together, but was thrown into the main world as a weapon, or a pollutant.

Although the Guardian God of the Sea is not an ancient god, he possesses part of the origin of the ancient gods, which means that he has an upper limit, but within the upper limit it is unlimited, so the seafood curse spreads rapidly.

Owen suddenly had a premonition that the end of the main world was coming.

Based on this hunch, Irving dismissed everything and thought about it again, only to realize that he was wrong in the first place.

As a rare main plane in the material world, the main world has the material foundation to maintain a powerful god system, and its value is very great. The problem is that it is too remote.

First of all, it is too difficult to develop. Secondly, once people know about it, it will become a target, because peers will not allow a certain god to farm in peace, and finally it will develop and kill everyone.

Therefore, the so-called external threat is not invasion, but destruction. Those gods who cannot occupy the main plane choose to destroy this place in order to prevent a powerful god system from appearing here.

Owen, who had previously laughed at the aristocratic goddess for being ignorant, now understood the cleverness of the other party. She was covering up the truth. Unfortunately, the four evil gods were not stupid, so Owen realized that something was wrong.

The main world is hopeless. Owen, who had just conquered the three goddesses and had no time to get excited, sighed and said to Maya.

How bad is the situation? Maya didn't know much about the situation in the outside world. Everything came from the information collected from the outsiders who followed Owen's divine network clones, so she couldn't make an accurate judgment.

It's too bad. The material world is too big. As long as one in a thousand is hostile to the main world, one percent of the action is enough to destroy the main world. Although the facts Owen said were cruel, they did not make Maya lose her. The small size actually aroused her fighting spirit.

Have the mountain plane been discovered? Maya's words woke up Owen.

The mountain plane is not big, between the small plane and the medium plane, and is as numerous as river sand in the material world.

Because it cannot breed too many intelligent life forms, it is not taken seriously and will not be targeted. Therefore, even if it is discovered, no one will be interested in taking action against it.

But no god knows that the plane of mountains is originally part of the main plane, which means that its quality is very high, but its origin is incomplete. If there is a world tree to complete it, it may not be impossible to grow into the main plane again.

And because of its incompleteness, if Owen could completely grasp its origin, the upper limit of the system's population conversion would be broken.

Thinking of this, Owen took a deep breath and looked at Maya.

Although she didn't say a word, Maya completely understood what he meant, nodded and started to make preparations.

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