The entire project is very large and will last for decades, even hundreds of years.

This is mainly because the current mountain plane cannot accommodate more people, and it is not that simple to move the territory's 20 million people and more believers together. This time it is across the plane. Relocation does not require horse-drawn carriages or railways.

Although the territory has various teleportation methods, most of them are limited to within the plane. There are not many technologies that can teleport across planes. Not to mention that in the face of such a huge population and massive materials, any teleportation technology is a drop in the bucket, even if The same goes for the Bifrost, which can teleport an army.

The transmission of the Rainbow Bridge is not without consumption. The more materials are transmitted, the more energy is consumed. Asgard at its peak can pay this price, but Owen's Kingdom of God, which is still in the growth stage, cannot sustain it.

The amount of food eaten by more than 20 million people in one meal would amount to a mountain, and the strategic reserves of the territory could meet the minimum food consumption of the entire population for three years. Just think about it and you will know how huge the amount is.

Not to mention that this is the basic necessities of life, including food, clothing, housing, and transportation, as well as even greater industrial relocation, resource reserves, and so on.

Not to mention the Rainbow Bridge, the Sun Bridge can't hold it, unless Owen can get the space bridge in Transformers.

Fortunately, the territory was not completely unprepared. The original design purpose of the magic spaceship was to immigrate across the void, but it was only because the technology was not up to it that it became an airship.

Now that the territory already has the ability to manufacture void spaceships, there is also a need. All that needs to be done is to adjust resource investment and research direction to perfect this technology to the point where it can be put into practical use.

Mortal people are responsible for matters in the mortal world. Owen summoned his goddesses and informed them of the information and speculations he had.

There are no fools here. Even the simple Moon Princess knows that Owen's guess is closer to the truth. The only pity is that she can't save everyone, and this is not a pony world where friendship will definitely defeat evil.

The most important thing next is to maintain the stability and unity of the North, be wary of the destruction of terrorist organizations such as the Four Evil Gods, and beware of the conspiracy of the noble goddess. At the same time, strengthen the production and resource reserves of the territory, and make a plan for the next industrial upgrade, for The final cross-dimensional migration and preparation for the plan to build a plane fortress. Owen spoke eloquently for more than two hours, but there was no water at all. It was all about the key points. After all, it involves the migration of 20 million people and the transformation of a plane. Maintaining the consumption of crossing the void, etc., it would take several days to talk about each item. Now we can only draw the framework first, and then implement it step by step.

In fact, as the frame continued to be built and filled, Owen's pressure increased, and his inhuman body felt like he was sweating.

God knows that in addition to soy milk, it still retains this function. He thought it had disappeared along with the functions of urination and defecation.

What made Owen feel stressed was that there were too many things that he had not thought of or thought of in detail. As they were constantly proposed and added to the overall plan, the table of contents alone was thicker than a book, and it was divided into hundreds of chapters. working group, and there is a posture of continuing to subdivide it.

Fortunately, allocating resources in the territory, strengthening production, and adjusting research directions are not big problems. The territory has already formed a mature system, not to mention that the territory is no longer in the state of two or three kittens, and Angel With a powerful assistant like Joan of Arc, Maya can still control the overall situation.

The good news is that the territory now has the cooperation of the underground world. With the help of Ms. Mithril, a large amount of rare materials and skilled gray dwarf craftsmen are continuously transported to the territory, which will be converted into reserves and power before long.

The biggest problem now is not in the main world, but in the mountain plane. This is Owen's biggest headache.

Because of the incomplete origin and laws, even if the quality is very high, the mountain plane can only breed intelligent but not many races such as lizardmen and sub-orcs. The number of intelligent humans on the horizontal line is very small.

Under this situation, it is simply impossible to accommodate tens of millions more humans. The mountains plane cannot bear it, both in terms of the ecological environment and the original laws. Therefore, the mountains plane must undergo an all-round transformation.

Simply expanding the area of ​​​​the mountains plane cannot solve all the problems, not to mention that the reason why Owen chose the mountains plane is because it is small enough and inconspicuous, so simple and crude expansion will not work.

Even if it expands, where do these massive substances, origins, and laws come from?

We can't let Irving dismantle his own Kingdom of God and use it as materials.

With the fear of the huge workload, Owen came to the plane of mountains. As a result, he was confused by the dense lines of faith as soon as he came in after not coming for a long time.

Owen transformed his clone's attributes into spiritual energy to get rid of the entanglement of the line of faith. Then he suddenly remembered that millions of lizardmen in the mountain plane are all believers of the Dragon Mother, while a small number of humans either believe in Hydra or the Pirate Queen. , it can be said that the faith of the entire plane is completely under his control.

Facing countless lines of belief, Owen was somewhat relieved. With these continuous beliefs as a supplement, the next transformation will be easier.

Arriving in the mountains quietly, Owen glanced at the alley of a small town. Although he was moved by the various gestures, he did not go to the alley that impressed him. After all, he still had business to do.

At this time, Owen is not his true body, but an incarnation. After mobilizing the energy of the subspace, he transforms into a more special spiritual form. Therefore, he continues to sneak under the mountains like a phantom to explore the origin of the mountain plane.

The origin is intangible and qualityless, but under the influence of subspace, what Owen saw was an incomplete heart, which can also be said to be a corner of the heart, currently only a fraction or a tenth of the size.

Because of the incompleteness, the original source contained in the heart will continue to lose, and eventually transform into an ordinary low-level plane. However, although the appearance of the gods occupies part of the source, it also blocks the wound, greatly reducing the rate of loss of the source.

After the Mother of Dragons unified the lizardmen and officially became gods, the loss of origin became slower, which greatly reduced the difficulty of Owen's work. Otherwise, just replenishing the lost origin would be an extremely headache.

After learning about the mountain plane, Owen knew that there were only two ways to repair the incomplete origin. The first was to find other fragments and put them back together.

The disadvantage is that the void is so big, where can I find it? If it is destroyed, wouldn't it be completely useless?

Owen wants to find fragments of the divinity and authority of the God of Reality and Illusion, and even related information, but has gained nothing so far, which shows how difficult it is.

The second is to use the current incomplete origin as the basis to re-create a complete origin.

The disadvantage is that if it were that easy, wouldn't there be higher planes everywhere?

But it's not a big problem for Owen, because he has cheating treasures like the World Tree.

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