In the ancient Greek-style temple located among the clouds, cute little angels flap their small wings and follow the mature and steady angel sisters to decorate the temple.

As for the ten archangels, they were much busier than Owen, guiding faith, judging believers, and managing the Kingdom of God. They were more like the Lord God than him, so they did not appear.

At this time, more and more goddesses came to the banquet and chatted with the four people, obviously knowing well about Owen's intentions.

Facing the goddesses one after another, Ms. Mithril has become a little numb. Although she has not spoken yet, she has actually surrendered in her heart. She is looking for an opportunity to kneel down, open her mouth, and hug her thighs. It is really too thick, so thick that it makes people feel uncomfortable. I can't stand it, it's so thick it makes me impatient.

There is no way, the strength shown by the North God System now is too strong, and it can fight against the gods of the entire main world on its own, and this does not include the eternal gods.

In this case, Ms. Mithril has no other choice but to kneel down and hug her thighs. After all, the underground kingdom she controls is within the scope of the North, and the influence of the Church of the Shadow of Death in the underground world is increasing day by day. Holy Scripture It is also very popular, which means that the power of the North God System has actually penetrated deep into the underground world. Even if she fights hard, it will only add some interest to the other party.

Sweet wine brewed from moon spring and golden apples was freely consumed, and various unheard-of delicacies were served on the table. The atmosphere of the banquet gradually became lively, and several goddesses even began to perform their talents, especially Kim's court dance. , which opened Owen's eyes.

Ms. Mithril finally found the opportunity to express her willingness to join the Northland pantheon. Only the Elk Goddess hesitated for a long time and ultimately did not choose to join the Northland pantheon.

It's not that she is unwilling, but because she is the patron saint of the Southern Elf Kingdom who has used the whole country to elevate her to the status of god. Once she chooses to join the Northern God System, it is tantamount to falling out with the Elf Kingdom. Even if she has low emotional intelligence, she knows This was inappropriate, but it also established an alliance with Irving.

After sending away the reluctant Elk Goddess, Owen asked An Qi to continue visiting the Kingdom of God with the three goddesses to show his strength. As for going to the World Tree to transform, he was not in a hurry. He wanted them to feel that this was not a coercion, but a kind of gift.

Soon they will discover the gap between the two. They are both goddesses. Even if they take risks, they will not tolerate the existence of this gap, so they just need to wait patiently.

Owen, who had settled his worries, returned to the territorial castle. The relevant information and video records about the orcs' invasion of the main world were already placed on his desk.

Intelligence outside the Northland is still being collected and compiled, and it is initially determined that the situation is not good.

The Northland was not spared from this wave of orc shells. Unfortunately, two plane fragmentation shells landed on the south side of the territory. In addition to adding two more mountains, it also led to the successful invasion of tens of thousands of orcs.

Speaking of this, Owen felt very incredible. How could these huge fragments across the void only vibrate after hitting the main world, instead of penetrating and shattering the earth.

The most outrageous thing is that the creatures above can survive.

No matter what method is used, the overall invasion of the orcs is a fact.

Fortunately, there was a railway nearby and there were three garrison regiments, so the orcs who had just woken up from dizziness and were about to go crazy with hunger were not allowed to break into the densely populated area. Pay heavy casualties.

The orcs that attacked this time were not ordinary orcs, but were blessed by the orc gods and were more powerful and primitive. They seemed to be stronger than the Ultramarines. It was difficult for standard light weapons to cause effective damage, so the threat was naturally greater.

Fortunately, the territory's air force had already formed a large scale. Hundreds of planes arrived in time, using strafing fire and small aerial bombs to briefly suppress the crazy attack of the orcs, giving the garrison time to mobilize heavy weapons, such as heavy artillery and tanks.

But the war situation is still not going well. Although the social form of these orcs is primitive, they are unique in terms of physical fitness. They have no fighting spirit or magic power. What they have is the purest desire to fight and a naturally strong physique.

If it were a normal world, these orcs, even stronger than rhinos, would sooner or later be eliminated by civilization.

But in a world with gods and supernatural powers, orcs receive some kind of blessing.

The mixture of pure fighting will and powerful life essence produces a kind of destructive power that is purer than fighting spirit. At the same time, the orcs' physiques continue to improve, and their life forms begin to transform. Therefore, most orcs have tyrannical bodies that ignore light weapons.

Faced with such an enemy, the lethality of a full-power rifle is not enough. After penetrating the thick skin, the warhead is blocked by the extremely developed muscles, and can be deducted with a push of the hand. With the orc's size and muscle dimensions, this This kind of injury is not fatal at all, but becomes the stimulus of appropriate benefits.

Only heavy machine guns, anti-material rifles, and machine guns can inflict fatal injuries to this monster. Even then, ammunition needs to be continuously used to wear away the tenacious vitality of the orcs.

In this battle, three thousand garrison regiments were crippled and hundreds of tanks and chariots were lost. However, tens of thousands of hungry orcs who were out of shape due to cold and hunger were not completely wiped out. Instead, they broke through the siege and headed towards the warmer south. go ahead.

These orcs ate everything they encountered along the way, even a layer of turf was chewed away, but the territory did not let them go. As long as the weather allowed, the territory's air force would not be idle, using continuous bombing and strafing to force countless The Orcs ran towards the encirclement.

However, the effect is not satisfactory. Even if the field troops mobilized urgently form a layer of encirclement with a numerical advantage and add a torrent of steel, it is still difficult to stop the violent breakthrough of the orcs. They will always be torn apart under the charge of some particularly powerful orcs. Open the encirclement.

However, the orcs are not stupid. The army of the North has dealt them a painful blow. Anyone with some brains will know that they will not be able to fight despite the attrition.

What's more, what they need now is a warm, comfortable place with plenty of food to maintain their health and reproduce more offspring, instead of indulging in temporary battles.

Therefore, even in the face of layers of siege and heavy casualties, the orcs still did not stop heading south, because experience told them that where the temperature is higher, there will be more food, and the enemy will be weaker.

Regardless of whether the orcs were right or not, in the end, more than 10,000 remaining orcs crossed the border from a cliff that humans could not climb, and ran wildly in the direction of the Hundred Cities Alliance, while the armored regiments that had just been transferred from the territory could only stop here.

There is no way. Once the troops in the North leave the border, not to mention the Hundred Cities Alliance, even the five southern countries will be restless. It is hard to say whether they will fight the orcs or them.

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