It seems that Sea Breeze Town can't last much longer. When are you planning to leave? Owen said to Lorient in a casual manner while eating the steak carefully grilled by the cat-eared maid. He didn't care about the flow of people evacuating Sea Breeze Town a few miles away. .

It's just these two days. I was originally here for a trial. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. Obviously I can't continue, but it's not a loss to see such a big scene. Lorient calmly cut the steak and said, It seemed that he was not frightened, and even the dwarves and half-elves beside him looked not surprised.

Return to the family or go to other planes? It was only in the past two days that Owen discovered that the other party was not a person from that plane, but an astral traveler who arrived through the divine network like him. This is the comparison between mortals and those who travel through the planes through the divine network. title.

Don't leave in a hurry. You can't come here in vain. I plan to go north and see more. Where are you? Lorient obviously didn't want to go home, but at the same time he also saw that Owen was extraordinary, so he said.

In this case, we can walk together again. I also plan to go north to see more scenery and collect more spells. Owen does not plan to stay in Haifeng Town. In fact, there are not many people left in Haifeng Town now. , everyone is running inland. After all, the fate of Fortune Bay is too terrible, and they don’t want to become seafood.

In fact, these people still don't know the existence of the ancient god, and they thought it was some evil sea god who suddenly resurrected. But they don't know that what the sea god needs is faith, and what the ancient god wants is to devour. This plane has actually entered the countdown to destruction. , it depends on when the ancient god will completely break free of the seal, and then it will be time to have a big meal.

On the day Owen and others left, a huge roar sounded all night long, and the shaking ground made Owen, who was lying on the bed, feel weak in his bones and flesh, and felt uncomfortable all over.

After finally staying up until dawn, Owen walked out and discovered that a huge crack had separated Fortune Bay from the land. The cracks were getting bigger and deeper. The raging waves were constantly impacting the foundation of the earth. Now, The bottom of Fortune Bay has been hollowed out and is about to be covered by corals and marine life. Under the pull of its own gravity, Fortune Bay slowly slides into the sea with a loud noise and becomes a city floating on the sea. Alienated sea ships and warships are constantly patrolling around like guards.

Owen, who witnessed the whole process, was amazed, but not too nervous. The same was true for Lorient, and Ha was in the mood to follow him and watch the excitement.

There is no way, he is so arrogant if he has the resurrection coins, and the latter probably has a lot of trump cards, otherwise it will be too late to escape, so how can he have such leisure.

Owen knew that his current mentality was wrong, but it was obvious that he was no longer able to train normally, so he simply put it down for the time being, and collecting some information about the ancient gods would not be in vain.

The next movement was louder, because when Fortune Bay was swept into the sea, it was like completing a certain ritual. Countless seawater was separated by invisible forces, just like a huge glass was pressed into the water, and even It's more spectacular, because there is a bottomless spiral abyss on the seabed, which is like digging through the entire plane.

At this time, endless tentacles seemed to be squeezed, and they were constantly crowding out from the abyss. The big tentacles grew small tentacles, and the small tentacles grew root-like strands of flesh, covering a large area of ​​the seabed in the blink of an eye, but no matter how big the tentacles were, If you apply force, even if the seafloor ground collapses, the main body trapped in the spiral abyss will remain motionless as if stuck in it, a bit like Kim Kardashian forcing herself to wear jeans.

This was not a young woman who was deliberately stuck in the washing machine or under the bed. She really couldn't move. It was obvious that the seal that sealed the ancient god had not completely failed.

Unable to break free of the seal, the ancient god angrily emitted sound waves that could not be recognized by human ears. The seawater that had been squeezed away instantly shattered, and countless sea creatures turned into indescribable flesh foam. However, under the influence of the leaked ancient god's power, the entire seawater was shattered. The sea areas are becoming distorted, and marine life is evolving rapidly, becoming more and more weird, larger, and more terrifying.

The magic net has been impacted, and the fluctuations are so severe. Owen, who could not see this scene, could sense the changes in the magic net. He was trying to cast a spell, but found that the original 100% success rate had dropped significantly, and the signal On and off, it is obvious that there is a problem with the magic network in this plane.

It's okay, I'm a warlock anyway. Lorient didn't care about this and flaunted a small fireball in his hand.

In fact, in some edge planes, warlocks are more suitable for exploration than mages. After all, the magic network cannot cover the entire material world, and wizards who rely on their own spellcasting have an advantage.

Owen shook his head and said nothing. In his opinion, talent and wisdom are indispensable. He just relied on talent or cheated too much, which led to an unstable foundation. He clearly had an opportunity to become stronger but did not dare to use it.

With Owen's current willpower and belief, if he dares to truly become a god, he will most likely be severely affected by the priesthood, leading to personality distortion or even personality recasting.

Otherwise, if he has eaten enough and has become a god, he still goes down to earth to train himself. This is no different from the Seven Fairies who go down to earth to take a bath when they have nothing to do. If there is no water in the river, then he will have to go through a love disaster.

Because a corner of the land collapsed, Sea Breeze Town, which was originally located inland, became a coastal town. A large number of fishmen have emerged in the turbid sea. When the edge of the land is penetrated by sea water and collapses to form a gentle slope, it will be the time when the fishmen invade the land again, so Owen The group of people quickly set off and prepared to evacuate, but unexpectedly they were a step too late.

As the news spread, the fall of Fortune Bay could no longer be concealed, and its impact was growing.

Fortune Bay is not just a seaport city. Because of the existence of the Fortune Temple, it actually serves as a financial center. Therefore, the treasure house under the temple not only stores millions of gold coins, but also various treasures worth ten times more. To describe it as extremely rich is to insult this huge wealth.

Therefore, after learning about the fall of Fortune Bay, several kingdoms immediately mobilized their armies. After all, if any kingdom obtained this wealth alone, it would completely break the balance between the several countries, so they went all out.

Of course, with such a large-scale troop mobilization, Owen and his team didn't make it. They were immediately recruited and became cannon fodder for the Lion Kingdom army.

There was no way, they didn't expect that so many kingdoms would send troops together, and they would have nowhere to run.

In fact, let alone them, even the people from Haifeng Town who ran away early were driven back and are now doing hard work with a sad face.

What status and status have no effect when several kingdoms send troops together, not to mention that the leader of the Lion Kingdom is the eldest prince, who can be higher than him in terms of status.

Fortunately, Owen and the others were not only professionals, but also had two spellcasters, so the treatment was pretty good, and the bounty offered was very generous. Their daily tasks were only patrolling and inquiring about information, which made it easier for them to hang out.

The deserted Sea Breeze Town became bustling with people again, but it became a military camp. Tens of thousands of troops were stationed here, and tens of thousands of civilians came and went every day, thus attracting many businessmen who were not afraid of death.

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