Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 553 Recruiting the Cat Goddess

Owen and his party all lived in his original longhouse. Because there was not enough room, he specially found someone to build another longhouse. The environment was not good, but no one disliked it. It was better than living in the wilderness.

Owen is still learning, because the opportunity is rare. The intermittent magic network allows him to compare the differences between the two situations, and use this to deconstruct the changes in the magic network to prepare for the promotion of psychic spells in the future.

As long as his knowledge can keep up, Owen's level will increase quickly. The hardware can rely on the divine network, and the inner core can rely on the main body, completely ignoring the time accumulated in the middle. As for combat experience, there is no shortage of fishmen on the seaside. Don't be too reckless if you are afraid of death. money.

Now he is not afraid of being discovered by others, because people who are familiar with him have long since disappeared. As for Lorient, the other party may not necessarily have fewer secrets than him.

Warlock Owen has seen a lot, but such a strange warlock can only be compared to the little pets cultivated by the demon lord's incarnation.

The cat-eared maid has become more and more weird. She has gradually transformed from a cute maid with no roots to a cold and royal sister, the kind who even snorts while holding a glass of water. She always gives people the impression that she should kneel down before me. Feel grateful.

Obviously this is the cat goddess influencing the little maid. Owen is very unhappy about this. He is not a pervert and will forgive her if she wears black stockings. Therefore, he plans to talk to her and tell her to get out of here and put his soft and cute cat ears on her. The maid returned it to him.

The main reason why Owen is so confident is because the Cat Goddess is a not-so-famous lower-level god. If they really fight, he will be sure to catch her and bang her hard.

If you can fight and you can survive, then why are you so polite?

However, the other party is a goddess after all, and if you want to meet the goddess, you must have a sense of ritual, such as sacrifices such as grains, dried fish, and candles, which respectively represent the identity of the cat goddess's barn guardian and night hunter.

Of course, it can also be more complicated. For example, in front of a certain solemn temple, on a special day, when the moon is high, a group of pure-eyed cat-eared girls dance, wagging their tails, twisting their soft waists, and singing Meow Meow together. Meow meow.

Mortal, you are very rude. The cat-eared maid possessed by the Cat Goddess looked down at the simple sacrifice at her feet and frowned.

To be honest, if the concept of cat-eared maid as master and servant hadn't been deeply rooted in her heart, the possessed cat goddess wouldn't be as simple as licking her paws and showing some color to this ungrateful mortal.

I'm not a mortal, but that's not important. What's important is that she is my maid, so don't interfere with her behavior. Owen knew that this conversation would not go well. After all, the cat goddess is not only a woman, but also a human being. Cats, and women have the temperament of cats

Mortal, you are looking for death! Sure enough, the cat goddess's pupils shrank like needlepoints, sharp nails grew rapidly, and the sharp cold light could dispel any cat lover's idea of ​​​​sticking.

Haha, you'd better take a look at what's going on now before deciding whether to take action. Owen didn't panic and pointed in the direction of the seaside.

Owen is not an idiot. Of course he knows that empty words can't convince anyone, let alone a goddess. But in front of the ancient gods, no goddess can do anything.

Ancient God! Because of her possession, the Cat Goddess was in a similar state to Owen. Not only her strength, but also her perception was greatly limited. Therefore, she only discovered the problem after Owen pointed out the direction. Her face suddenly changed, as if she had seen dozens of It is no longer an ugly problem for the heavy Erha to leave two pounds of dog feces in his cat's litter box.

Fortune Bay was originally a place prepared by the Cat Goddess for her agent to make her debut. She took advantage of the developed transportation advantages and strong popularity here to spread her divine name.

Unexpectedly, the stage would be gone before the agent made her debut. In addition, once the ancient god escaped from trouble, this plane would be 100% finished. With her accumulation and strength, she would not be able to leave the plane and cross the void, so her claws suddenly became numb. Even the tail that had been wagging restlessly was frozen, as straight as a flagpole.

If you don't mind, you can join my divine system. Owen was more discerning now, and he said carefully.

He knew very well what life was like for a lower-level deity like the Cat Goddess, so he tried to invite her.

The cat goddess didn't believe that the other party would have a god system at all, but she really needed a way out, so she didn't refuse, but she didn't agree immediately, but she did withdraw her interference with the cat-eared maid.

Change to white stockings, black stockings are not suitable for you. Seeing the cat-eared maid who suddenly became a little confused, Owen said with a smile, until he had a chance to recruit the cat goddess.

While Owen was fishing, several kingdoms had already mobilized their fleets and fishmen, no, it should be a seafood army now, and they fought a wonderful naval battle, almost holding the opponent back.

Owen didn't even understand what the kingdoms were thinking. Fighting a naval battle with the Sea Tribe? This is so unimaginable!

It is necessary for human beings to take a boat, while sea people take boats for fun. If a human falls into the sea, he will die. For sea people, falling into the sea is no different from falling on a mattress. In this case, except that the caster can cause some damage, The rest of the attack is just a joke. Even if it is a boarding battle, it will probably sink the ship if it is defeated. If you have the ability, go into the water and fight again.

When the ancient god's power surged again and tore apart the magic net in this area, the coalition forces from various countries were completely paralyzed, and countless ships sank and fell into the sea.

This is not over yet. As the edge of the land continues to collapse, gentle slopes have taken shape, and various types of seafood have begun to try to come ashore, driving local housing prices into the basement, giving them away for free and no one wants them.

The fishmen stepping on the mud looked like a school of fish swimming upstream, heading towards the nearest Sea Breeze Town.

The army of the Lion Kingdom has long been prepared, with shield soldiers in front, spearmen at the back, and tens of thousands of archers standing ready, and they continued to shoot rain of arrows that covered the sky.

The scales of the fish man, the hard shell of the lobster man, and the tenacity of the octopus man, all equal in the face of the arrow rain, were nailed to the ground one after another, like fresh seafood waiting for the chef to handle, with blood of various colors flowing, slowly Go deep into the soil and change the earth.

The Lion Kingdom army, which had found nothing, withdrew the shooters with weak arms, and the pikemen pressed forward step by step, piercing the lively seafood with their spears, and a fierce close battle began.

Owen wielded the mace under the power of magic. This time his opponent was not a brittle-headed murloc, but a horizontal crab with big wheels. Although the opponent was walking sideways, the speed was no slower than a carriage, and the crab shell had sharp points on both sides. , it can make a hole in the thigh without paying attention. If it hits the bull's-eye, neither male nor female can withstand the thrust from such a high position.

Owen cautiously avoided it, and then activated the electric claw.

A strong electric current was released from both hands and converged on the mace along the specially modified metal wires. The arc jumped back and forth between the metal tips, and then it hit the relatively fragile joints driven by huge force. It was unclear what it was. The liquid seeped out, and after being exposed to the electric current, the whole crab began to tremble, and then was burned red by Owen's burning hand released at close range, exuding a strong seafood smell, no worse than a hairy crab.

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