Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 551 The Occupied Fortune Bay

I didn't expect there to be Tide Lords here, and they all came to the shallow sea. It seems that the situation is not good. Lorient pursed his lips and said.

Owen glanced at the other party. Although he didn't say anything, he already knew that this temporary teammate had an unusual origin, because most people did not have his experience, and even he didn't know what a Tide Lord was.

What is Tide Lord, and how is its combat power? Owen, who was not about to give up, asked, and Lorient did not hide it, introducing him.

Although Tide Lords are rare, it's just because they live in the deep sea. In fact, they are just like humans, elves, dwarves, and fishmen. They are distributed in many planes. They have the ability to trigger tides. They are also proficient in psychic powers and can If ordinary professionals are to control large marine life, they will probably become like fools and very difficult to deal with. Lorient frowned and said, because the environment here is really suitable for the Tide Lord, and among hundreds of fish Under the guard of people, they can't even get close. Even if they can, they still have to face the powerful psychic powers of the Tide Lord.

Psychic powers are not spells. They are very unreasonable. Most defensive methods are ineffective. Effective spells are not something that ordinary spellcasters can master. Therefore, apart from being rare, few people dare to provoke them.

It's really confusing. I heard that the beads in the Tide Lord's brain are very valuable. If the holder uses them properly, he can gain a kind of psychic power. Lorient said reluctantly.

Owen didn't care about the role of a bead. He was now paying more attention to the altar next to the Tide Lord, because the pattern on it looked more and more like Hydera.

The octopus skull symbol is the Hydra vest that Owen used when he was doing trouble in the main world, but it was only in the early stages. He forgot about it after he became a god, so he didn't recognize it at the first time. This is also the same as the fishman. It has something to do with my craftsmanship, and the painting is a bit abstract.

Of course, Owen doesn't think this symbol is Hydra. After all, the combination of a skull and an octopus is not too strange. When you meet it now, it's almost like wearing a shirt, so it's not worth making a fuss about.

There are too many murlocs. We need to lure the murlocs over and kill them little by little, and finally deal with the Tide Lord. Hearing that Lorient was not willing to give in, Owen, who was holding the resurrection coin, was certainly not afraid, so he said.

Lorient didn't know what confidence he had, so he nodded in agreement, and then they were chased by the Tide Lord with hundreds of murlocs.

Running on the beach under the setting sun, Owen was filled with helplessness. He never thought that he had just shown his face and the arrow had not been shot yet it was like stabbing a honeycomb. How big a hatred this would be.

In fact, there are only a few idiots who have psychic powers. The Tide Lord has an octopus head, but his brain is full of ink. Their move was seen through before they had a chance to use it. In addition, they were almost prepared, and the Tide Lord took advantage of the situation. The tide surges, and blows the conch of war.

So the more the group of people ran, the more murlocs gathered behind them, rising like the tide. Fortunately, they discovered in time that the murlocs' target was not them, and they escaped from the danger area before running out of breath.

The dark murlocs didn't care about the small fish food in their mouths and kept swarming towards Fortune Bay. The sea surface in the distance was occupied by floating murlocs, just like the wave pool in the hot summer. The number was impossible to count, and no one dared to stop them, not even to attack, because everyone could see that Fortune Bay was finished.

The people here are all adventurers. They are here for the mission, the bounty, and the honor, but not for justice, so they all sit back and watch all this happen indifferently.

Can you blame them for being cold-blooded? Of course not. Facing the incalculable murloc tide, any attack or resistance is in vain. They are just adventurers, not gods.

And let alone their group of adventurers, even Fortune Bay in its heyday had less than one level of chance of winning if it was fully prepared.

At this time, Owen and Lorient, who acted as the trigger, looked at each other, knowing that Fortune Bay was doomed this time.

At the same time, Owen knew very well that the day Fortune Bay completely fell was also the day the ancient gods broke free of part of the seal, so he and the guilty Lorient and the others quietly ran to Sea Breeze Town, even if no one knew they were the cause. I couldn't help but feel guilty. After all, it was a city that was about to disappear. How could I not feel any burden at all?

On the way back, Owen didn't even know what he was doing. Apart from detonating a tide of fish, he pushed Fortune Bay who was standing on the edge of the cliff, and seemed to have killed a dozen fishmen.

It wouldn't be wrong to say that he came here for nothing. If he is the protagonist, his role is too small.

But if you say that he is not, he himself does not believe in the mobile natural disaster posture that destroys this and that, not to mention that others do not believe it.

He returned to Sea Breeze Town at a faster speed than when he left. Before entering, he saw a huge storm forming at a very strange speed on the sea in the direction of Fortune Bay.

The dark clouds are almost pressing down on the sea, and the rough waves are almost rushing into the sky. Under the squeeze of the two, the strong sea breeze mixed with the fishy smell blows straight to the sea breeze town. It can be imagined that facing the storm directly What is the situation in Fortune Bay now?

In fact, now the murlocs don't need to rush or climb the city wall at all. The huge waves directly send a large number of murlocs into the city, and the curse carried in the seawater penetrates into every inch of the land in Fortune Bay.

The soldiers who were severely transformed into seafood would not be drowned and wanted to take up arms to resist. However, under the influence of the Tide Lord's psychic powers, they quickly rebelled and became members of the murloc army. They were more familiar with the city than the murlocs. Everything, take the lead, and the effect will be greatly increased.

Then professionals, spellcasters, nobles, and businessmen all became part of the enhanced seafood curse. The city suddenly turned into a seafood market, and there was a strong smell of sea everywhere, which could not be washed away.

At present, the entire Fortune Bay has not fallen, except for the Coast Guardian Temple, which is the Temple of Fortune. However, judging from the divine light, although the divine light of the Temple of Fortune is strong, it seems very rigid. The Coast Guardian Temple has always been at the forefront. , now on the verge of collapse, it is obvious that it is inevitable for the power of the ancient gods to completely penetrate into Fortune Bay.

The terrible thing is that the land has cracked under the impact of the huge waves. The sea has tried to snatch away part of the continental plate. Even if it has not yet succeeded, the harbor has tilted and is immersed in the rising sea water on the side closer to the sea.

Under the influence of the strengthened seafood curse, even the buildings showed signs of being transformed into seafood. Both the wooden boards and stone walls were overgrown with marine life, and they were devouring or assimilating the city.

Such a terrifying movement naturally alarmed Haifeng Town. Countless people looked at the changes in the distance in panic. Their inner uneasiness was like the dark clouds, making people breathless. Some smart people had already packed up their things and started running away.

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