Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 546 The popular head soaking spell

Owen, who had calmed down at this time, was already a bit worried about his impulsive consumption just now. Although he was not like some women who wanted to shop after Double Eleven, he still had to pay more for it and spend extra money to buy it. He bought some tools and supplies, which immediately dropped his few remaining savings below the red line.

If he can't make more money in the next few days, I'm afraid he will take the one-armed shield guardian and the cat-eared maid to take on adventure missions.

Feeling the pressure brought by life, Owen took the two of them back to the longhouse at the foot of the mountain with a headache.

When they arrived at Owen's residence, both Paris and Flora were stunned. They had seen the world living in Fortune Bay, but this was the first time they had seen such a shabby owner. If it had been before, they would probably have to pay a few coins. Give me some copper coins.

But now they have no room to be picky, it would be nice to have an owner who is willing to take them in.

As the master, Owen looked at the two of them and felt his head hurt even more.

Not to mention their gender, the three of them were of different races. They couldn't sleep in the same longhouse. It seemed that the only way to separate the longhouses was to separate them.

After looking at the disabled shield guard and the loli-shaped cat-eared maid, Owen scratched his head, sighed, and began to work resignedly.

As the mage's hand was completely analyzed, Owen's use methods were beyond the imagination of ordinary mage. Seven or eight tools were swung automatically, as if there were a group of invisible craftsmen at work. The row of logs that was originally used as a bed quickly It turned into two strong wooden walls, dividing the long and unobstructed wooden house into three.

One side is Owen's room, the other side is the cat-eared maid's room, and a single room is separated in the middle room for Paris, a bachelor, to live in and watch the door.

Then Owen used the logs piled behind the longhouse to build a wooden bed with legs, seats and wooden cabinets. He also built three toilets, which finally made it look like a home.

Owen bought the slaves so that he could save time, but now he was busy first, and couldn't help but laugh and cry. Fortunately, the next thing could be left to them.

One room per person, three meals a day, call me when you're ready, and don't disturb me if you have nothing else to do. Irving was busy studying and doing research. He said casually and then returned to the room prepared for himself.

Paris was not from a high background, but he adapted quickly. After nodding to Flora, he took the ax and went to the yard to chop firewood, and spread the piled hay to dry. At night, this was not only a mattress, but also their quilt. Anyway, he didn't see any extra quilts here.

The cat-eared maid scratched her head in distress and looked at the room she didn't know where to start cleaning. She finally decided to cook first, but she didn't know if the new owner would be used to her cooking.

The three of them just found their own place, neither master nor servant. It was strange and peaceful.

At this time, Owen was sorting out three zero-level spells and one one-level spell that he exchanged with a passing wandering mage, as well as two zero-level spells and two one-level spells that he exchanged with the veteran first-level mage from the Adventurer Guild. In total, That's five zero-level spells and three one-level spells.

It's a pity that there are no second-level spells, because the second-level spells Owen masters are of too low value and can only be exchanged for first-level or even zero-level spells.

But that's enough, so many spells are enough for Owen to complete the general framework of zero-ring spells.

In other words, by applying this template, he can imitate some low-level system spells.

This is difficult to say, easy to say. Sometimes it happens when the brain is stimulated, and sometimes it is like trying to force a square into a round hole.

After being busy for several days, Owen brought the newly made scroll to the Sea Breeze Town Adventurer Branch.

This place is more lively than before, because Fortune Bay's once-in-a-century super mission attracts a large number of adventurers, and Sea Breeze Town is one of the places that must be visited.

Most adventurers will choose to stay in Sea Breeze Town for two days to recuperate. After all, once they arrive at Fortune Bay, they will definitely be busy with tasks.

Head-soaking spell? The old mage squinted his eyes and looked carefully at the scroll Owen brought. He felt a little weird, because this was a spell created by the other party.

Creating your own spells requires not only luck and a flash of inspiration, but also a huge reserve of knowledge and rich experience. Even if it is just a zero-level spell, it means that this young mage has rich and unique insights into the basic knowledge of spells.

Taking a deep breath, the old mage knew very well what this meant. As long as the other party would not die halfway, becoming an archmage was somewhat difficult, but it was nine out of ten for a senior mage. So he showed a bright smile like an old chrysanthemum, especially after testing, he found that The Bubble Head Charm not only allows underwater breathing, but also blocks poisonous gases and odors. It can even be used in places with thin air, making your smile even brighter.

Nowadays, countless adventurers come to Fortune Bay to eliminate the fishmen and pirates every day. The Bubble Curse is undoubtedly a good life-saving thing for them. After all, not every adventurer can swim. If they fall into the water, this is A life.

Therefore, the old mage gave him a good price and purchased an unlimited amount of the Bubble Curse Scroll.

Even if this mission has passed, the sailors and captains of Fortune Bay will never mind buying a Bubble Curse scroll as a talisman, and the nobles who board the ship will even have a dozen of them, so there is no need to worry about sales.

This is not to say that there are no similar effects in spells, but there are none in zero-level spells. The lower the level of the spell, the smaller the requirements for spell casting and the lower the requirements for materials, which means it is cheaper and more popular. This is the most Important point.

It can be said that Owen is already famous among spell casters just for his head bubble spell.

However, Owen did not intend to exchange new spells for money, but to exchange them for uncollected spells and rare materials, followed by money.

He was very confident about this, because spellcasters who were in a hurry to go to Fortune Bay would never miss this high-quality and cheap spell.

The old mage nodded appreciatively to Owen, and then took out a contract for him to sign. Since it only charges a small fee, the Seabreeze Town Adventurer Branch will take the initiative to help him promote the Head Bubble Curse.

This is a thing that benefits both sides. Owen benefited, and the Seabreeze Town Adventurer Branch got its name. Even the branch president would not refuse such a good thing, and was even the first to exchange a one-level spell for the Head Bubble Curse.

Sure enough, in the following days, the head bubble spell proved to be very popular.

It is easy to cast, has a long duration, has a wide range of uses, is suitable for underwater and underground environments, and can also defeat the smelly clouds. These advantages make any caster unwilling to miss this spell. Even if the price is a bit more expensive, there are many who are willing to pay for it. Money's rich mage.

For those who have no money in their pockets, if there are two zero-level spells or one one-level spell that Owen did not include, or even rare materials, they can be exchanged directly. The main thing is to be close to the people.

Soon Owen's spell book was thickening at a speed visible to the naked eye, and this is why mages crave and value knowledge, because knowledge is really wealth.

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