Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 545 The One-Armed Shield Guardian and the Wild Cat-Eared Maid

Except for a few hurried shopping trips, Owen has been staying at home and studying hard during this period, so the news is not smooth. This time he came to know that something happened recently in Fortune Bay.

Fortune Bay is an extremely prosperous seaport city not far from Haifeng Town. Because it is a high-quality port, coupled with its unique environment and convenient location, it attracts many fleets to dock here, and many big businessmen have established chambers of commerce here. I don’t know. How many nobles settled here and gathered unimaginable wealth.

But for such a city to be looted by pirates is simply the biggest joke in the past hundred years, even if the leader is the legendary Clown Pirate King.

This is not the world of One Piece, and there are no devil fruits. Even if you bypass the warships patrolling outside Fortune Bay, the well-equipped harbor guard alone is not something that ordinary armies can break through, let alone the thousands of professionals and high mages in the city. , one war is enough.

Even if the Clown Pirate King cheats, it is impossible for him to lead a bunch of rabble to break through the obstacles and invade Fortune Bay, let alone enter the city and loot it.

Therefore, some people say that the Clown Pirate King obtained a powerful artifact and caused huge waves to flood the harbor. Some people say that the legend of the star world came to help, and some people say that the fishmen were involved.

There are different opinions, but it is true that Fortune Bay was attacked by pirates, but we don’t know how big the damage was.

However, judging from the new tasks displayed by the staff of the Adventurer Branch, it is enough to prove that the losses in Fortune Bay this time are definitely not small, and it also angered many people.

Staring at the task bar, many adventurers gasped on the spot, and at the same time their eyes were shining and they were breathing heavily, which was more scary than a bull that had chewed three kilograms of wolfberry.

Not only the city lord of Fortune Bay offered a bounty for this mission, but also the nobles and merchants in the city jointly issued a bounty. The total bounty totaled up to 100,000 gold coins.

With the purchasing power of gold coins in this plane, even if a team completes the task, it is enough for everyone to live a prosperous life for the rest of their lives, unless they are immortal races like elves and dwarves or professions like mages that cost countless money.

The most outrageous thing is that both the Coast Temple and the Wealth Temple are willing to give out a divine gift as a reward.

The Coastal Temple is nothing. This is a god with weak divine power. His job is to protect the coast. The best he can do is to prevent the blessed from getting into trouble on the coast, such as drowning or being smashed to death by coconuts. It can only count. Speaking of which, the focus is still on the gift from the goddess of wealth.

One hundred thousand gold coins cannot be said to be as rich as a country, and there will always be a day when it will be spent, but the blessing of the goddess of wealth can make a beggar prosperous in life. Just begging can become a legend among beggars, which shows how attractive it is.

Owen, who is short of money, is not interested in this mission because it goes against his original idea. What's more, the Clown Pirate King has been traversing the sea for many years. Regardless of his strength, just having thousands of pirates under his command is enough to scare people away.

Moreover, few people know where the other party’s home base, Circus Island, is, so this task is simply unrealistic.

It's just that the Divine Network's control over the authority of the gods is a bit beyond his expectation. It is obvious that the goddess of wealth has fallen, but her believers did not notice it, and prayers and blessings can be carried out normally. Does this mean that the Divine Network is not actually Not much need for gods.

In addition, is the control of authority mainly dominated by the divine network or the gods?

Owen felt more and more that he had to keep a low profile. The water here was deeper than he thought.

Owen is not the only one who realizes the difficulty of this task. In fact, most adventurers are quite self-aware. Besides, they don’t even have a boat. Even if they have one, it is still a question whether they dare to sneak into the Circus Island where the Clown Pirate King is. So their attention quickly goes to secondary tasks.

A large number of secondary tasks can be freely chosen, such as eliminating murlocs and pirates, collecting clues and intelligence, etc. These are tasks that adventurers are familiar with, so they began to discuss forming a team, because both murlocs and pirates are mostly in groups. Action, individual adventurers do not dare to provoke them at will.

Owen had no interest in this. After getting the materials and the exchanged spells, Owen turned around and left the Adventurer's Guild. However, when passing by the slave market, he found that business was particularly good today and there were a lot of goods, all of which were placed on the street.

Moreover, the slave merchants were very smart. The beautiful dancers or tall and strong gladiators placed on the street attracted many men and women who were turbulent in their hearts. Even Owen was moved when he saw it. After all, the dancers shook their hips. The frequency and amplitude are really eye-catching.

Immediately deciding to buy a reliable servant, he turned around and walked into the slave market, and then tried to pick out high-quality and cheap goods.

There are almost no low-level slaves doing farm work here. They are all slaves of good quality, and there are even craftsman slaves and foreign slaves that are rarely seen on weekdays. This makes Owen somewhat surprised.

After asking around, I found out that the looting of Fortune Bay resulted in the death or bankruptcy of many merchants, so there were more slaves. After all, there were fewer people who offered help in times of trouble, and more people who took advantage of the situation and robbed them.

After wandering around, Owen bought a one-armed shield guard and a cat-eared maid at a low price.

The former was not only disabled, but the previous owner who protected it was also killed by the enemy, so the price was so low that it was almost free.

The cat-eared maid is pretty good, she is petite, cute, and quick at work, but she can't control her hunting instinct at night.

The previous owner woke up due to urination at night. When he opened his eyes, he saw the cat-eared maid squatting quietly on the bedside, staring at his neck with a pair of animal eyes that reflected the cold moonlight. The bed was wet at that time, and She also suffered from the sequelae of bed-wetting, so naturally she wouldn't be left with this maid who shivered unconsciously when she saw her.

In the slave market, the cat-eared maid is a very popular product, but no matter how lustful you are, you have to consider the bite force and the lethality of the cat's claws, so it has become a slow-selling item.

But Owen didn't care. He was still very satisfied with his vision and handed over the money readily.

After the handover was completed, the two of them became Owen's people, killing or beheading them at will.

Paris was not dissatisfied with the fact that his master was a young man who did not seem to be wealthy. His current situation was already very good if he could be bought. Even if he bought him back and worked at the gate, it would be better than staying here.

Slave merchants do not raise idle people, especially worthless goods. In order to stop losses, they often take the initiative to destroy goods that continue to be consumed but will not be rewarded. Obviously, a disabled shield guard who is disadvantaged by protecting his master is one of them. .

Compared to Paris, the cat-eared maid Flora is more innocent. She only cares about where to start cleaning when she returns to the new owner's house.

But when she sees where Owen lives, she will definitely be dumbfounded.

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