The more spells he collected, the more complete the spell structure Owen built, and the higher the upper limit it could accommodate. He quickly entered a virtuous cycle and created multiple new zero-ring spells one after another.

But except for the Bubble Curse, Owen didn't take any of it, even though he knew that taking it out would be exchanged for a lot of knowledge and wealth.

Just because he's not smart doesn't mean he's stupid, and he has never underestimated the evil side of human beings.

Being half a step ahead of your peers will inspire your peers to be enterprising and strive to catch up.

Being one step ahead of your peers will arouse the jealousy of your peers, which can be a stumbling block.

Being a few steps ahead of your peers will arouse the desire to kill in your peers and stab them in the back.

This is the reality. Even in the previous life with sound laws, this kind of thing could not be prevented, let alone the current world where the big fist is the truth.

Therefore, if Irving dares to expose this, the place where he lives will be razed to the ground by a fireball that night. As for his fate, he will either be ashes on the spot, or he will be arrested in one way or another. The only purpose is to seize his secrets, because The abilities he showed were beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

Owen doesn't dare to test human nature, so he has to act ordinary. He can be excellent, but not so good that people will regard you as an alien.

Even if it was just a head soaking spell, because he seized the opportunity, it still brought Owen astonishing wealth and attracted some people with malicious intentions.

Raise your hands, try to be as natural as possible, and then make a fist. Irving is helping Paris install the prosthetic limb. However, due to material and equipment limitations, he borrowed the golem technology, which is to remove an arm armor of the knight's plate armor and enchant it. .

Due to the lack of neural connection technology, Paris's control of the prosthetic limbs was not smooth, so Owen had to enchant an additional helmet, using the telekinesis ability of the enemy's first spell, so that he could use the prosthetic limbs more freely.

After seeing the steel prosthetic limb move slowly at first, and then quickly and quickly, Owen nodded with satisfaction.

Okay, remember to maintain and oil it. In order to make the prosthetic limbs more flexible, I modified the joints to be more complex. Once they get rusty, it will be very troublesome. In addition, I also need to get familiar with the weapons and equipment as soon as possible. After putting away the tools, Owen carefully touched the steel said Paris, who has a prosthetic leg.

Swear to protect the master to the death. Paris stood up, took the round steel shield on his side in his hand, and said with firm eyes. He had already lost his honor once. This time, even death could not break through his protection.

Owen didn't know whether he should tell the other party that he had actually recharged money. The amount of resurrection coins alone was in double digits.

But seeing how determined the other party was, I decided not to tell him.

In fact, it was not that there were no better products than Paris in the slave market, but he was very much in line with one of Owen's ideas, Captain Winter.

Being missing an arm and being good at shields undoubtedly provided Owen with a lot of inspiration and fun.

As for the cat-eared maid, he also figured out her problem during this time.

The cat-eared maid does not simply awaken her wild nature, but becomes the representative of a certain goddess. Because night is the other person's domain, she will become extremely excited at night.

If Owen guessed correctly, the other party was the cat goddess.

Ever since he connected to the Divine Network, Owen has been collecting information about many gods.

Because of faith, the information about gods is almost open to the public. Even mysterious gods and the like have information circulated. Otherwise, they will be completely forgotten and the gods will lose their ability to interfere in the material world.

In addition to those powerful divine powers, weak divine powers were also included in Owen's intelligence collection, so he identified the other party's identity.

The goddess of cats has existed for a long time. She is a night hunter, a nemesis of rats, and a guardian of granaries. She has a lot of belief among the people. After all, for any granary, rats are always the most troublesome problem.

If left alone, with the reproductive capacity of rats, it is only a matter of time before a granary is empty, not to mention that stealing food is only one aspect, and spreading plague is a big problem. Therefore, regardless of whether it is a city granary or a farmer's barn, raising rats Cats are the most important thing.

Over time, the belief in the cat goddess emerged.

But because he is a foreign god and the special nature of his priesthood, except for the Maoer tribe, most of the rest of this god are pan-believers, the kind who worship him when they have something to do and gruntly worship him when they have nothing to do.

There are many similar gods, some of which have even been completely forgotten. At that time, these aloof gods would be like poor worms because they lost their anchor point and were rejected by the plane and thrown into the void. When their divine power is exhausted, they will fall into eternity in the void. Sleep until he turns into a divine corpse.

In fact, the gods are not as powerful as imagined, especially the lower gods who do not have authority. Most of them are limited to a certain plane, so their ability to resist risks is very low. Once they lose most of their believers or the plane is destroyed, what awaits them It's definitely not a good ending.

Therefore, in order to prevent being completely forgotten, the gods will regularly select agents to walk the earth on their behalf and spread their names and teachings, that is, advertising.

If you have spare energy, open a branch and spread your beliefs to other dimensions to spread the risk.

However, this is not realistic for weak gods, because the perception range of lower gods cannot even cover the entire plane, let alone other planes. Therefore, there are many people who run to open a base, only to find that their old nest is missing when they return. A god of bad luck.

Unless the authority is acquired by the Divine Network and spreads to many planes, it will have a solid foundation and no longer be subject to many restrictions.

But this is not necessarily a good thing. If you compare power to a patent, when it is used, there is certainly no problem. Once it is replaced, the consequences can be imagined.

In addition, no matter how good the patent is, it cannot replace capital, let alone a powerful near-monopoly capital like Shenwang, so don’t expect to get much benefit from it.

Otherwise, given the number of planes covered by the Divine Net, it would be difficult for Owen to imagine how much faith would be gained every moment by gods like the Goddess of Wealth and Magic who have faith in many planes.

But from Kim's description of the goddess of wealth, Owen did not feel the gap that was enough to make the gods despair. In other words, the income did not all belong to these two goddesses. It was obvious that the divine network had been drawn, and that Pretty ruthless.

Although he saw that his cat-eared maid was the representative of the cat goddess, Owen did nothing and instead helped her adapt to this power.

Owen made these preparations not only to be wary of possible uninvited guests, but mainly because the current situation in Fortune Bay is a bit bad, because there is a special curse, the seafood curse.

Damn it, Owen thought that the Clown Pirate King would bring about the Laughing Curse or something, so that Fortune Bay could be renamed Gotham, but who would have thought that it would be a curse that turns land creatures into seafood.

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