The secrets of subspace, the Book of Emperor Weishan, and the experiences brought by the two gods Nightmare Moon and the Golden Goddess Kim forced Owen to calm down and learn these necessary knowledge and experiences. Who makes him lack these? .

It is said that except for the initial period of time when he was starving, he seemed to have been studying, learning knowledge, learning to do things, learning government affairs, and learning war. Even if he became a god, he was still learning how to be a god.

Thinking of this, Irving was completely speechless. If he had this motivation to learn in his previous life, how could he have accomplished nothing and could only travel through time? He would have reached the pinnacle of his life long ago, okay?

But after looking at the reality, Owen sighed helplessly and continued to immerse himself in the ocean of knowledge, hoping that he would not drown in it.

When he has some free time, he still has to find a way to solve the problem of Nightmare Moon. At the same time, pulling the network cable is also on the agenda, because this is probably the only place where he can have fun for a long time, no, it is a place to gain more knowledge.

This made Owen couldn't help but recall what he said when he was buying his first computer when he was young, it was all for learning.

In fact, he did obtain a lot of valuable and secret knowledge from the Internet. Most of this knowledge was quietly circulated among people of the same sex, allowing him to learn all the processes of the wedding night without a teacher. He continued to dig deeper, expanded his skill bar, and finally became A theoretical expert in this field.

It's quite exciting to think about it, Owen thought as he recalled it at this moment.

Without Owen's intervention, the post-war reconstruction of the territory went smoothly. Maya planned to take this opportunity to re-plan, expand the North City while also strengthening defense construction, and preparing to build the North City into the well-deserved center of the North, so she was almost crazy busy.

Fortunately, the existence of Joan of Arc has relieved her a lot of burden, and at the same time, the religious system of the territory finally has a backbone, which can also help a lot in the military. Now Maya is extremely grateful to her master for finally being reliable.

Under the leadership of this holy lady, the religions in the territory began to travel around the country and preach in the countryside, giving eggs to those who believed in religion.

With Joan's affinity, the territory's religion soon began to take root in the hearts of the people. I can't say that all of them were devout believers, at least most of them became pan-believers, the kind who would burn incense when they had something to do.

This is enough. Even if Maya has a myriad of things waiting to be dealt with, she still gives Joan the greatest support and speeds up the spread of religious beliefs.

There is nothing that can be done about it. First of all, most of the territory's population is now unsystematically converted, and they must be brought back home as soon as possible, and religion is the cheapest and fastest way.

In addition, this war has also planted countless hidden dangers for the territory. For the stability of the territory and the elimination of evil, religion is indispensable, and a wide range of believers are necessary.

Moreover, Joan of Arc is also tasked with establishing a skitarii, and is expected to use these low-cost and high-morale troops to help reduce the burden on the territory.

In order to achieve this goal, Owen no longer cares about the noble goddess, so he ordered the integration of religions. In addition to the Eternal Temple, which represents light, he also established the Eternal Night Church, which represents darkness, to eliminate black and white.

But except for the Eternal Night Church, the Eternal Temple is an empty shell, because including Owen, except for Joan of Arc, who has hope to fill it, everyone else has no chance of being in the light. This is a very headache for Owen.

It's obvious that they are all good people and have always been responsible for fighting evil, so why are they all turned into villains and BOSS templates?

Sometimes Owen wonders if he is affected by the name Hydra, just like the Hydra lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. They also shed blood to maintain world peace.

It's a pity that there were too many back-up plans deployed before. Regardless of Hydra or Hydra, this name cannot be lost.

However, light must exist, otherwise it will be impossible to maintain the order of the territory, let alone develop it. This cannot be replaced by the death and tranquility provided by the Eternal Night Church.

Fortunately, Irving still has a lot of time, and the Internet has begun to bear fruit. Maybe he can get some inspiration from it.

After learning about the Divine Network from Kim, Owen has always wanted to connect to the Internet. After working on it for so long, he finally succeeded.

The next step is to pull the network cable, because this method is unstable, just like the difference between radio and optical fiber. It can be used in emergencies, but it is definitely not suitable for long-term use, and its functions are not complete.

But it is particularly important that the network cable connecting to the Divine Network is not to be pulled casually. Many new gods do not know this, and it will be too late when they suffer a big loss.

Fortunately, Owen has obtained Kim's memory. This former boss is a veteran high-ranking goddess of wealth, known as Lu Ziye. As a deputy, she is naturally not bad, otherwise she would not be able to hook up with the tyrant god so easily.

Although she fell into the hands of the tyrant god for many years and was glossed over like beeswax, this tyrant was also a veteran high-ranking god. As the object in her palm, she also obtained a lot of secret information.

So with her here, Owen doesn't need to worry about taking more detours.

It was also from Kim that Owen learned that the Divine Network was actually divided into an internal network and an external network.

The inner network of the Divine Network is based on the ruins of the ancient destroyed Divine Network and was repaired by several ancient gods. Therefore, it is extremely stable and remains motionless even after experiencing many void storms. This makes Owen couldn't help but guess that it was originally What exactly happened to destroy the original divine network.

Although it was repaired from the wreckage, the function of the inner network is still powerful, even so powerful that even as restorers, the ancient gods have never been able to fully grasp it.

Irving felt like a few World War II mechanics who picked up the remaining units of the Superintelligence and reluctantly assembled them. After a long period of exploration, they could only start the machine and perform simple operations. They thought too much about controlling permissions.

However, just because it cannot be controlled, the importance of the intranet will increase infinitely. For example, many powerful gods will leave important things in the corners of the intranet as their hope of making a comeback in desperate situations.

Kim guessed that the goddess of wealth had not completely fallen, or had fallen, but there was still the possibility of her return, because similar things were not uncommon in the long history, and the best hope for a comeback was that no one could interfere. in the intranet.

In addition to serving as a private treasure house, the intranet also functions as a server and database. All data and operating rules of the Divine Network exist in the intranet, which can be said to be the core of the Divine Network throughout the material world.

As for the external network, in fact, it was originally a network cable used by many gods to connect to the internal network. After it was abandoned due to death or other reasons, some clever gods used it to imitate the internal network and weave their own regional network, because more and more gods imitated it. The more there are, the more external networks will be formed.

This is why Kim reminded him to be vigilant. Although the external network is also controlled by the internal network, as a weaver, he still has higher authority over the regional network he weaves. If he is not careful, he will fall into a trap.

Although due to various reasons, most of the external networks have actually lost their weavers. Almost the eighth and ninth floors of the external network are directly controlled by the internal network. But who allowed the previous void storm to cause considerable damage to the external network? After some After the gods were restored, a lot of authority naturally fell into the hands of the other party, and there was more room for operation.

Therefore, the best way is to spend more money to directly connect to the internal network, and then connect to the external network through the internal network. In this way, the divine network will be protected by the internal network and reduce the chance of being deceived.

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