Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 533 The Prototype of the God System

Good things are good things. As long as you fully master them, let alone the gods, the heavens can make them. When the sky is filled with gods, Buddhas, and hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals, let's see who else dares to speak loudly to him.

Unfortunately, let alone whether it can be realized technically, even if it can, many of the equipment and raw materials required are not what Owen can provide now, let alone extracting the origin of subspace.

Owen made a simple calculation. Only by draining the main world dry can he barely cultivate a half-finished original body.

In desperation, Owen selected relatively basic things from genetic technology and passed them to the Flame Queen, asking her to open them to researchers according to their levels to upgrade and improve the existing Ultramarines in the territory, and then ignored them.

In contrast, Owen gained a lot from the knowledge about subspace.

After obtaining the psychic seeds, Owen continued to transform more psychic powers through the golden tree, and psychic powers were a specialty of the subspace.

Theoretically, if he had enough spiritual power and relevant knowledge, Owen might not be able to transform the space of authority into a real subspace, or even spread the subspace out, covering the entire void, and successfully advance to a conceptual god like the Four Vendors.

Unfortunately, it is too difficult and can only be listed as a long-term plan, Owen thought with regret.

The first two rewards are both heavyweight, and the third reward is not bad either, it is the Book of Emperor Weishan.

This book originating from the Marvel world is said to be a magic book, but it is better to be said to be a collection of divine spells cloaked in magic, because most of the magic performed by mages in the Marvel world, including the Supreme Mage Ancient One, is borrowed from Come on, they just built a spell model.

Just like a calculation formula for solving a problem, the Book of Emperor Weishan is just a reference book with more detailed content. In addition to calculation, from filling to releasing, all the creditor's money is consumed, so when the debt is repaid, the more difficult it is during his lifetime. The stronger you are, the more miserable you will be after death. Even if you borrow money from a god belonging to the righteous camp, it is not easy to repay it. Otherwise, how could Gu Yi fake his death and escape, hugging the thigh of the eternal god to avoid the creditor? It is because he does not want to repay the debt.

But for Owen, this stuff is the knowledge he needs most.

Emperor Weishan is a trinity of old gods. The upper limit of his strength is unknown, but he is definitely above the main god, and maybe even above the god king. The collection of divine arts created by this being is all-inclusive, and for Owen, it is a ready-made plagiarism. The object is infinitely better than trying to figure it out alone.

Owen was a little disappointed with the fourth reward, because it was a Horadric Cube.

If it were in the early days, this thing would definitely not be replaced by an artifact, but for Owen now, it has no meaning. There is a universal system, and he only needs to accumulate progress points. He doesn't want anything, so why need to prepare materials? Try to synthesize the formula, so use the golden tree as a tonic.

The golden tree has the function of decomposing and integrating divinity and law. If you obtain the ability of the Horadric Cube, it will not only greatly speed up the growth rate, but also have more magical abilities.

In contrast, giving up the Horadric Cube is undoubtedly the right choice.

In fact, the integration of the two is smoother than Owen imagined. After all, they are both from the system and have a high degree of functional overlap. In addition, although the Horadric Cube is powerful, it has no ego and spirituality, and it is easy to be absorbed by the golden tree fusion. By itself, the Golden Tree has taken a big step towards becoming the World Tree.

After fusing with the Horadric Cube, the Golden Tree is now more powerful than Owen imagined, allowing him to find a solution to Kim and Nightmare Moon's problems.

The first was Kim, who was left gasping for breath and was completely swallowed up by the golden tree without any resistance. Her origin was ground and transformed, and then her body was decomposed and reborn.

It's just that relying on the existing materials, the reborn Kim is not much different from the one who washed points and re-added attributes, so it doesn't mean much.

Just as the system progress value increased, Owen planned to exchange a suitable template for the other party so that it could play a greater role.

Freya, this is the goddess template Owen carefully selected for Kim.

This goddess originating from Northern Europe is not a powerful god, but she has a wide range of divine powers, involving love, beauty, fertility, sexual desire, war and gold. She is the god of love, war and magic, and is also responsible for fertility and fertility. As well as the god of love, he has the right to receive heroic spirits.

She often wears rich makeup and colorful clothes, and sometimes goes into battle in full armor, but usually she wears an eagle feather cloak and rides in a cat carriage with wild boars.

It's just that his private life is a bit chaotic. Like other Nordic gods, he is good at getting green plants for his partner.

It's a pity that the upper limit of the game for which he can exchange templates is not very high, so this goddess is only a lower-level god, and the powers of the priesthood are very messy, which made Owen frown when he saw it.

But only in this way can Owen afford to exchange it, and it is also very suitable for the experienced Kim. At least Owen, who has seen the other party's memories, thinks it is quite suitable, and they all have a good time.

After inserting the template, Owen found that it could not be filled, so he transformed the broken high-level artifact and poured it into it.

Golden goddess Kim/lower god, divinity (gold 4, joy 2), equipment: golden spear/semi-artifact/war divinity 2 points.

She was originally the goddess in charge of gold and trade. After being captured by the tyrant god, in addition to playing with her day and night, she was also forced to participate in many battles. Therefore, with these eight points of divinity, Kim could barely exert most of her power. , it’s not a waste.

Only then did Owen realize that after working so hard for so long, he was not as good as the wave of rewards given by the system. Before he could fully digest them, he had two more gods under his command, one with great potential and the other with good prospects, plus Angel and Ciel. , and the Dragon Mother already have the foundation for forming a divine system.

Unfortunately, Owen himself was too exhausted to support himself up the wall.

Owen has no good solution for this. He has improved too quickly. He has not fully adapted to becoming a god, let alone mastered the relevant knowledge and powers of gods. Therefore, he continues to add divinities to increase the upper limit and Not a good idea.

Otherwise, if he gives all these good things to himself, he can at least add 20 points of divinity, but he cannot imagine the consequences. He just instinctively feels that it is not a good thing.

What's more, now he has a new system of spiritual energy. If he is lucky enough, it is not impossible to create subspace, which has more potential and power than the Kingdom of God.

Therefore, Owen is very cautious, and will not turn back on the road to godhood, nor will he stop in the accumulation of spiritual energy and subspace. He must grasp it with both hands and be strong with both hands.

This is obviously not easy, but Owen is confident that it took him less than a hundred years to go from being a mortal to becoming a god, and from becoming a god to having the prototype of a god system.

For other gods, not to mention becoming gods, whether they will be promoted from legends to demigods in a hundred years is a question, so there is no need to rush.

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