Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 535 Divine Network and Planes

In fact, most of the people active in the Divine Network are mortals. They may be of different races, but they are not gods.

Some are believers who enter the divine network through the channels opened by the gods, and go to other planes to take risks and trials in search of opportunities.

Some accidentally enter the Divine Network through unowned channels. After all, the death of gods does not mean that the network cable will completely collapse. In addition, it is abandoned, so unowned Divine Network channels are not uncommon, but they are only placed in the endless material world. Seems rare.

In addition to these two, there are also various reasons for entering. In short, the miracle place of Shenwang never lacks outsiders and newcomers. Therefore, although the node in front of Owen is small, it is very lively. He just glanced at it. I saw two to three thousand people from dozens of races coming and going.

Because of the constraints of the Divine Network, the order here is very stable. Even if there is a conflict and a quarrel, everyone will face each other and lick each other's nose with their little tongues, but they will still put their hands down honestly, even making big movements. Don't even dare to have it.

Under the stable order, prosperous trade naturally emerged. Many people placed their harvests generously on the ground without fear of being taken away.

After taking a closer look, I realized that every stall paid a fee, and in the circle drawn by the divine net, no one dared to violate the rules.

As a result, everything from the bottom of the box was displayed, from simple slate books to Buling Buling's flashing equipment, from ferocious ogre slaves to adorable elf maids, there were only things that were unimaginable, no matter what. There is nothing.

If it doesn't exist here, then go to other nodes and take a look. In short, the divine network is spread over most of the material world. In theory, as long as it exists, it can be found in the divine network. That's how confident it is.

In addition to physical trade, the information and knowledge categories are all-encompassing. Not to mention reading them all, just going through the catalog is a series for a lifetime.

This is only on the surface, and the real value will not be seen by ordinary people.

Unfortunately, this is just a small node, with not many connected planes and no special planes. Therefore, the value gathered here is naturally not much higher. Many things only look good, but at most they can deceive newcomers. Or if you don't have enough eyesight, it's just a novelty for Irving.

In fact, what Owen is most interested in is the plane.

Apart from various transactions, one of the main functions of the Divine Network is to serve as a transportation hub connecting many planes.

But even the gods can't tell how many planes there are in the material world, because planes disappear or appear every moment. Some are valuable, some are worthless, some are dangerous, and some are not dangerous, they all need to be taken risks. Those who have to go to explore and distinguish, and this is also the value of mortals in the divine network, after all, we can't let the gods go in person.

After preliminary screening, once a resource-rich plane is discovered, the adventurer can obtain overwhelming wealth just by selling information. If he is lucky enough to be favored by a certain god, it is not easy to become a powerful and long-lived divine benefactor. impossible.

It can be said that the Divine Network has infinite possibilities, and therefore attracts countless people.

But this is only for mortals. For most gods, except for a few special planes, most planes are not of much value to them, so there is no shortage of boring gods who transform some planes into playgrounds. Or a trap, for fun.

Just like a certain anime called Dungeon Encounter in a previous life, gods are not busy cultivating 996 followers all day long. It is even rarer to fight each other to death. Having fun is the daily life of most gods.

Owen was very interested in this aspect and checked it out.

Shenwang has planned the data very well. There is a column for the new dimension, and below it are countless people asking for team formation. They also say where there are resources, where there are dangers and so on.

Developing a plane is one column, but this can no longer be accomplished by forming a team. It is either a powerful force or a religious organization with gods standing behind it, and the time it takes is measured in hundreds of years.

In addition, there are special types, some are extremely dangerous, some are paradises for gods, some are colosseums, and there are even planes purely for enjoyment.

Among them, some are just playing, some are gambling, and some are naturally fond of challenges. It all depends on everyone's choice.

Regardless of the type, gods rarely go out in person. They mostly use it to give trials to their subordinates, or take the opportunity to spread their beliefs. Even if they compete for planes, they are mostly done through gambling or hegemony. .

Owen knew that the gods had their own circle, but he had no intention of joining now until the network cables were widened and more power could be mobilized.

Now Owen plans to go to other dimensions to see how they are different from the world he lives in, and this is why he is eager to enter the Divine Network.

He randomly chose a plane. Since he had no body, Owen spent some faith crystals and asked the Divine Network to help him select a suitable target from the plane.

Of course, if he is willing to pay more for some faith crystals, Shenwang will create a body according to his choice. It can be male or female, neither male nor female. Not to mention the appearance, gender, and race can be changed.

It is even easier to add various talents and skills at the same time. If you are willing to pay a resurrection fee, you will be reborn in the divine network after death in the plane.

To a certain extent, the functions of the Divine Net and the Main Divine Space are not much different.

However, faith crystals are not just about collecting some faith power. First of all, they must be at least a demigod level. Secondly, faith power must have a certain degree of purity before they can be condensed into crystals. This causes faith crystals to become hard currency in the Divine Network.

Although a lot of divine power was spent, Owen was still not short of faith crystals, so he decisively added money to speed up the search on the Divine Network.

Male, teenager, legal system, untrustworthy

As Owen continued to add conditions, the goals provided by the Divine Network became less and more in line with his wishes, until the appearance of a young man flashed before his eyes, decisively determined.

Andrew is a mage apprentice. He has been learning magic from the wandering mage since he was ten years old. However, due to the unstable learning environment and the teacher's hobbies in certain aspects, his foundation is very poor and he is seriously partial to subjects.

But now he no longer has to worry about his future employment, because he accidentally got a scroll to summon a succubus. His womanizing teacher suddenly felt itchy and couldn't wait to let him go after encountering a cabin in the forest. Stand guard outside.

There was no movement while he was peeing. Andrew was not surprised by this, because this was the true level of the teacher, but he knew it would happen again soon.

The teacher's potion is still very effective in this regard, and this is why he is not very short of money even though he is just a wandering mage, because when passing by the noble territories, those fat and weak nobles are always happy to pay for it. .

But not long after, Andrew felt a heart attack. His face turned pale and he tore off his clothes. When he saw the rune on his heart, despair and betrayal made him just want to set fire to the wooden house behind him.

It's a pity that Andrew didn't have a chance. The next moment, he lost his life due to the activation of the scapegoat magic that the teacher secretly set on him, and the wooden house behind him heard movement again.

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