Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 485 The crazy expansion of the abyss

The land in the garden originally belonged to the land of the abyss, and had long been drained of nutrients. After Owen took over, many rounds of plant reincarnations added a thick layer of humus, and with the humid temperature and full fermentation, the land regained some vitality. .

But it can only be said that some vitality has been restored, far from being fertile. At least it is difficult for ordinary seeds to grow healthily. Therefore, Owen decided to provide some help to the elves, and at the same time, it was also a temptation for them. After all, he was a devil.

What kind of plant is this? Andromeda looked confused at the smiling sunflower in front of her. Although it was embarrassing for the elves, she had never seen this kind of plant before.

It's called sunflower. It's a very interesting plant. It can provide sunlight to other plants and speed up their growth. Owen said to Andromeda after sowing more sunflower seeds and promoting them to seedlings.

This was originally a land of the abyss. After I occupied it, although the soil was improved and vitality was injected, the time was too short to provide sufficient nutrients. At least it is difficult for ordinary plants to grow here. But with sunflowers, you Not only can the crops grown grow normally, but the harvest time can also be accelerated,” Owen explained.

Andromeda's eyes suddenly lit up. A safe and stable food source was the basis for the survival of a race, so she immediately arranged for clever elf girls to take care of these seedlings.

It seems that you like it very much. I also have some special seeds here that you can plant to protect yourself. Owen handed an atlas of Plants vs. Zombies and a bag of seeds to Andromeda, and she took it carefully. And sincerely thank the owner of the garden for the gift.

Now Andromeda has regarded Owen as a natural god. Although she has not promoted his faith among the elves, she has not stopped the elves from spontaneously offering sacrifices. After all, she and Asali are not the only ones who see Owen's weirdness. , many elves are still older than Queen Andromeda, and their knowledge reserves and insights are not bad.

Farming always makes people feel so happy. Owen said happily as he looked at the square farmland and the crisscrossing canals, feeling the enthusiasm of the elves in their labor.

Yes. Andromeda said with a sigh. Compared with the gorgeous and towering Elf Palace, she still felt that the simple labor scene in front of her was more vital. In the past, the elves had been separated from nature for too long. There was only bright sunshine in front of them, but they forgot He lowered his head and looked at the soil under his feet.

It's not just Andromeda who has changed her mind. Those elves who were lucky enough to survive are also happy with their current life, which is considered poor compared to before, because only by encountering suffering can they understand the preciousness of life.

A group of elves farming is actually quite interesting, and it is a rare break from the boring daily activities of killing demons.

Thinking of this, Owen raised his head and looked deeper into the abyss, where the demonic flames surged into the sky and the bloody fighting never stopped.

There is no way, the land of the abyss has changed a lot now. I took advantage of the opening of the abyss cave before, not only gained more power of the abyss, but also got several pieces of the abyss fragments.

Although these fragments are as insignificant as skin flakes to the abyss, they are already a very heavy pressure for a world.

After obtaining sufficient supplies, the Land of the Abyss began its own crazy expansion. In a short period of time, its area more than doubled, and it already overlapped with the forces of the Imperial Capital.

The most frightening thing is that the aura of the abyss has spread thousands of miles away, not to mention the imperial capital, even the original core area of ​​the empire, and caused huge turmoil. At present, both the Hundred Cities Alliance and the five southern countries are in chaos. Because the affected population exceeds tens of millions, even if it is dispersed to multiple power camps, it will still be a big loss, and it may even shake the foundation.

Affected by this, a large number of demon-related sects have emerged in various places. The situation that was originally much better due to the emergence of the Holy Shield has deteriorated again. It is no exaggeration to say that the demons are dancing in chaos and the people are living in dire straits.

Some places even have the idea of ​​​​joining if they can't beat them, and bring demon summoning directly to the public, making it a power that can be traded. Anyway, the cost is just some souls, and for some people, this is too cheap. .

Various reasons caused more negative emotions and souls to gather in the abyss, so a large number of demons were born, and fierce conflicts broke out with the demons from the abyss.

Demons from the abyss inevitably began to compete with local demons for territory, including lord-level demons. This made the scale of the fighting larger and more destructive. Tens of thousands of demons were torn apart every day, but in the blink of an eye More demons will be born from the land of the abyss, making this conflict never end in sight, just like a real bloody battle in the abyss.

There is no alliance between the demons. The outsiders and the locals are killing each other like a pot of porridge, and more and more demons are involved. It has become a carnival of demons.

But Owen didn't want to join. In order to avoid being affected, in addition to the increasingly strict plant front, tens of thousands of garden demons also patrolled the borders of the garden. From time to time, conflicts broke out with demons who crossed the border. Although they never lost, they never had peace for a day. , and it is difficult to take the initiative. After all, garden demons are relatively bulky, and passive defense must rely on plant fronts. It is unrealistic to expect them to actively attack or pursue.

Although the garden is located in a corner, it is only a matter of time before those powerful demons discover it, not to mention that for lord-level demons, his existence is too conspicuous and too annoying.

The consciousness of the Abyss, which has learned to be wise, no longer puts its treasure on one demon. Even those external demon lords have gained some original authority and naturally sensed Owen's existence.

At present, Owen has the highest proportion of mastering the origins of the Abyss. It is normal to become a thorn in the side of those demon lords, and sooner or later they will come to him for trouble. It's just a matter of time.

The law of the abyss is almost formed. It's been such a troubled time. Owen sighed and looked up at the sky. The law containing the power of the abyss was intermittently in the sky. When it is formed, the land of the abyss will be completely different from the master. The world has the qualifications to compete with others. When the time comes, whether the east wind overwhelms the west wind or the west wind overpowers the east wind, the land of the abyss will only be weakened, but it will never disappear.

Since it can't be stopped, then join. Irving will no longer be passively beaten. Let the garden demon army march on Flower Street. It will expand the garden's sphere of influence and spread its reputation at the same time. Anyway, it cannot be passive, because this will attract all the demons. After all, bullying is afraid of the strong. But it is common to all living things.

The addition of the Garden Demon has made the entire Abyss Land unstained with blood, but this is more in line with the interests of the Abyss Land Consciousness, because only through constant fighting can the power and fragments leaked from the Abyss be absorbed more quickly, so instead Encourage fighting and generously give more rewards, which is why Irving participated.

Only by obtaining more can he expand the size of the garden faster and reduce the harm of the abyss. On the contrary, if he falls into a weak position, he will never have peace.

There is one more chapter, I will post it after I finish cooking

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