Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 484 Mudun Community Copying Technique

Owen has been busy digesting these days, not only the fragments of the Kingdom of God, but also a bit of divinity that the Goddess of Morning Glory was chopped off by the Goddess of the Sky. I don’t know whether this bit of divinity fell into the fragments of the Kingdom of God intentionally or unintentionally. It happened to be the fragment where the elf was, and what happened was that it still fell into Owen's hands.

So many coincidences are no longer coincidences, they are clearly traps set, and they are also conspiracy.

Integrating this bit of divinity means that there is no room for reconciliation between him and the goddess of morning glory. As for returning it, let alone whether the consciousness of the main world will give him small shoes, whether the goddess of the sky will strike him with thunder, he alone will not Yes, so Owen decided to accept this bit of divinity.

In fact, the main reason is that this is the divinity of sunshine, which is a vital fill-in for Owen to complete his own puzzle, so he can fight as long as he wants, and he can still be afraid of a god who has been blacklisted by the main world and has been severely damaged. .

Although he has gained six points of divinity, he is still one step away from becoming a god, and Owen knows what he lacks, which is the divinity of the natural system.

Owen immediately thought of those elves. The jungle goddess's status as a demigod could not be hidden from him.

However, killing people to seize divinity is not in line with Owen's personality, at least until the other party has done no evil. This is the bottom line he sets for himself.

Although after coming to another world, his bottom line is broken one after another like the eighteen levels of hell, but he will never act without a bottom line, such as killing people and grabbing treasures, because this will undoubtedly make him become evil. Ghost, so Owen is not going to do this.

Maybe this will reduce his efficiency, reduce his gains, and slow down his growth, but so what, is he cheating well? There is a system in place, and he doesn't have what he wants, so why lower the bottom line and betray his character.

Thinking of this, Owen planned to go see those elves.

But when he arrived at the place, he saw the elves living in the trees, munching wild fruits, and twisting straw ropes with a green face. He thought he was watching an alien version of wilderness survival.

No, even if you are elves, your life is too primitive.

Owen couldn't help but rub his chin, and it felt even weirder when he saw a few garden demons bringing some wild fruits to the elves to feed.

After learning that the Lord of the Garden had arrived, Andromeda rushed over as soon as possible. At the same time, she was inevitably a little uneasy, fearing that the other party would put forward some excessive conditions.

Good day, kind Lord of the Garden. No matter what the other party's purpose is, the benevolent Andromeda intends to hang on the other party's head, even if it only makes the other party a little more scrupulous.

Good day, nature's darling. Owen nodded to the elf queen who looked increasingly haggard and had been relying on soup to survive recently.

I'm sorry, I didn't expect you guys to have such a hard time. After thinking about it, Owen said it directly. After all, it was obvious.

Andromeda didn't have any other expression when she heard this, because the elves were really miserable.

After looking around, Owen said to Andromeda.

Maybe it's not as good as the city carefully crafted by the elves, but it can still be used as a transition.

After speaking, Owen pressed his hands on the ground. This time he did not use any divine power. Whether his own power or the chakra converted into chakra, it was enough for him to perform the evolved version of the Lianzhu Family's Community Copying Technique.

A large number of wooden pillars broke out of the ground and grew together quickly to form relatively complex wooden buildings. From residences for common people to a palace specially prepared for the queen, it was only used in a short time and was enough to accommodate 20,000 to 30,000 people. The area was displayed in front of the elves.

Since the exchange was for Senju Hashirama's template, Owen was no stranger to water escape and earth escape, and he easily constructed wells, fountains, canals and sewer systems.

Then there is the issue of food. Elves like Andromeda have long been accustomed to civilized life. They live in towns and do not need to collect, hunt, or stay in the wilderness at night to be close to nature. They have dedicated elves responsible for farming. , grazing and production, so the food, clothing, housing and transportation are more like humans. However, the food is lighter and the taste is gorgeous. Therefore, it is difficult to adapt to eating only wild fruits and plant roots like our ancestors, while living in trees wearing leaves.

However, Irving did not intend to give them food directly. He understood the principle that kindness can turn into hatred, so he exchanged many seeds for crops for them. As for the tools, they were either made of wood or stone, just to remind them of their poor life. , Owen can slowly conquer these elves.

Even so, Andromeda was overjoyed, so she immediately agreed to Owen's request for them to teach the garden demon to take care of flowers and plants.

To be honest, even if Owen asked her to choose some elves to feed the demons now, or even want to taste the taste of the queen, she might not agree, because the current situation of the elves is too difficult, and she will cling to any chance of survival. live.

After borrowing some books preserved by the elves, Owen left. Although he wanted the divinity of the natural system, divinity was too precious to be rushed.

Asali, who was hiding somewhere, came to Andromeda and marveled at the town built of pure wood in front of her.

I don't even believe that the Lord of the Garden is not a natural god. Asali curled her lips and said, and Andromeda nodded in agreement, because this was too un-demonlike.

After arranging for the elves who were finally able to escape from sleeping in the open air to move in, Andromeda and Asali also headed to the wooden palace.

Although I have never seen it before, it is a very classic elf style. I will not mistake this. Andromeda walked into the palace, carefully observed every detail, and said to Asali.

Haha, could it be that the other party is still an elf god? Asali said with a smile. If the guess is true, then she can also breathe a sigh of relief. After all, she relies on her as a demigod to protect her in this environment. There are so many elves, which is also a very stressful thing.

Therefore, if you meet a natural elf deity, even if you offer your faith, it is still worth it. Maybe she can still become a god.

With a place to live and hope, the elves burst out with great enthusiasm and motivation. Even if they were not used to working, they enthusiastically carried farm tools to plow the fields.

Owen was very interested in this and came over with some clear soup to express his condolences.

Although Owen's current image is not very good, it is just an image. He is full of vitality. When he sits there, he is like an ancient tree, which really makes the elf unable to be vigilant. Besides, the soup is really tonic.

After going through the Abyss, the surviving elves are not in good condition. Not only are they malnourished, but they are also affected by the aura of the abyss. The clear soup can not only make up for their losses, but also reduce the impact of the abyss on them. It can be said that drinking it A bowl of troubles disappears.

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