After the war started, the singing and dancing garden demons happily carried their beloved father, crushing all the demons they encountered like a mudslide. They were able to achieve such results naturally because of cheating.

Sitting on a wooden palanquin lifted by hundreds of garden demons, while making thick soup, Owen occasionally used wooden escape to help control the field. For example, he would tie up the demons he encountered and let the children smoke them. Often, a single battle would accomplish the feat. Out of a forest.

Interestingly, Owen found that the consciousness of the Abyss no longer rejected his reforestation behavior and was much more tolerant.

Originally, the environment of the Abyss was very single. It could tolerate the expansion of Owen's garden because it could extract more vitality from it when necessary, not because it liked it.

Later, with the expansion of the scope and the integration of several abyss fragments, the land of the abyss gained more environmental templates, and the tolerance was naturally much higher.

This was a good thing for Owen, so he had more fun. Before the dead demons could be recovered by the abyss, they were cut off by him and turned into nutrient-rich fertilizer, which became nutrients for the growth of plants.

The emergence of large tracts of forests and green grasslands has attracted many demons. Demons who are born to like destruction hate all beautiful things, just like naughty children who like to break figurines.

However, Irving would not spoil them. He dared to destroy them. If he couldn't find the parents, he buried them as fertilizer, letting them become part of the natural cycle. Plants would not reject anyone who came.

Owen began to get tired of constantly intervening in low-level battles. He tried to cultivate new demons to make up for the shortcomings of the garden demons. The first was a licker demon created with very mature technology, named the guard dog.

The guard dog is not large in size, much smaller than the garden devil, but its movements are very agile, which can well make up for the slow movement of the garden devil. It does a good job in chasing or restraining the enemy.

The success of this case gave Owen more inspiration, so he cultivated a larger transport sled dog, intending to enable it to carry the garden devil on its back and rush into the enemy's formation to play the role of cavalry.

But Owen soon discovered that the sled-type devil dog he trained was strong and energetic, and could easily carry the garden devils on his back, but it was hard to say how many garden devils could be successfully delivered to their destination.

He shouldn't have chosen Erha's genes. These new demon dogs were so happy that even Owen, the creator, couldn't fully control them.

It's not that these new demon dogs don't obey orders, but because there will always be problems with the orders you give and the commands they understand, so Owen can only watch hundreds of huge black and white demon dogs carrying a bunch of them quickly. The vomited Garden Demon searched for his destination, and passed by the enemy's formation many times without entering. What a spirit.

Owen soon gave up and decided not to cultivate this type of devil dog, but to just release it as a mascot.

Owen's decision only persisted until his army arrived at the castle of a certain unlucky demon lord. Only then did he understand that it was not his cultivation that had the problem, but his usage.

There are a lot of demons out there in the open air. After all, it is simply a fantasy to expect the demons who fight and kill all day long to go into production and construction.

Because there are so few, the demon lord, in order to reflect his different status, will let his demons build a demon castle as his residence. Although it is just like a pile of rocks, it is also a symbol of status.

But the fire-bathing demon lord who was born as a succubus was different. She collected sinful souls who were proficient in crafts and arts, and let these sinful souls spend thousands of years building a majestic and gorgeous demon castle.

Yu Huo, who loves this devil's castle so much, tried his best to keep his favorite devil's castle intact even though he accidentally came to the material world from the abyss. Now that it has just been repaired, he can finally have a good night's sleep.

When Yu Huo woke up from the 30-meter-high bed and stood on the 100-meter-high terrace to admire her newly acquired territory, she felt more and more happy until she discovered those strange demon dogs that were so mean to dogs.

These demon dogs look very interesting. They are probably a new breed here. Go catch them and use them to guard my castle. Yuhuo gave the demons under her command an order that she had regretted for thousands of years.

The demons under Yu Huo were determined to die. After all, these strange demon dogs were not small in size, and the fighting power of beast-shaped demons was not weak.

The strange thing is that these demon dogs did not resist at all, and allowed them to hang the thick chains around their necks. The process went incredibly smoothly, and they followed them back to the castle obediently, as if they had raised these demon dogs. Leaving a bunch of demons scratching their heads.

Oh haha, even these demon dogs have surrendered to my charm! As a demon lord who was born as a succubus, although his size has become extraordinarily huge, his charm has not diminished at all. On the contrary, he has become more terrifying. Let the devil who doesn't know what love go through fire and water for her, so she immediately regards the surrender of the devil dog as a reflection of her charm. After all, there is no other possibility. There can't be a devil dog that follows anyone who catches it. It's impossible. Absolutely impossible, it must be because of my own charm that has nowhere to go.

In a happy mood, Yu Huo asked her demons to bring a large amount of food to feed these demon dogs that made her happy. Unexpectedly, after they were full, these demon dogs began to disobey orders. Although they did not attack other demons, they did something that Yu Huo almost did. A heart attack is coming.

My city wall! My statue! My fountain! My gate! My bed~! Because there were so many demon dogs, Yu Huo exclaimed and didn't stop from the beginning. At the same time, it was too sudden and unexpected. , she forgot what kind of reaction she should make, and before those demons were attacked and did not receive orders, they watched hundreds of demon dogs destroy most of the castle with a speed and efficiency that shocked the demons. ruins.

Even the city walls with exquisite patterns carved on the city bricks could not withstand the gnawing of the dogs' teeth. There were gaps everywhere, and holes were dug under the walls. Large areas of the city walls collapsed.

The spectacular fountain with a radius of several hundred meters in the castle square has now become a place for devil dogs to play in the water. You can see those devil dogs drinking water and peeing at the same time. It is really not wasteful at all.

As for the statue that was restored to a one-to-one ratio and made of a lot of precious materials, it was really worth the cost. Even if it was thrown into the pool and was held and gnawed by three or five animals, it was not broken, but only scratched. Flowers were inevitable, and many inlaid precious gems were chewed off and swallowed into the dog's belly, making the demon lord who was bathed in fire jump anxiously.

The most unfortunate thing is inside the castle. In order to adapt to the tall body of the demon lord, both the door and the corridor are extremely wide, fully able to accommodate these demon dogs of the same size to have fun. Everywhere they go is like a dog tornado, nothing is the same. Things can still stay in their original positions and remain intact.

Pfft~~~! Because of her high blood pressure and huge size, Yu Huo's mouthful of blood spurted out brighter than a rainbow. Even so, she insisted on raising her hand and stretching out a finger, but for a moment For a while, she didn't think about where to point, because every damaged place would make her heart ache.

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