After completing the preliminary census, even though she was mentally prepared, Andromeda's heart was still filled with sadness, even despair.

At its peak, the Kingdom of Light Elf had a population of more than 30 million. Although most of them were half-elves and wood elves, the number of high elves still exceeded one million. This is what the royal family is most proud of.

But after the doomsday and the abyss, now only 23,000 elves have survived, most of them are old and weak with little fighting power, and only 3,000 are young and strong.

With the fertility of elves, especially high elves, they are almost on the verge of extinction. After all, the number of elves suitable for childbearing is only over 3,000. Even if they do nothing and work hard to reproduce offspring, at most the number of elves will not drop too much. Because the rest of the population is all old and weak and will die out over time.

Therefore, if the population is to grow, it will take at least thousands of years, and during this period, there must not be any wars or disasters that deplete the population.

This is already whimsical. What is even more fatal is that because they stayed in the abyss for too long and the divine power barrier disappeared during the impact, all the elves were exposed to the abyss and were more or less infected with the aura of the abyss. They were even infected by the abyss. The power of the abyss eroded the severe ones, and now they have grown horns and tails. The milder symptoms include discoloration of pupils and skin, sharp nails and teeth, and more irritable and irritable symptoms.

Now Andromeda is not sure whether this state will be passed on to future generations. If so, are they still elves?

If not, what are they? Elf? demon? Still a monster.

As the queen, Andromeda must have a more comprehensive consideration, so she needs to find her own position first before she can talk about development.

For example, she knew that there were elves in this world, so she was considering lowering her profile and blending in. However, their mutated appearance obviously put an end to this idea, because the elves would not accept such so-called similar people, and it would be impossible for them to replace them. No, this is reality.

Outside is a dangerous abyss, and beyond is a completely unfamiliar world. Where can they go?

Generally speaking, the only place that can accommodate them is the current place, the garden of a demon lord.

What a sad thing for the Elf Kingdom.

Andromeda sighed, picked up the clear soup in front of her and drank it all in one gulp. Feeling her energy restored, she couldn't help but feel glad that she met the Lord of the Garden, a special demon lord. Not only did he have a peaceful personality, he didn't look like a demon. The clear soup potion provided is indeed very effective. It not only heals the injured elves, but also restores some seriously mutated elves. Otherwise, the only choice is to kill these compatriots who are about to lose control, which will make them have a small population. Adding insult to injury.

You must know that the elves with severe mutations are mostly the prime elves on the front line. They are the only elves that still have fighting ability in Andromeda's hands. Once they are lost, the so-called Elf Kingdom will be no different from the pieces of meat thrown into the wild.

In addition to these troubles, other aspects are not optimistic. For example, they have lost everything, the world they live in, the country they created, the city they are proud of, and the inheritance they are proud of. Now they only have a few weapons in their hands, not even decent tools, and no Enough food, even lost most of the books and inheritance.

In this case, the elves who have long been accustomed to a leisurely life can only learn from the jungle goddess how to survive in the wild, such as sleeping in trees and looking for edible fruits, mushrooms, and roots.

The only good thing is that the environment here is very good, very suitable for elves, and very safe. Those green demons sometimes send some fruits and mushrooms. At least they can survive now, which is the luckiest thing.

Unknowingly, several days of busy work had passed. Asali, who had been missing for a long time, came out looking somewhat disgraced. Andromeda immediately put down the things she needed to deal with and waited quietly for her to speak.

The situation is not very good. There is the Abyss nearby, or we are within the scope of the Abyss now, but it is very strange here. It converts the power of the abyss into the power of nature and life. This is why those demons are so strange. reasons, so there is no need to worry about being affected by the power of the abyss for the time being. Ashali's stone spear was stained with the blood of demons. It was obvious that he had a conflict with the demons of the abyss during the exploration. In fact, if those demons had not If she dared to get close to the garden easily, she wouldn't be able to escape easily.

Although the other direction has left the scope of the Abyss, the situation is not that good. The plants are distorted by the leaked breath of the abyss, and the animals are all going crazy. Intelligent life is now feverishly performing blood sacrifice rituals to summon demons. Any life is It's the target of their hunting and sacrifice. Asali felt very disgusted by this, but there was nothing he could do because the scope of the impact was too large.

That means we can only stay here. Andromeda said tiredly. Although she had expected it, she did not directly hear the conclusion.

Yes, to put it bluntly, now we all rely on the protection of the Lord of the Garden. Otherwise, continuous reduction in numbers would be the best outcome. I would not be surprised at all if we were directly destroyed. Although Asali is a demigod , but because of the relationship with the Goddess of Morning Glory, it has never been restored. The current strength is just enough to beat the Legend. Sheltering more than 20,000 elves is simply a joke with life.

Andromeda was silent for a moment, accepting the reality she had prepared for, and then spoke.

What do you think of the demon here and the Lord of the Garden?

It's incredible. Those so-called garden demons are just like a mixture of living things and plants. I have never seen demons that emit the fragrance of plants and decay. Therefore, they are not very affected by the demonic part. If you don't disturb them, They can stare at one flower all day long and even laugh out loud. This kind of personality is a bit too much for elves. Asali waved her hand and said, obviously she had been observing the garden demons.

As for the Lord of the Garden, I think he is more like the disguise of a natural god, because what he does looks like he is devouring the Abyss. Asali knows very well what the Abyss looks like. 's, more clearly the garden's changes to the land of the abyss, so said.

Seeing Andromeda lost in thought, Asali sighed and spoke.

Actually, you don't need to think so much.

Yes. Andromeda said with a sigh of relief.

They don't really have a choice, do they?

As outsiders and with the mutated appearance of demons, where can they go?

Even if they surrender to other forces in this world, their fate will not be much better than falling into the hands of demons. After all, they just have more characteristics of demons. They do not become ugly, but become more strangely charming due to mutation.

In addition, the mutation also enhanced their potential and strength. At least in terms of close combat, they were not a little bit stronger than before.

Maybe we can become a new elven race. Asali said to Andromeda.

Andromeda's eyes suddenly lit up. Maybe she was too obsessed with the past afterglow of the Elf Kingdom of Light, why couldn't she look forward, such as establishing a new Elf Kingdom.

And she is not the only one who is worried about mutation. The living elves are also under tremendous pressure. Building a new elf kingdom and becoming a new elf branch is the best way to rebuild confidence.

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