The professionals accompanying the army are mainly divided into four categories: alchemists responsible for maintenance, stalkers responsible for intelligence, knights responsible for charging, and mages responsible for most things.

However, except for the alchemists who are busy all day long, the other three professions do not buy the orders of General Cross.

In fact, this is normal. Now the new faction has become the main force in the war, and the old faction has become a spectator. It is obviously impossible to say that the old faction is voluntary. Therefore, although the professional corps is nominally under the command of General Cross, in fact it does not pay attention to the opponent at all. Under the order of Master Eugene, only the alchemists under Master Eugene took over the work of repairing the equipment. Therefore, the relationship between Master Eugene and the chief and deputy captains of the professional corps was not good. Other professionals even regarded the alchemists as betrayers, so especially Master Jin didn't have much confidence in persuading the other party to take action.

A large number of soldiers are falling every moment. The Alliance needs these soldiers. We can't sit idly by and ignore them! Although he knew that the chance of convincing the other party was very low, Eugene still said with some excitement.

The Alliance needs soldiers, but it doesn't need us, right? The legendary mage Blanche said expressionlessly while fiddling with the staff in his hand.

It stands to reason that as a legend, given his status, even the replacement of old and new people would not affect him, but they couldn't help but found a traitor among them, and that was Master Eugene.

Master Eugene, who favors the new school and is committed to promoting alchemical machinery, is highly valued by the alliance, and various resources are seriously biased. This naturally affects Blanche. After all, as a legendary mage, each of his experiments costs a lot of money and no one can reimburse him. Under such circumstances, how can one happily swim in the ocean of knowledge, so one can just oppose Master Eugene's proposal, not to mention that what he said is the truth.

In the past, mages mastered powerful magic and had a transcendent status, but now, the power of artillery volleys has exceeded the war magic carefully performed by legendary mages, and it is not limited by magic. As long as the logistics can keep up, the destructive power is even greater than that of legendary magic. All big.

The popularity of guns has made the knights who were originally the center of the battlefield irrelevant, and the ones who caused all this were Master Eugene and those damn alchemists.

Master Eugene was a little speechless. As the beneficiary of the alternation between old and new, he really didn't have much confidence to say anything, so he turned to look at Malir, hoping that he could make the right choice.

Mariel, who came from a knight family and was a veteran legend of the Border Town Alliance, was the leader of the elite knights when the Imperial Frontier Army was still there. He was also the only iron-headed boy in the Frontier Army who led troops to support after the fall of the Imperial Capital.

It's a pity that the imperial capital fell. What role can a mere legend lead with a knights? In the end, the knights were completely destroyed and Mariel was seriously injured and returned alone.

This trip not only resulted in the loss of the most elite knights in the border army, but also severely damaged the influence and reputation of the legendary knight Mariel. He remained silent for ten years before being re-appointed as the leader of the knights and training for the border town alliance. A knightly order composed entirely of professionals.

At this time, Malir was maintaining the armor. This was the legendary armor that the emperor personally gave him after he became a legend. After accepting the emperor's canonization in the imperial capital, it was a pity that thirty years ago in the imperial capital, not only did he suffer heavy losses, but also this armor It was almost scrapped.

Later, even if he spent all his wealth, he could only barely repair it. The cost during this period was even enough for him to buy a new set of legendary armor, but the meaning was different.

After the maintenance was completed, Malir put on the armor skillfully, picked up the old knight sword beside him, and walked out of the door silently. In the open space of the camp, a knighthood of 500 Northern Expedition knights was already waiting here. .

Don't tell me that you didn't sense the breath coming from the other side, you will die. Blanche, who walked out together, said with a frown.

People will die, and the place I chose is the battlefield. Malir said plainly. At this time, he once again recalled that day thirty years ago. Maybe he died there in the first place.

What about them? Do you have to spend your life's hard work to die here with this old guy? Blanche pointed at the Knights of the Northern Expedition who were waiting in line to set off without moving.

They are knights, born to belong to the battlefield, and what I have to do is to let them live longer on the battlefield, destroy more enemies, and achieve the final victory. Marier did not hesitate to mount the war horse and lead him. He rushed out of the camp with the five hundred knights he had carefully trained.

After watching Marier enter the battlefield with five hundred knights, Blanche looked very ugly and stared at Eugene.

Now you are satisfied. Once Malir and his Knights of the Northern Expedition die here, the new faction you support will have no rivals in the army. Afterwards, they will only need to provide cheap guns and train a group of civilians. The lost soldiers will be replenished soon, but what about these knights? Without Mariel, the legendary knight, the Knights will completely disappear in the Border Town Alliance.

Professionals are only a minority, and a large number of soldiers are the future of the border town alliance. Only by ensuring that more soldiers survive can the alliance avoid being invaded by the enemy. Eugene still insisted on his point of view, so even if he knew that Malir was Despite all the dangers, he still didn't open his mouth to persuade her to stay. He even planned to persuade Blanche to take action together unless Blanche refused.

It's really noble, what about you? What are you doing? Blanche glanced at the alchemist who was repairing the damaged firearm and said to Eugene.

As alchemists, it is our greatest responsibility to provide soldiers with sufficient and high-quality weapons. Master Eugene said proudly.

Blanche sneered, not planning to talk nonsense to the other party.

I really thought that the Professional Corps was only busy with Eugene and the Alchemist, but in fact they were not idle either, not to mention the knights who were always preparing for war and did not hesitate to join the battlefield in critical moments, and even the inconspicuous stalkers who were responsible for gathering intelligence. Almost half dead, he even organized a group of hundreds of mages to fight against the opponent many times to prevent his own camp from being detected or cast magic by the opponent.

Compared to the alchemists who only need to stay in the safe rear to repair things, the price they pay is even heavier.

In this case, Eugene still had the nerve to stand on the moral high ground and condemn.

If he didn't still have some sense, Blanche really wanted the other party to know what the anger of the legendary mage meant.

It's a pity that Malir's appearance caused him to lose the initiative and bargaining chip, and it also meant that the old school was about to be completely lonely.

If they don't go to war, they can still use the excuse that they didn't receive Cross's military order, but once they do, regardless of victory or defeat, they cannot get rid of this responsibility, whether they are living or dead.

Mariel, you idiot! Blanche, who didn't want to see Eugene's face again, turned and left. On the way, he said with a hint of sadness and some anger.

If Malir is willing to advance and retreat with him, they will regain the initiative in the dispute between the old and the new. Even if they cannot recover what they lost before, there is still no problem in exchanging some benefits.

But Malir had long been determined to die. The current battlefield and crisis seemed to be tailor-made for him. He died heroically on a grand and crisis-filled battlefield. This was very fitting for a man. Knighthood.

You got what you wanted, but I didn't. As an old friend who has been with Mariel for decades, Blanche was both pleased with Mariel's choice and felt betrayed. She even felt that Mariel was selfish. .

But no matter what, this time it was his turn to make a choice. Where should he, the legendary mage Blanche, go?

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