The sudden piercing whistling sound in the air made everyone stunned. The movement came from far to near, and was overwhelming. The sound was extremely frightening. At the same time, it brought a sense of crisis that made many people with keen senses feel as if they were falling into an icy abyss, and their bodies were so stiff that they could not move. No.

As a senior knight, Cross was not stunned. His strong physique gave him better eyesight, but at this moment, he would rather be blind so that he would not have to see the cruel scene that was about to happen.

Three types of artillery directly covered the entire battlefield, but the short-range mortar shells fell first.

Regardless of the fact that the caliber of the mortar is not large in order to facilitate movement, no matter how small it is, it is more lethal than a grenade. When a mortar hits a radius of more than ten meters, it is within the range of shrapnel damage, not to mention the high rate of fire. By the time the first shot was fired, three or five mortar rounds had already been fired, so the soldiers at the front were knocked upside down when they were bombed.

The second was the infantry artillery, which covered the middle section of the charge of the alliance soldiers in the border town, causing a large amount of chaos and making it difficult to continue the charge. Even the ten steam tanks that were gradually overtaken by the infantry charge due to speed issues also took several hits, and the armor in many places was They were all dented and twisted, and a few of the unlucky ones had their tracks blown off and lay flat on their backs. They could only be supported by twin turrets, which may have little effect.

Finally, there was the master's heavy artillery. Its heavy mass caused the air that was squeezed out to emit a harsh whistling sound. After crossing a long distance, it fell directly on the Union soldiers who had gathered behind to prepare to set off.

Good military literacy allows border town alliance soldiers to instinctively arrange themselves into neat formations. When they start to charge, they will use the dispersion method learned from the mobilization soldiers as a charging method.

But this time they have no chance. The larger the caliber, the farther the range, so nothing that can fall on their heads is less than 150 mm.

And how destructive is the 150mm heavy artillery? Basically, a shell weighing nearly 100 kilograms will kill half the people in the playground. The 200mm heavy artillery can turn the entire football field into a dead place.

In order to maximize this rare opportunity, Howard also used a rocket launcher. Metal pillars with tail flames fell from the sky. The terrifying lethality made Cross completely lose his reaction to the outside world, and he just stood there in a daze. Watching countless soldiers flying into the air as the explosion continued to turn into pieces, and then scattered further away.

As the artillery fire extended, this horrific scene continued, but it was no longer important to Cross. He was finished, the army was finished, and the alliance was finished.

When the artillery fire began to spread, the officers of the Glory Alliance blew their sharp whistles hard. The soldiers who had been quietly staying in the trench immediately grabbed their rifles with bayonets and rushed out, as if they wanted to chase the artillery fire without stopping. .

They are not a reserve corps, but the most elite main corps in the territory. The scene of roaring artillery fire in front of them is not enough to shake their minds. Facing the enemy who is about to be blown up, they have no mercy. They skillfully stop running for a short time. Fire quickly, then pull the bolt to load while running.

The main force consists of a team of ten people, with a machine gun as the core. In addition to the main and deputy machine gun shooters, there are six riflemen and two submachine gunners. At this time, they fully utilized their daily training and immediately lay down when the enemy gathered. Down, the machine gunner shoots, the rifleman kills the enemy with precision, and the submachine gunner deals with the enemy who rushes too close.

Each team is at a distance that can support each other, and there are artillerymen carrying mortars not far behind them. As long as they encounter a difficult enemy, they will immediately receive artillery support.

The whole process is like constantly cutting the enemy's flesh and blood with a sharp knife, dividing the whole into small mouths, and then swallowing them in one mouthful.

Although the border town alliance soldiers who have fallen into complete chaos are still resisting, they have lost their organization. Let alone their superiors, they don’t even know what to do now. Some are hot-blooded and want to continue charging, while others want to retreat calmly. Some of those who went to the rear to rely on fortifications to fight back were completely frightened.

No matter how elite you are, not everyone can withstand the overwhelming artillery fire that randomly selects a group of teammates and turns them into pieces and flies into the sky.

We haven't lost yet. Master Eugene hurried over and grabbed Cross's shoulders tightly to bring him back to his senses.

Taking a deep breath, Cross tried not to look at the scene of the army's collapse and to think about the opportunity that Master Eugene said.

Now the Glory Alliance seizes the opportunity of his general attack and inflicts heavy losses on the alliance's soldiers. At this time, the defeat is certain, so they will definitely choose to pursue the victory. In this case, the opponent's rear will become empty.

Master Eugene, order them to dispatch, I will try to buy you time. Thinking of this, Cross said to Master Eugene.

Okay. Master Eugene glanced at Cross after hearing this and sighed.

Obviously Cross decided to go with the soldiers to resist the attack of the Glory Alliance, and death in battle was his only outcome, and it was also the best outcome. Otherwise, with such heavy casualties, even if he returned alive, he would bear all the responsibility and shame. He, his family and the new faction will suffer a fatal blow.

Although Cross decided to die, he wanted his death to be worthwhile and worthy of his status as a general. Therefore, he braved the artillery fire with his own soldiers, personally gathered the scattered soldiers around him, and then rebuilt a second line of defense outside the range of the artillery fire. And the reserve corps was mobilized.

Not to mention this war that will not end in a short time, Master Eugene hurried to a special camp. Even the soldiers guarding the gate here are professionals. Therefore, despite the small number, the combat power is that of the entire border town alliance. The top of the army.

The only pity is that the number is too small, adding up to just over a thousand. This is also the reason why the new sect of the gun style can rise.

Professionals are strong, but not everyone can become a professional. Generally speaking, there are at most three or five people out of a thousand.

And this is just the threshold for entry. Next, you need not only the guidance of famous teachers, but also sufficient time and materials to study and train. Otherwise, if you cultivate the land and practice martial arts at the same time, unless you are the reincarnation of a brave man, you will definitely not be able to achieve anything famous. Come.

In addition, even if you can meet these conditions, you are not 100% able to become an intermediate or even advanced professional.

Therefore, under various restrictions, the entire Border Town Alliance has a population of millions, and the number of professionals has not reached 10,000, including apprentices who are of little use.

With the same resources and time, the Border Town Alliance can train at least 100,000 elite soldiers equipped with guns and artillery.

Compare them, and you’ll know which one to choose as long as you’re not stupid.

Therefore, in the battle between the old and the new, the new faction will definitely win, especially with the development of guns and machinery.

In this case, Master Eugene was not sure of persuading the professional corps to take action.

Anyone with a discerning eye can now see that the new troops from the Border Town Alliance suffered a disastrous defeat this time. Even if they are lucky enough to return, they will inevitably suffer heavy losses in terms of power and influence, and may even be unable to recover.

What's more, even if they help, it may be difficult to save the defeat. Not only will they bear part of the responsibility in this battle, but they will also suffer heavy losses. After all, they have seen the power of the heavy artillery, and even professionals cannot withstand it.

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