Five hundred and one war horses were like a school of fish swimming upstream on the chaotic battlefield, and they still maintained a running speed under their superb riding skills.

The border town alliance soldiers who were lucky enough to witness this scene were shocked at first, and then they remembered something, and their collapsed morale miraculously gathered together.

The Knights of the Northern Expedition are legends that residents of the Border Town Alliance have heard since they were young. Many soldiers still worship the Knights of the Northern Expedition. Therefore, when the Knights of the Northern Expedition appeared on the battlefield just like in the story, they gave birth to a strong bond for no reason. Come on.

Such an obvious change was naturally known to Cross, and he would not miss the opportunity this time, because this was the only chance for the Border Town League to make a comeback.

While taking the opportunity to organize more soldiers to defend on the spot, Cross also deliberately revealed his position, firmly attracting the attention of the Glory Alliance to himself, and creating opportunities for the Northern Expedition Knights' surprise attack.

This is both an opportunity for the Northern Expedition Knights and an opportunity for him. As long as he can severely damage the Glory Alliance, all the current losses will be worth it. Cross, who has regarded the Glory Alliance as his biggest enemy, will not hesitate to gamble with his own life.

With the legendary knight's perception and rich war experience, Malir knew what Cross was doing, which made him agree with it a little bit, because the other party, like him, decided to regard this battle as the most glorious ending in his life.

Apart from this, Malir had no other thoughts, and he didn't even care about the reason for this failure. As an old guy who was about to be abandoned by the times, he just wanted an ending.

With legendary level of keen intuition, Mariel led his knights to run quickly in the gunfire, but this could not prevent his knights from being hurt. From time to time, some peripheral knights were knocked to the ground by the shock wave generated by the explosion of the shells. The knights protected by armor and fighting spirit may be able to survive, but the war horses cannot. Even the horses of the Northern Expedition knights have thin blood of Warcraft. They cannot recover in a short time under the violent shock wave. Therefore, The fallen knight could only passively fall into the chaotic battlefield.

But now is no longer the time to dominate the battlefield with fighting spirit and long swords alone. The soldiers of the Glory Alliance used machine guns to target the movements of the fallen knight, and used continuous firepower to weaken the burst of fighting spirit. In the end, the knight riddled with holes fell to the gun. Under the gun, they were no different from the countless Union soldiers from the border towns who fell to the ground.

Occasionally, there are knights who succeed in getting close. At this time, neither machine guns nor rifles are effective. Only submachine guns can cause a little trouble, and the knights' refined combat skills and bursts of fighting spirit can easily cause small-scale massacres.

Unfortunately, this advantage is difficult to last. The soldiers of the Glory Alliance do not lack courage and self-sacrifice. The self-exploding grenades and the roar of shooting at me made these Northern Expedition knights who had just found their presence quickly fall on the battlefield.

Mariel knew all this. This was his choice and the choice of the knights in the Northern Expedition.

In fact, the dispute between the old and the new has affected not only the upper class, but also the professionals who have borne the brunt, especially the combat-type professionals, who are now at a loss.

Their strong bodies cannot block bullets, and their refined martial arts skills cannot compare with cannons. Even their performance on the battlefield is not much better than that of ordinary soldiers holding guns. And ordinary soldiers only train for a long time and spend a lot of time, so this makes almost All professionals begin to feel overwhelmed and feel that their existence is worthless and meaningless.

The knights who pay attention to glory feel this the most, because not only is the issue of combat power, but also the status and command power in the army are affected, just like changing from a noble to a civilian. Such a huge gap makes all the knights of the Northern Expedition very sad. Vulnerable to Malir's infection, they are also looking for an opportunity to end the war, and the battlefield with millions of people is the stage they dream of. Even if everyone dies, they still have to stay in this epic war. A strong stroke.

Oh, they dispatched the Knights. Howard, who was at the back of the position, raised his eyebrows and looked a little surprised after receiving the information.

It's okay for professionals to use it for sneak attacks, but in frontal terms, on a battlefield with millions of people and thousands of artillery pieces, a few hundred professionals are really nothing.

However, Howard did not underestimate the opponent because of this, because he was very aware of the destructive power of professionals. If he really focused on rushing forward, it was really difficult for ordinary soldiers to stop him, not to mention that the battlefield was crisscrossed at the moment. Even if the Glory Alliance took the initiative, it would not mean that He can mobilize an army to intercept, because now the entire army has been mobilized by him. Some are responsible for insertion, some are responsible for annihilation, and some are responsible for encirclement. Any transfer may affect the operation of the entire battlefield.

And with the strength of professionals, ordinary soldiers have no other choice but to sacrifice their lives or rely on perfect fortifications, and the difference between the two represents a casualty gap of more than ten times.

However, Howard is not too worried about this, because it is not only the Border Town Alliance that has professional corps. In fact, the territory has made preparations long ago, and it is not bad.

From the very beginning of the formation of the army, Irving took into consideration the issue of professionals participating in the war, because compared to ordinary soldiers, professionals are really too strong. In the era of cold weapons, professionals represented hundreds of enemies, even today's guns and cannons When they started to develop, if they couldn't take advantage of numbers, it would be difficult to win even with guns. That's why he initially gave so many discounts to adventurers because he had the idea of ​​recruiting them into the army.

Although it was not implemented later, he did not care much about the army. That was because the army was getting bigger and more professional. Irving didn't know how to intervene if he wanted to. However, his idea was taken seriously, so the soldiers went out to fight. In addition to logistics, many departments in the territory are involved, including the professionals trained by the roots and themselves.

The roots have long since become a behemoth, spreading their roots to the entire north. In addition to intelligence personnel, assassins are a top priority, so sending some people to follow the army is nothing, and they have also become an army in the darkness. The sharp blade kills all intruders.

The stalkers of the Border Town Alliance died in their hands, otherwise the information of the Glory Alliance would have been leaked long ago.

However, due to the obstruction of the border town alliance mage group and the territory's intention to delay the war, the assassins failed to achieve many results in the enemy camp, but this did not affect the importance of the assassins in the war.

As for professionals, due to the popularity of guns, the number of martial arts professionals has been greatly reduced. After all, it would be a tragedy to be defeated by one bullet after ten years of hard training. Therefore, the territory's main focus is on the group of spellcasters.

The territory's spell caster system mainly comes from Owen, Emile, Angel, Emily, and Brian. Therefore, in addition to a complete system of wizards and witches, there are also puppets, magic spells, and alchemy provided by Owen. System of elements, nature, summoning, shikigami, ninjutsu, shadow, death, etc.

Coupled with the knowledge that was continuously exchanged from the system in the later period, as well as the books that were secretly copied from the Academy City, the territory's heritage may not be as good as that of the Academy City and the Imperial Capital, but it is already superior to most forces.

With such a rich heritage, and the system transformation, there is no need to worry about the loyalty of students. Territory knowledge is completely open to all students. It can be said that as long as you are willing to learn, you can learn it, and you don't have to worry at all until you become a legend.

Even if it is a legendary field that requires unique insights, the territory also has many enlightenment experiences left by legends. In addition, there are many secret realms in the North that can be tempered. Even if the development time is not long, the number and level of professionals in the territory are not low, enough to provide The enemy brings many surprises.

Not to mention that this time not only Howard came to the front line, but also three legends. They must have started taking action at this moment, Howard thought.

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