The opponent's patience has been exhausted. Standing in front of the sand table, Howard thoughtfully placed a few small flags at the opponent's key attack positions to predict the direction of the opponent's next main attack.

The one-eyed giant eagle cannot be mobilized at will at this time, because there is more than one legend in the opponent's army, and they are all extremely vigilant at this moment. The chance of being discovered is too high, and once discovered, the territory will lose a vital element. Investigation methods will also be targeted in various ways in the future, so the military mobilization of the border town alliance will be obtained more through conventional means.

Howard had watched the opponent's tests during this period, and had also estimated the opponent's material reserves. His staff had been working on it, so he knew very well that the time for the opponent's general attack was getting closer.

War is never just a matter of fighting, it relies heavily on logistics, not to mention that both sides have gathered millions of troops here, and the daily consumption is a small mountain. Even if both sides extract a large amount of wealth and resources from the Noble Alliance, it cannot be endless. Keep it up.

Not to mention that compared to the border city alliance's oppressive plunder, the border city alliance not only has to maintain the army, but also carries out large-scale relocation and construction at the same time, and the consumption is more than double that of the border city alliance.

However, Howard still had no intention of counterattacking in advance, firstly because of Irving's instructions, and secondly because of the big migration.

A population of more than one million is so easy to relocate. The resettlement alone cannot be completed in a short time. Therefore, it is divided into four stages: 100,000, 300,000, 500,000, and one million. Even this is time-consuming. It takes a lot of energy and resources from the territory, so the longer it takes, the better.

As for why the territory does not intend to retain the territory of the Noble Alliance, it is mainly because it is worried about the intervention of the noble goddess.

After all, right next to the Border City Alliance is the behemoth Hundred Cities Alliance, which is more than twice the size of the entire Northland combined. So what if the territory uses all its trump cards to penetrate it? To a pig, stabbing it with a knife is a big deal. What is fatal to an elephant is just a superficial wound.

Once the Hundred Cities Alliance intervenes, the territory will fall into endless passivity, because the population and size are too different. Unless the territory can absorb the entire Northland, it will have the capital to compete with it.

The problem is that too many people are swallowed up in one go. Without system transformation, there are too many hidden dangers. I have never seen the Noble Alliance kneeling so fragilely.

Therefore, after weighing for a long time, the territory decided to give up the idea of ​​​​a one-fight victory. First, it swallowed half of the Noble Alliance, and then eliminated the Northern Expeditionary Army of the Border City Alliance. After cutting off one arm of the Border City Alliance so that the other side was unable to interfere with the North, they then took action to solve the problem in the North. The hidden dangers of the barbarian kingdom. In this way, the territory will develop for a long time.

So Irving is never in a hurry, because time is always on his side, so choosing to take a step back and buy time is never a problem.

Because of this change in strategy, Howard sat firmly on the Diaoyutai against the Border Town Alliance. Because he really wanted to win, he airdropped a group of Thunder Guards towards the opponent's Chinese army. All problems were solved. Even a legend could not face a bolter. Just stay away.

The war was still going on. When the casualties of nearly half of the mobilization troops were approaching the limit, Cross finally allowed them to retreat and rest. However, they had already exhausted their energy and had no ammunition. They could not cause any trouble. It was enough for them to be guarded by the reserve corps. .

The main force of the Border Town Alliance, which had been waiting for a long time, began their battle. This time it was not so crude. Hundreds of bronze cannons began to roar.

In addition to the lighter eight-pound cannon, the Border City Alliance also has heavy artillery specially transported from the city wall. After modification, it can not only fire explosive shells, but also because it is a breech-loaded artillery, the rate of fire is not slow. For a time, the Glory Alliance The position was shrouded in artillery fire.

Unfortunately, compared to the Border Town Alliance, which is still groping, the Glory Alliance is more proficient in gun warfare. Not only are the trenches dug tortuous, which can effectively reduce the impact of the explosion of artillery shells falling in the trenches, but there are also strong air raid shelters dug at intervals. , as soon as the gunfire sounded, only the sentries were left here, and the rest stayed in the air-raid shelter, taking advantage of the rare time to replenish ammunition and restore their strength.

As the shells were fired out one after another, Cross was both proud and distressed as he listened to the sound of the cannons. He was proud that a single salvo from hundreds of Alliance artillery pieces could level a town to the ground. What he was distressed about was that these were all money. He used it all and smashed it into the open position.

You must know that every cannonball is made by alchemists themselves. Let alone the craftsmanship, the added value alone is not low, and to supplement it, you need to look at the faces of those alchemists. Even if Cross, as a general, wants to supplement Consuming ammo isn't an easy task either.

However, this round of shelling was necessary, and Cross did not want his soldiers to fill the trenches with their bodies.

Now that he had decided to launch a general attack, Cross would not hold back. Before the bombardment ended, ten steam tanks that had just completed maintenance were heading towards the Glory Alliance's position.

In order to transport these ten steam tanks, the Border Town Alliance used thousands of horses at once to transport all the parts in time, and then the alchemists completed the assembly on site.

As for why I didn't drive over, of course it was because I couldn't do it. One filling of fuel can only support running for dozens of miles. After each operation, the wear and tear of parts is quite alarming. A large number of parts must be replaced and careful maintenance must be carried out, so only The parts can be pulled apart by horses and assembled again.

But the price is worth it. These ten steam tanks are huge monsters, twelve meters long, five meters wide and five meters high. In addition to a twin tower gun, eight twin machine guns are also installed, just like everywhere Like a flaming hedgehog, combined with thick steel plate armor and powerful power, this thing is as powerful as a locomotive. Amidst the roar of steam, it turns its thick tracks towards the target.

When the steam tank was halfway through its journey, the elite main force of the Border Town Alliance came in like a flood with rifles with bayonets inserted. Using the steam tank as the spearhead, they were bound to break through the Glory Alliance's defense line.

The overwhelming number of black people made Howard, who was always paying attention, smile crookedly. He always waited until the other party took action.

Let the other side see what real artillery fire is. Howard informed the artillery positions that had been prepared.

The guns of the Glory Alliance are divided into three types. The first is the mortar. Because of its ejection, it is usually hidden in or near the trench. Its flexible movement makes it difficult for the enemy to lock on, and it can also accurately hit the enemy's shells. On the forehead.

Next is the infantry artillery. Because it is not heavy, it can keep up with the troops when pulled by mules. It is the most powerful support for the infantry.

The other type is heavy artillery, starting with a caliber of 120 mm, including 150 mm and 200 mm, so the weight is very alarming.

This type of heavy artillery must be operated mechanically. Except for a few self-propelled artillery, most heavy artillery requires professional mechanical towing.

But it’s not just the cannon body that’s heavy. Every shell can be called a roll call from the God of Death. Once it explodes, no one will be alive within a hundred meters. Even if it’s not killed directly, it will be shocked to death. This is the God of War. The true power of the border town alliance, and now the border town alliance is facing this desperate scene.

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