The logistics of the Border Town Alliance spent a huge amount of money to send massive amounts of military supplies to the front line. In addition to daily supplies, a large amount of ammunition as war reserves, there were also 500 machine guns and ten steam tanks made by a group of alchemists who sacrificed their hair. Dang, causing Cross to show a rare smile after hearing the news.

During this period, he was under a lot of pressure, because he not only mobilized his mobilization troops, but also used the main force to conduct several tentative attacks, but all failed, especially the cross machine gun points deployed by the opponent and the extremely precise missiles. Small-caliber artillery, to the charging infantry, is like a scythe that harvests life. Even with artillery support, it will not work. First, the hit rate of the artillery is too low. Second, the opponent's perfect fortifications greatly reduce the threat of artillery, so he urgently needs it. A weapon that can suppress the opponent's firepower.

As long as the opponent's firepower is suppressed and the soldiers can rush forward, they can achieve an overwhelming victory with their numerical advantage. Therefore, he has been looking forward to the machine gun for a long time.

However, Cross was a little strange about the appearance of this machine gun. He had seen the machine gun of the Glory Alliance from a distance. It was very simple and had only one barrel, and the magazine was also on it. However, the machine gun in front of him had two barrels in parallel. , and there are wing-shaped arc magazines inserted on the left and right. The magazines are still hollow, and the bullets and thick springs inside can be seen.

The alchemists who came with the army were very proud to introduce to General Cross the machine gun they had painstakingly built.

Machine guns can be rubbed by hand, but bullets cannot. With the current situation of the Border Town Alliance, it is unrealistic to design a bullet specifically for machine guns. Therefore, in order to effectively suppress the opponent's machine gun firepower, they came up with ingenuity when it was difficult to increase the rate of fire and power. The two machine guns were fixed together and fed from curved magazines on both sides that could hold thirty rounds of bullets. This doubled the firepower and lasted longer.

It sounds good, but this machine gun named Steel Wings is difficult for one person to move because it weighs more than fifty kilograms, let alone the ammunition, and a person constantly loading magazines left and right while shooting is no better than performing acrobatics. How much easier, so in addition to a main shooter, two ammunition handlers must be equipped, specifically responsible for carrying ammunition and also responsible for loading.

In addition, because the two machine guns were merged together, the ejection port could only be designed at the top. As a result, the shells looked like a fountain when fired, blocking the line of sight and easily scalding the shooter. The soldier who was originally responsible for testing this machine gun has become Mazi, so to solve this problem, the main shooter will be equipped with a mask.

Cross nodded repeatedly after hearing this, not realizing there was any problem, so he let the soldiers get familiar with it, and then prepared to launch a general attack to catch the opponent off guard. This was why he applied for more ammunition from the alliance.

This war has been dragged on for too long. If it continues to be dragged on, let alone whether the fragile material reserves of the Border Town Alliance can continue to support the expeditionary force. The two million people in the occupied area alone can bring down the entire alliance. After all, from the occupation to the present , he brought only destruction. Once the plundered materials were exhausted, the enslaved occupied population would inevitably rebel.

Fortunately, after many battles and reorganizations, the forcibly recruited mobilization troops have reached a size of 300,000. With the regular army increased to 150,000 and the reserve corps of 150,000, Cross, who holds an army of 600,000, already has enough. The confidence to launch a general offensive.

After some mobilization, 100,000 mobilized troops took the lead in attacking. The Glory Alliance did not pay attention to this, because similar scenes had happened many times before.

It is not to blame that the soldiers on the Glory Alliance side were careless. It was mainly due to the lack of weapons. The vast majority of the conscripts still used old-fashioned muskets, and the few who were equipped to fight alone were supervising teams. This resulted in the conscripts having almost no firepower advantage and even lacking artillery support. , because the border town soldiers felt that the lives of the mobilized soldiers were not worth their waste of precious artillery shells.

In this case, trying to break through the well-established fortifications defended by a large number of soldiers with the advantage of numbers is almost like a dream. The machine gun forts and fast mortars scattered all over the defense line are just a dream.

Machine guns and mortars can turn any enemy who dares to gather and charge into corpses, and they can be produced very quickly. Coupled with the soldiers who have better and better shooting skills, it is not that easy to break through the defense line.

It was because of seeing this scene that Cross didn't dare to attack even though he had a large army in hand. After all, the opponent had a lot of troops and had the advantage in defense and firepower. If it was a hard fight, how many troops would be left even if he won? Completely unknown.

Now that he has enough trump cards, Cross is ready to launch a general attack to completely resolve this long-lasting war.

After countless charges, the surviving conscripts had already learned how to charge as skirmishers, and knew how to lie down when they heard the sound of machine gunfire, and ran as fast as they could during the intervals between gunfire.

However, they never broke through the enemy's position, because precise shooting, strafing machine guns, deadly artillery fire, and continuous grenades turned anyone who wanted to break through into a pile of corpses.

With this level of casualties, it is useless even if there is a supervisor team behind them, because there are many desperate mobilization soldiers who choose to die with the supervisor team, so both sides maintain a certain tacit understanding. When the casualties reach a certain level, they can retreat. .

But this time it was different. The three hundred thousand mobilized troops did not stop from morning to night. The casualties had already exceeded the previous upper limit, but they still did not stop. The supervising team was already red-blooded. Under the strict orders of General Cross, The border town alliance's war supervisory team forced the mobilization war supervisory team, and the mobilization war supervisory team could only put all the pressure on the mobilization soldiers, and for this reason, they did not hesitate to break the previous tacit understanding.

Some mobilization troops could not bear the cruel casualties and opened fire on the supervisory team, but this time there was no compromise. The border town alliance supervisory team set up machine guns and shot everyone, including the mobilization supervisory team, without mercy.

The brutal massacre has shown that the Border Town Alliance is serious this time. Even if the mobilization troops are still turbulent in their hearts, for the sake of a glimmer of survival and the promise of the Border Town Alliance that is destined to be impossible to realize, a huge number of mobilization troops have risked huge attrition time and time again. , impacting the front of the Glory Alliance.

The shell casings scattered in the trenches on the Glory Alliance side almost covered their feet, and the barrels of the machine guns were red. At the most dangerous time, both sides engaged in fierce hand-to-hand combat. If the defenders on the second line of defense were not able to step forward at any time to support, they would be forced to The artillery and infantry artillery were firing with all their might. Maybe the first line of defense had been lost.

With the deployment of troops completed, Howard, who had come to the front line to take charge, was keenly aware of the difference in this battle and knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for had come.

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