The airdrop pod may not look small, but after being enchanted, its weight is not that exaggerated. With the temporary weight reduction magic, combined with Azabu Yi’s specially strengthened heavenly delivery technique, he successfully sent house-sized airdrop pods into the sky. , when the weight loss magic is turned off after reaching the top, you will fall down quickly like a meteorite.

Delivering so many airdrop pods in one go, Ma Buyi was very tired. This is why the Thunder Guards only dispatched 500 people, and no more could be delivered.

It seems that if you want to use airdropped troops on a large scale, you have to take the route of technology and magic. Owen, who has been paying attention, thought so.

At this time, the airdrop pod had already crossed an arc and started to fall. The delivery accuracy of the Heavenly Delivery Technique was not very high. However, with the assistance of the Cyclops Eagle and the Flame Queen, and the distance was not too far, the airdrop pod did not deviate. Target, hit the edge of the demon group accurately.

Because the airdrop capsule is extremely strong and all the members inside are inhuman, the speed of the fall is not buffered at all, just like a meteorite falling from the sky. This also greatly reduces the possibility of being intercepted, and even makes the devil temporarily No reaction.

When it was a hundred meters above the ground, the airdrop cabin activated its buffering magic, reducing its weight by two-thirds in just one second, and at the same time opening up the released air layer as an air cushion.

However, even if the magic was activated in the end to reduce the impact, a big hole was still made in the ground. At the same time, the air layer outside the airdrop cabin was squeezed and burst instantly, forming a powerful shock wave that pushed away the surrounding demons. It's like popping a balloon underwater.

If it were an ordinary person, even if there was an airdrop cabin and magic buffer, he would have died due to the rupture of internal organs due to the huge impact. However, the Thunder Warrior who had just opened the lock inside did not delay at all. Almost the moment he landed, the hatch opened. After being kicked away, the iron can-like Thunder Warriors quickly rushed out of the airdrop pod, locked onto the target immediately, and raised their bolt guns at the demon at a speed that ordinary people could not react.

Amidst the deafening roar, bolts of explosive bombs were shot mercilessly at the demon who had just reacted. Even if the devil had extraordinary tough skin, flesh and bones, it would be useless in front of the explosive bombs that are equal to all living beings, because the explosive bombs were designed from the beginning. It is not meant to deal with humans, at least not ordinary humans, so its lethality is directly off the charts. Not to mention the temperature of thousands of degrees, the power of the explosion alone can shatter the thickest front armor of the tank, which means that a few explosive shells It can destroy a tank weighing more than ten tons. As an individual weapon, its power is a bit outrageous.

Although the demon was a monster, it could not withstand this level of damage. It was beaten to pieces on the spot and its flesh and blood flew everywhere. The demon at the front turned into charred pieces in an instant, and because of the precise shooting of the Thunder Warrior, The dots connect into a line, and then the line turns into a piece, and continues to expand.

Five hundred thunder warriors alternately changed magazines to maintain firepower, without even using the heavy weapons they carried. They just continued to advance towards the core of the demon group, unable to stop them.

The big demon responsible for building the Devil's Gate had already felt threatened. After all, the flying flesh and blood was all over his face, and he immediately roared angrily. But think about the work at hand, the consequences of failing the mission, and his boss. His fat butt covered with age-related dirt immediately suppressed all his anger and continued to build the Devil's Gate honestly while calling for reinforcements.

Stupid and incompetent waste! The demon lord of the Putrid Cloud was even more angry than the big demon. After all, before the Demon Gate was built, the space passage needed to rely on its power to maintain, and now it was asking for help from such an incompetent subordinate. , if it were in front of it, it would definitely grab it and poke it in the butt.

Anger is anger, and now there is only one last chance. The Demon Lord of the Rotten Cloud can only mobilize his main demon army to enter the space channel to support, including legendary level demons.

This was not done before, mainly because the more powerful the demon, the greater the pressure on the space channel, not only consuming its power, but also prolonging the construction time of the Demon Gate.

But now I can no longer care. No matter how much power is consumed, the space channel must be maintained until the Demon Gate is completed and can accommodate the Demon Lord of the Rotten Cloud to pass through. Otherwise, this opportunity will definitely be missed and it will continue to be trapped. it's here.

What emerged from the space channel this time was no longer demonic cannon fodder, but demons with powerful combat power such as the Minotaur. They were the ace in the hands of every demon lord. Once used, it meant they were getting serious, and these demons also He lived up to his ace name and put a lot of pressure on the Thunder Warriors as soon as he appeared.

However, the Thunder Warriors fought steadily from the beginning. Even when facing a sudden and powerful enemy, they still did not panic at all. The clear division of labor allowed them to deal with various enemies.

Groups of minotaurs wore heavy armor and held ferocious-looking giant axes. They took heavy steps and charged towards the Thunder Guards with their heads down, but they were not the first to attack.

The sky is the domain of flying winged demons. These demons with wings as sharp as knives have extremely fast flying speeds and are surrounded by dense wind blades. One dive is enough to cut off all enemies within dozens of meters, but this time they encountered It's the Thunder Warrior.

Locking on the target for the first time, the Thunder Warrior at the rear raised the muzzle of his gun. Amidst the roar of the bolt gun, as thick and hot shells were thrown out, the deadly bombs hit accurately and flew at an astonishing speed. Winged Demon.

The flying speed of the Winged Demon is so fast that ordinary people can only see the afterimage, but the flight trajectory is too straightforward. Moreover, the Thunder Warrior, which has been transformed many times, has a neural network many times that of ordinary people, and the brain's operating speed and reaction speed are many times that of ordinary people. It has almost reached the limit of biological beings. In their eyes, the flying winged demons are similar to butterflies among flowers. As long as they are trained, it is not difficult to hit them. Therefore, flowers of flesh and blood bloom in the air, spreading bloody rain. wind.

Occasionally, a fish that swoops down and slips through the net can't do anything with the Thunder Warrior's thick mithril steel armor. Let alone the wind blade blades, even if it hits it head-on, with a muffled sound, it will be knocked away by the Thunder Warrior for more than ten meters. Even if the flesh and blood on his body is removed, he still stands up and fights.

High-quality mithril steel, electronic muscle bundles with excellent buffering effects, and an inhuman body that has been transformed many times, it would be strange if he died easily.

Although the flying wing demon had a bad start, it at least attracted some of the firepower. With the addition of the scythe demon who was good at sneak attacks and the burrowing demon who liked to dig holes, the formation of the thunder warriors was unknowingly scattered. With the Minotaur and a large number of cannon fodder demons, the Thunder Warriors who had been suppressing the demons before also felt the pressure. Especially with the consumption of ammunition and reduced firepower, the situation became worse. Some Thunder Warriors had to pick up chain swords. To save ammo.

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