A group of strange human warriors asked you to ask for help. What a useless waste! The legendary Minotaur's giant horns are much larger than ordinary Minotaurs. They are as huge as a hill. They can blow people down with their thick breath. The Infernal Battle Ax is always burning with flames, but what it is most proud of are its two horns with thick, rounded threads and protrusions.

At this time, the giant horn glanced disdainfully at the big devil who was busy building the devil's gate. The big devil rolled his eyes in anger at just one sentence. If he had to stabilize the unstable space passage, even if he didn't stab this bastard a few times, I also want to spit on this bull's head.

But thinking about the angry roar of the Demon Lord of the Putrid Cloud just coming from the opposite side, it decided to endure it for a while, and had to stew a pot of beef whip to satisfy its hatred afterwards.

Let's deal with these strange humans first. Your Minotaur Corps doesn't seem to have taken any advantage. The legendary succubus Meili, one of the few demons who is willing to use her brains, has a more domineering figure than the drow matron. It can be said that her whole body is The word charm was written all over it, inside and out. An ordinary person would probably wet his crotch on the spot after just one glance. He would never be interested in human women again in this life. He was just so domineering, but at this time she said with a not so good look on her face.

It's not surprising that Meili looked like this. She had been paying attention to the battle since she arrived. Compared to those two brainless idiots, she understood the power of these strange humans better.

Although he did not show any magic or fighting spirit abilities, top-notch armor, strange but powerful weapons, as well as strong physique and reaction speed, these alone create a terrifying warrior who can trample demons like bugs, even when facing the main force The Demon Corps still did not lag behind, and could even gain an advantage in hand-to-hand combat with the Minotaur.

Comparing the numerical gap between the two sides, five hundred versus thousands is outrageous. Usually it's one versus many demons. When did the demons have a numerical advantage and be beaten so badly?

Under this situation, there was no consistency in dealing with the outside world, and there was even no cooperation or tacit understanding between the various demon races, allowing them to be defeated one by one.

Mei Li was not surprised at all by this, because this was a demon, so she had no intention of reminding her, nor did she let her succubus take action. Anyway, both the big demon and the minotaur looked down on the weak and useless succubi. , she watched the show happily, even if it failed, it was just a few useless succubus to let the stupid stinking demon vent its anger.

The giant horn roared angrily, feeling that the performance of its men had lost its face. It did not bother to laugh at the big devil anymore, and roared angrily with the Infernal Battle Ax, boosting the morale of its men, making them enter a violent state, and then prepared to enter the battlefield.

The Thunder Warriors who were fighting a bloody battle with the demons suddenly erupted. The bolt guns that had been stopped to save bullets once again made a terrifying roar, catching the Minotaur who was in chaos due to his madness, and his hard skull was pressed against his forehead. The bolt fired from the trigger bolt gun hit directly. The thick and tough fur had no effect, and the bones, which were harder than steel, did not last long. One shot was enough to blow up half of the head and destroy the rest. Part of it turned into coke, and it felt like half a bone bowl filled with ash and slag.

Even the Minotaur with such tenacious vitality that it could get up and fight for another ten rounds even if its heart was stabbed through, couldn't bear it. They were not headless horsemen, and they were nothing without their heads, so they all fell to the guns.

This made Jujiao even more angry. He squatted down suddenly before closing the distance enough. A pair of thick beef hamstrings bulged out clearly. The infinite force was compressing, causing the ground to sink a lot like the water surface. , but before it could explode, a landslide-shattering jump slash came, and was locked by ten bolt guns that had been prepared for a long time. Thirty rounds with full magazines were fired in succession, and the terrifying explosions were almost continuous. , from the beginning to the end, only lasted a few seconds, which shows the intensity of the firepower.

When the giant horn lowered the infernal battle ax that blocked his head and heart, he looked so miserable that even the big devil and Mei Li couldn't help but take a breath.

Hardly an inch of fur on the front was spared, and the muscles, which were tougher than steel, were torn apart by the violent projectile fragments, leaving charred black pits as big as a sea bowl everywhere all over the body. Even the blood could not flow out due to the high temperature. It could be said that there were already spots on the front. When it's half-done or half-done, turn it over and try it again. It's not even ten-thirty, but it's still eighty-nine percent ripe, and it won't show any trace of blood even if you cut it.

The most frightening thing is that because Jujiao is so obsessed with his extremely strong muscles, he doesn't even have a piece of armor or pants, so the proud part that originally hung between his knees now only has a small part left. The two bowling balls were also shattered into burnt dregs on the ground, exuding the smell of roasted kidneys.

But I have to say that the giant horn still has something to be proud of. Even if it is worse than death now, it is still alive and still retains the strength to fight. At the same time, it has been severely injured and it is rare to move its brain, which is boiling due to the high temperature. It decided to Play dead, then strike back.

The question was who would fight it in close combat. The Thunder Warrior, who had more than one hand left, took off the small gas tank-like melt grenade behind him and threw a hundred of them directly. The largest horn was even more blessed with ten of them, all over the place. All around, the bull's eyes suddenly widened in despair. This was not leaving a way for it to survive! ! !

Melta grenades are similar to explosive bombs, except that they are filled with more materials and do not focus on explosion damage. They mainly focus on high temperature. Therefore, once detonated, the temperature at the core can reach tens of thousands of degrees, which is enough to vaporize most substances in an instant. .

With a bang, Juhorn's most precious Infernal Battle Ax turned extremely red under the high temperature, and even had a glazed texture. It was obviously about to melt, but it was also the only thing left by Juhorn that was not destroyed by the melt grenade. , as for the others, they have long since become ashes.

Mei Li froze, and the big demon's never-ending movements also stopped. The two demons looked at each other and realized that things were out of control.

At the same time, there was a strange sound in the sky. When I looked up, I saw some strange big birds with stiff metal wings, huh? Why are you laying eggs?

What came was a propeller monoplane fighter. Although it was not as fast as a jet fighter, it could still arrive at the battlefield in time during an emergency takeoff and launch an attack immediately.

This type of fighter is more of an experimental nature, so in addition to a 12mm heavy machine gun on the nose, eight bombs modified from mortar shells are hung on both sides of the wings. There are a total of twenty aircraft. There are only one hundred and sixty bombs. Even if the lethality is a little insufficient for the devil, the power of the explosion alone can still knock people off their feet and cause chaos.

The Thunder Warriors who had exhausted all their ammunition put away their bolters, swung their chainswords that also roared with rage, and launched a charge against the Demon Gate, which had begun to take shape. This was also the purpose of their battle.

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