The North City War Command Center, a majestic comprehensive war castle with a semi-underground structure, is also an important location for controlling all military forces in the territory.

At this time, in the command hall, the image captured by the Cyclops Eagle was corrected and projected in the center, forming a special sand table, allowing those present to see the battle situation more clearly and conduct more detailed command.

Theoretically, if the battlefield is divided and combined with the hundreds of staff officers and officers in the command center, the smallest command unit can be reduced to the brigade level, that is, a hundred people. This means that the command center's ability to control the army is beyond anything in the main world. Most people imagine.

However, this can only be achieved in Beicheng, because careful command requires not only enough experienced officers, but also convenient and fast communication equipment. Except for the cheating Beicheng, other forces now mainly rely on human power and animals to transmit information, only a few times. Being able to obtain magical communications also means that once the army is dispatched, it is almost in a state of semi-loss of contact.

Although it has such convenient conditions, the command center rarely interferes with the command below the corps, because strictly trained soldiers and elite grassroots officers do not need this. They have more intuitive and clear judgments on the battlefield.

At present, the Ranger Regiment has completed the order issued to them very well. They circle around the battlefield in units of a hundred people in tacit cooperation, forming a multi-layer encirclement to ensure that no demons will escape, but no more can't be done.

The Rangers, who lacked heavy weapons, had previously tried to launch an attack with machine guns and mortars. If they had not all carried holy bombs, they would have paid a high price, so they completely gave up the idea of ​​attacking and focused all their energy on blockade. .

Fortunately, although the demons were restless, they stayed where they were. Even if they were idle and started fighting each other again, they did not leave the area where the demon gate was being built.

Such a phenomenon is due to the Great Demon's restraint on them; secondly, only here can the main world's rejection of them be reduced and they will not be so uncomfortable; and thirdly, the Great Devil's promise to them is to kill them as much as they want afterwards, so there is no room for patience. Only the demons of Yan will be bound here for a short time, but it is only for a short time. Even the demon lord cannot control the demons under him 100%, let alone a legendary demon.

This war cannot be delayed. The sooner it is resolved, the better. Although Howard, the only general in the territory, encountered an opponent like the devil for the first time, he had seen many strange things in the territory, so he immediately realized that this was not routine. War, and based on the characteristics of the devil and what the devil was doing now, he immediately judged that this war could not be delayed. The longer it was delayed, the more variables would arise, and the war might even spread to the North City.

Maya asked the Queen of Fire to calculate the speed of the construction of the Devil's Gate, as well as the increase in the number of demons that steadily poured into the space channel. She immediately realized that conventional warfare methods were not suitable for the situation at hand. The Devil's Gate must be destroyed, otherwise the space channel would Once it's completely solid, it's hard to imagine how many demons will come here.

The problem is that except for a ranger regiment where the demons are currently pouring in, the closest army is the Mara City Border Guards.

Not to mention how many troops the border guards with heavy responsibilities can mobilize, even if they send troops immediately at all costs, it will still take six to eight hours to reach the battlefield. After all, the mobilization of tens of thousands of troops is one thing, and the heavy equipment they carry is another. There is a limit to how fast you can go.

But when the army arrived, the number of demons was probably over 10,000, so after some discussions, the command center ordered the Mala City Border Guards to use the armored corps as the vanguard to rush to the battlefield first, and at the same time dispatch the newly formed air force corps as an air force. suppress.

It seems that there is armor and an air force, but because these two corps have just been formed and have no actual combat experience, no one knows how much combat power they can exert. Therefore, the real main force this time is the Thunder Guards. military.

The Thunder Guards have been prepared for Irving's personal bodyguards from the beginning, so everything is done according to the highest standards. Coupled with his preference, the priority of various resources and research is not low, so the combat effectiveness is also increasing continuously. .

Today's Thunder Guards have a total of 1,500 people. They are all ultramarines that have been transformed many times. They are equipped with electronic muscle beams, mithril steel armor, power backpacks, chainswords and bolters. Of course, their technological content is not high. Compared with the original version, not to mention how many years the human empire has developed in the Warhammer world, the background setting alone can scare the death god and dare not compare.

However, the Thunder Guards carefully built by the territory can be regarded as a simplified version of the Space Marines with the advantages of magic and materials. Even in the Warhammer World, their strength is higher than that of most Astra Militarum. In the main world, Legend The following is a chaotic killing, and even only a small team is needed to complete the feat of slaying the dragon.

However, the Thunder Guards are good, but they cannot be mobilized by the command center. In fact, except for Maya, Dale and Charles, who can mobilize a small amount, no one in the entire territory can command them, so Owen must be consulted first.

The territory suffered a large-scale demonic invasion. Of course, Owen knew about it. He had been paying attention to this matter. Therefore, when he learned that the Thunder Guards were to be used, he also wanted to see the strength of the Thunder Guards. He readily agreed. .

After getting Owen's consent, the Thunder Guards, who were guarding the castle that looked more and more like a war fortress, immediately mobilized 500 people to board the prepared airdrop pod, preparing to reach the battlefield relying on Mabuyi's heavenly sending technique.

After recruiting Azabu Yi, Owen had similar thoughts about her Heavenly Sending Technique. However, the Heavenly Sending Technique could be buried regardless of whether it was buried. Ordinary people would be killed by the air friction caused by high speed before they fell. It is fragmented, and the number of each delivery is limited, so there is an airdrop pod that can not only protect personnel but also increase the number of people delivered.

The airdrop pod manufactured in the territory completely imitates the shape in Warhammer, using mithril steel as the main material. After research and enchantment by the scientific research center, it has been put into use. At least super soldiers such as the Thunder Guards can use it. For ordinary people, , even if it is delivered at a low altitude, it will take a while to recover, and it may even cause concussion and internal injuries. After all, the altitude of the delivery starts at a thousand meters even at a low altitude, let alone a high altitude. At this height, steel will deform, let alone Human beings.

After entering the airdrop cabin, the Thunder Guards standing in formation activated the internal device, and the locks popped out from the ground to secure their metal boots. At the same time, the U-shaped hydraulic manipulator arm above was lowered and fixed on their shoulders. Even if there is a strong vibration, they will not collide with each other in the airdrop pod like tumbling iron cans.

When the indicator light on the airdrop cabin turned green, Azabu Yi, who had been waiting for a long time, knew it was time to take action.

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