With the burning of several demons and the help from the other end, the torn space cracks formed into a relatively stable space channel. Although it could not last long, it was enough for a group of demons on the opposite side to rush over.

The first one to come out was a very rare legendary demon. As a legend, its passage through space caused huge pressure, just like a big guy was forced into the intestines. If it were not lubricated by the demon's flesh and blood, I'm afraid it would If it is stuck in the middle, it will probably be useless even if you call a doctor.

At this time, it seemed that the space channel that was finally opened was about to be destroyed. With quick eyesight and quick hands, the big demon directly tore up several demons around him and threw them into the magic circle drawn by Bailey and Johnny as fuel.

The devil's flesh and blood containing magic stabilized the magic circle, allowing the space channel to continue to open, and also letting the big devil breathe a sigh of relief. If the space channel collapsed due to it, it would probably be summoned back by the rancid cloud demon lord as soon as possible. Then it was stuffed under its butt for a thousand years. It was unwilling to face this fate, so it worked very hard.

The big demon is like an artist who uses flesh and blood as his material. He grabs it casually and tears the demons who have just passed through the space passage into pieces before they can be happy. Then he builds a demon gate bit by bit. Only a complete demon gate can support the rotten smell. It's not an easy job for a being like Demon Lord Zhiyun to travel through time.

Although the Devil's Gate has not yet been built, the increasingly stable space passage is enough to accommodate ordinary demons passing through it. Therefore, a large number of demons are like a blocked sewer that has just been opened, and a large number of demons spew out from it. Although there are not many high-level demons, the number is in This, especially after gathering together, the demonic aura gradually transformed into a domain and gradually expanded, making Bailey and Johnny who had escaped far away feel fear.

The bastard who made this plan should be damned! The panic in Bailey's heart made Bailey yell, while Johnny was trembling. Even for the demon warlock, this was too exciting.

Do you think we did something wrong? Johnny said in a somewhat unclear voice, suppressing the panic in his heart.

Of course we did something wrong, otherwise how could we do such a crazy thing. Bailey touched his face, picked up the water bag filled with spirits from his waist and took a deep sip. Who knows the psychological pressure on him along the way? How big it is, but I don't dare to show it at all. Now I have a chance to vent, so I said it without hesitation.

We can't stay in the Northland any longer. Although we only tore a small hole, it is no different from the abyss. As long as a powerful demon comes over, it is not difficult to build a demon gate. Maybe it won't take long. It will become a paradise for demons. Johnny took the strong drink from Bailey's hand and took a swig. He ignored the wine spilled on his clothes and said to Bailey with a solemn expression, obviously suppressing the pain in his heart. Panic no longer seems so panicked.

I'm afraid it won't be easy to leave. We can plot against those idiots, but who can guarantee that no one will plot against us? Bailey said with a gloomy face.

This made sense, so even Johnny fell silent.

Go north and take a detour to Green City. It is said that there is a road leading to the underground world. Where should we go? Bailey gritted his teeth and said to Johnny.

Are you crazy?! We just made such a big noise here, and you still want to go north. Do you really think that North City is easy to mess with? Johnny couldn't help shouting at Bailey, which shows Bailey's thoughts How crazy.

This is our only way out. You don't think they will let us go, do you? Bailey stared at Johnny with his sinister eyes, making him swallow his saliva.

But after thinking about it, Johnny knew that what Bailey said was right. No one likes to leave their hands behind, so the possibility of letting them leave is too low, so low that the two of them dare not take a gamble.

In this case, returning to the Northland Noble Alliance, which has most likely laid a dragnet waiting for them, is simply a gamble.

After reaching a consensus, the two people who caused such a big fuss went straight to Green City, but they didn't know that Beicheng had already been alerted.

The place where the demon appeared is only two days away from Beicheng. It is located between Beicheng and Mara City and is within the territory. Therefore, although the belief network has many omissions, it still exists. A small number of demons may not be noticed, but of course this amount It's impossible not to feel it.

Although a large number of demons were detected in this direction, the real situation was not clear. Fortunately, the Ranger brigade that discovered Johnny and others reported to the camp in advance. After receiving contact from Beicheng, they were not like headless flies. They decisively mobilized nearby rangers to surround them, and even mobilized a border army stationed from Mara City not far away as an emergency response. However, the one who arrived fastest was the territory's specially-made one-eyed giant eagle.

After years of transformation, this thing has become more and more perfect. It is fast, can see far, can stay at high altitudes for a long time, and has a variety of functions. It can undertake tasks such as territorial reconnaissance, communication, and attack. Therefore, there are many one-eyed giant eagles hovering all year round. Above the Northland, it can be mobilized at any time.

When she saw that the Devil's Gate had taken shape and that thousands of demons had gathered, even Maya was shocked, because this was already an army, an army composed of demons.

Although there are demons in the main world, most of them are summoned from the abyss and are rejected by the main world, so they stay for a short time. However, these demons are obviously different. Although they are rejected by the main world, they cannot be driven away because they belong to the main world. Part, the contaminated part.

Someone has opened the space channel of the small abyss. As one of the representatives of the mysterious side of the territory, Emile's speech is still very authoritative.

In fact, as the Holy Shield continues to expand, and the territory's information is rich enough, many things can be answered just by looking more.

The secret realm was poured back, the academy city disappeared, and the imperial capital fell. These were three major events that happened thirty years ago. Among them, too many demons gathered at the original site of the academy city, which distorted reality and formed a small abyss. This was no secret.

Therefore, where there are so many demons that cannot be driven away, the only option is the small abyss.

The problem now is how to deal with this demonic invasion. The territory has already had various complete plans. We just need to find out the corresponding ones and adjust them according to the current situation.

With the war order issued by the territory, the border was first put into a state of martial law, guns were loaded, and all external exchanges, including commerce, tourism, etc., were cut off. At the same time, the Northern Honor Alliance was declared to be in a state of war through diplomatic means.

Secondly, a part of the rangers are mobilized. In addition to maintaining the border blockade, some of them also need to participate in this war against demons to prevent demons from escaping to other parts of the territory.

In fact, the Rangers are now at war with the demons, and it has been proven that the holy bullets are very lethal to the demons. At the same time, although ordinary bullets also have a killing effect, they can only be fatal by accumulating damage, because even if ordinary bullets hit the demon's The head and heart are also difficult to kill with one blow. After all, creatures like demons have nothing to do with weakness. Their tenacious vitality is simply standard.

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