After getting it, several demons did not keep it. They directly stuffed the devil's egg as big as a goose egg into their mouths, then raised their necks and swallowed it hard. You could even see the obvious bulge sliding down the neck, which made them feel uncomfortable. People feel a sense of suffocation when they look at it, especially since they are all men and there is not a single woman, and there is no sense of beauty in scientific research.

The reason for using the devil's egg so simply is that these demons are not stupid. You must know that swallowing the devil's egg is risky, although it is not like the first time you take it because you have to change the bloodline and add the devil's blood, which leads to an extremely high failure rate. High, but the sudden increase in the concentration of demon blood will still put them to the test again. Once their will collapses, they will become irrational monsters, so it is best to ask a demon warlock to help suppress them when taking it. In terms of demons, they That's what's professional.

The problem is that the demon warlocks of the chaotic evil camp will not work in vain, and they will naturally have to pay a sufficient price. What's worse is that the demon warlocks have a bad reputation, and they are almost 100% hands-off when helping. If you accidentally ask for help, you will be in trouble.

It's different now. If you don't help, you'll die together, and time is tight. This won't leave them any time to do anything, so naturally they have to take it now.

It's a pity that these demons are still too naive, because they may not be brought here to be helpers, but to store food.

Johnny and Bailey looked at each other, and while several demons suppressed the gradually activated demon blood, they set up a magic circle in the name of helping.

If it were someone knowledgeable, his eyes would probably pop out of his head. It was just a regular magic circle that suppressed the power of demons. It was made of various legendary materials, and the drawings were wrong.

It's a pity that the devil doesn't understand magic, let alone that his body is burning like a fire, and all his energy is focused on suppressing his increasingly active demon blood, so it wasn't until the two activated the magic circle that they realized something was wrong, because they were burning , but it’s too late.

When the two of them inserted a demon horn that overflowed with evil power into the magic circle, the demon blood and souls of several demons were burning together. In the heart-wrenching screams, they cooperated with the magic. The formation tore through the space, and it was like a bright coordinate, so that the devil on the other side of the space would not find the wrong place.

On the other side of the space, demons all over the mountains and plains are fighting and devouring each other. The strong and the weak, the weak and the strong, without pity or retreat, fighting with all their strength. The scene is extremely cruel, just like raising a poison, so only the strongest Only the devil can gain a territory in this death elimination field.

In the center of the chaos, there is a huge seat made of demon skulls. Countless demon heads still retain the ferocity and anger of their lives, but it is useless. Their sharp horns can only be used to grind their butts and open their mouths in anger. It has no other purpose than catching farts, because the living habits of the devil in this seat are really not very good.

At this time, a demon as tall as a hill was sitting there, playing with the very small devil horns in his hands in boredom. He didn't care about the succubus on his body, and looked as if he was as motionless as a mountain and could move on his own, which made people envious, jealous, and hateful. .

This is a hybrid of the Slaughter Demon and the Great Demon. I don’t know how it got mixed up. Anyway, it inherited the power of the Slaughter Demon and the cunning of the Great Demon. It is the largest, strongest, ugliest and smelliest demon here, although it is not a full-blooded demon yet. He met the demon lord who had been favored by the abyss for eight years, but he had already defeated invincible enemies for hundreds of miles around, and he was only one step away from it. The succubus on him was already rolling his eyes and foaming at the sight, and was unwilling to leave.

Is this because of love? Shit, it's just for hugging the thigh. After all, it is the traditional craft of succubus, so even if it looks a little ugly and smelly, it is not willing to let go.

However, suppressed by the main world, the pseudo-demon lord named Rotten Cloud, although extremely powerful, still cannot leave here and cannot be promoted, which makes him very distressed. Therefore, some time ago, several humans who stole the power of demons said When there was a way to help it get rid of the shackles here, it resisted the urge to crush the opponent and pulled out the horn of a legendary Balrog beside it. After pouring its own power into it, it asked them to open the space channel. If it succeeded, it would Will give them more power.

I thought I would be deceived, but I didn't expect it to happen. This surprised the Demon Lord of the Rotten Cloud. After all, the credibility of humans is not as good as that of devils.

However, this did not delay its next plan, so its belly bulged, and before the succubus' expression changed drastically, the succubus made a move. With a long muffled sound, the expanding gas flowed along the countless demon skulls on the seat under strong pressure. The demon skull seat was sprayed out from the mouth, and the demon skull seat was sizzling like a pressure cooker. A gray-yellow cloud shrouded it, which looked particularly spectacular. If you didn't look at the fallen demons around it, there were even Fainting was all except crazy vomiting.

This sound was like blowing the trumpet of war. Countless demons stopped their never-ending battle and gathered one after another, but they all stayed outside the range of the demon lord's aura of putrid cloud, because with their small bodies, they really couldn't bear it. Such a strong momentum.

Seeing his men gathering, the Demon Lord of the Rotten Cloud stood up. While bringing up a puff of smoke, he swept the completely unconscious succubus to the ground, and then roared angrily.

Go and open the passage, fight, massacre, kill those weak humans, and sacrifice the world to the abyss!

With the roar, the demon lord of the putrid cloud inserted the demon horn in his hand into the unstable space crack, then grabbed a handful of demons and smeared the demon's flesh and blood on the crack like a wall, spreading the enlarged The space cracks were fixed, forming a relatively stable space passage, barely able to accommodate the first batch of men to enter.

Before that, Bailey and Johnny ran away before the space passage was opened. They had no choice but to run. The demon that was about to arrive was not summoned by them. At best, they were the ones who opened the door, so they had little control. None, once caught, they are dead.

Don't doubt it, the devil has this kind of virtue, so running slowly is not enough.

In fact, they also regretted that they should have refused the big job that was offered to them in the first place, but they asked the other party to offer too much. As a result, as soon as they accepted the big job, the top management of the Demon Head came to them that night and gave them a A mission that couldn't be refused.

Although they knew that the mission of the Demon Head was not easy to complete, they were still shocked after knowing the mission. They actually planned to drill a hole in the small abyss of the former academy city to release the demon lord inside.

Not to mention how high the success rate of this mission is, just whether you can survive after completing it is a question.

You must know that the Imperial City and the Little Abyss are the two most dangerous places in the main world today. Whoever touches them will die, with few exceptions.

It's a pity that the leader of the devil is never unreasonable. Either complete the task or die quickly, there is no choice at all.

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