Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 442 Rangers and Holy Bullets

After being reorganized into the Ranger Regiment, the nomadic cavalry are still responsible for border security. However, instead of pretending to be nomadic tribes before, they now wear neat and close-fitting military uniforms, helmets and light armor, and their weapons retain scimitars. However, the main equipment is replaced by semi-automatic rifles, revolvers and long-handled grenades. It also carries machine guns and detachable mortars. The main focus is mobility.

Due to the popularity of guns and artillery, Rangers who do not need to charge into battle no longer have to maintain a large number to maintain combat effectiveness. In addition to the camp being fixed at one location, most of them operate in units of hundreds of people. Therefore, one regiment can often garrison a large area. They are also the guardians of territorial borders. As a mobile city wall, they are much more reliable than trench barbed wire.

Currently, a ranger brigade is patrolling a hundred miles away from Mara City. They carry sufficient supplies with one person and two horses. During this period, they only need to send people back to the camp to report and bring back some supplies to patrol the wild for a long time.

Because their location is deviated from the main trade route with Mara City as a transit point, it is difficult to see outsiders except for the wild beasts and lost travelers wandering in the wilderness. This is already a problem for rangers who are nomads. You will not feel lonely or anxious because of the daily life you are accustomed to.

During daily patrols, if you really can't sit still, you can go to the nearby secret place to play, but today they are not so leisurely, because the detective horse found some suspicious traces, and it was obvious that mice had sneaked into the territory from this direction.

After sending two people back to the camp to report the incident, the Ranger brigade began their pursuit. However, judging from the traces left by the opponent, although the number was small, the situation was not optimistic.

Everyone in the territory is a believer in the temple. Holding the Holy Emblem can somewhat enhance the perception and resistance to evil. Now they feel a little bad because they smell a faint smell of sulfur where the other party stays.

According to the pamphlet distributed above, this situation usually means that it is related to the devil.

You may encounter demon warlocks and demon creatures next. Everyone, please be careful, don't approach easily, avoid close combat, and replace bullets with sacred bullets. It's time to use them. The Ranger captain asked the team to stop , and then said it carefully.

Everyone has undergone targeted training and knows what kind of opponent they will face next, so no one dares to be careless and eject the bullets from the gun chamber first, and then open the special ammunition bag on their waist.

The ammunition package is printed with the pattern of the Holy Emblem. The bullets made of silver alloy inside are coated with holy oil and have a sacred luster. Just like the rifles with the same pattern of the Holy Emblem, the soldiers who hold them will pray to them regularly. In order to increase the damage against evil enemies.

Because all soldiers are devout believers, coupled with the group effect, this method is real and effective. Therefore, after loading the holy bullets, the damage to evil-type enemies is far greater than that of ordinary ammunition.

However, this kind of ammunition not only consumes silver, but also needs to be enshrined in the temple for seven days after being made, so that faith and holy light can penetrate into it. Therefore, the output is not high, and only a few soldiers can equip it.

However, as border sentries and moving city walls, the Rangers are one of the few regiments whose entire staff is equipped with holy bombs, and this is what they are most proud of.

After loading, the captain asked his men to spread out in small teams, forming a seemingly loose but actually extremely deadly encirclement under the speed of the cavalry, to hunt down evil enemies who dared to invade the territory.

Less than half a day away from the Rangers, the group headed by Bailey and Johnny were rushing on their way.

Both of them are senior members of the Devil's Head. However, the internal structure of the Devil's Head is very loose. Naturally, there is nothing to say when meeting the top management. If a young man is caught, he will naturally do whatever he is told. Don't complain, otherwise The chance of an accident is too high.

But if you don't meet them, you are quite free. You can do whatever you want, no one cares or asks.

Therefore, the two people who did not like restraint ran to the north to seek life, but they lived a happy life for a long time.

At first, this place was a paradise for demon warlocks and necromancers. Unfortunately, they were first attacked by the Northern Honor Alliance, and then the rise of the Holy Shield, which made their lives more and more difficult. They originally planned to stay on their own for a while, but a big job came to their doorstep. .

Although it was very dangerous, the other party offered too much and they couldn't refuse it. Therefore, the two relied on their familiarity with the Northland to sneak around Mara City with a group of people, trying to take a detour to the North City.

It's a pity that they still underestimated those rangers. Even if there were special thieves in the team responsible for covering up the traces, they didn't hide it from the other side for long.

Damn it, we're being targeted! Bailey, who had dark complexion, said with an ugly face. Although they were also riding horses, they were not that capable of escaping from the rangers' pursuit in the North. Therefore, He chose to take a detour and try his best to avoid being discovered, but unexpectedly, he only gained less than a day.

There are still two days' journey to the north city, and we won't be able to survive until then. Johnny was not as dark as Bailey, but his exposed skin was covered with evil runes tattooed on him, and he said with a frown.

Their current position was very embarrassing, because in order to avoid being discovered, they chose a route as far away from the gathering place as possible. As a result, after being discovered, they couldn't even do a blood sacrifice on the spot to summon demons because they couldn't find anyone.

They must be killed, otherwise no one will survive once they are surrounded by the army. Bailey said this not only to Johnny, but also to the gang he gathered.

In addition to Bailey and Johnny, there are eight other people. They are all powerful demons. If they can work together, they may not have no chance of winning.

The so-called demons are humans who can regain their human form and maintain their sanity after taking demon eggs and become demonized. Therefore, they have the power of demons and the wisdom of humans. Although their power is not as good as that of demons, and their wisdom is just that, they are not as easy to lose control as demons. It can also protect you for a long time and does not require blood sacrifice.

Most importantly, the demon is naturally subject to the demon sorcerer, and therefore is the demon sorcerer's favorite guardian.

It's just that it's not easy to train a demon warrior, and the failure rate is very high. The devil's head throws a large number of demon eggs in the North just to select the right demon.

After hearing Bailey's words, several demons looked at each other and nodded silently, but still offered to get the reward in advance.

Bailey discussed it with Johnny, agreed, and handed over the specially prepared devil eggs to them.

The power of demons increases quickly, but it is difficult to break the peace. They can be said to be demons in success or failure. As long as the demon blood in their bodies cannot be improved, their strength will remain unchanged.

If you want to improve your demon bloodline, you must swallow demon eggs made of the same demon's flesh and blood, which is undoubtedly difficult to escape the control of the demon warlock.

Otherwise, who doesn’t know how powerful the Northern Glory Alliance is? They only provoke each other when they are full and full.

In fact, not only a few demons think this way, but Bailey and Johnny also think so. If it weren't for the benefits, who would dare to come here easily? Don't they know how many of their colleagues have died here, and it's not because of greed.

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