Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 439 Ending and Reconstruction

The evil general who was originally high-spirited and thought he was about to occupy the entire Mithril City is now pitifully tumbling in the turbid water with countless garbage. Its body transformation and evil heart have no effect on it. When it is ready to swallow everything When it fell into the abyss, its heart was filled with despair, because this was not what it wanted.

Since then, the Fel War in Mithril City has ended. After the Fel Ratmen lost almost all their main troops, the survivors were found and killed one by one by the tireless Mithril Golems. However, Mithril City also suffered a tragic victory. , the champagne tower spurted from top to bottom, and there were not many places that could survive the raging flood. This caused Mithril City to lose more than 90% of its population and most of its supplies.

Forget about the poor people in the lower city area, the factories and merchants in the middle city area will gradually be replenished, but the losses in the upper city area will be difficult to make up for.

The structure of the underground city is a sharp pyramid, and the seemingly domineering upper level is the anchor that stabilizes the entire power structure. Once it is missing, the entire power will collapse.

Although Mithril City has seven drow families, different losses will make them focus on fighting for power instead of working together to tide over the difficulties.

This will undoubtedly greatly delay the reconstruction of Mithril City. Ms. Mithril has to stand up personally, gather all the remaining forces in Mithril City as the city lord, and then as a demigod to deter the scavengers who come after hearing the news. During this period, many battles broke out, and many legends appeared.

It is a pity that Ms. Mithril's combat power is not weak. As a demigod, there is a legendary mage to help. To defeat her, at least five legends who cooperate with each other to have a certain chance of defeating her.

After killing a legendary warrior and leaving many parts of a legendary mage, the ruined Mithril City gained peace.

The deterrent power of the demigods is still considerable. After a brief period of calm, Ms. Mithril opened the treasure house of Mithril City and issued massive orders to the entire underground world. Her intention to rebuild Mithril City was very obvious.

If it were done before Ms. Mithril took action, I'm afraid it wouldn't go smoothly, but as long as you show enough strength, everything you do will go smoothly. This is the advantage of having a big fist.

Without being able to gnaw on the ruins of Mithril City, competing for trade orders became the best way to obtain profits. A large number of caravans began to gather in the direction of Mithril City, bringing sources of resources to Mithril City waiting for rebirth. Constant nourishment.

But reconstruction is not that easy. Buildings can be repaired easily, and the population can be restored through foreigners. Only food reserves are a headache.

Thanks to the luxurious lifestyle of the drow matrons and the extravagant and wasteful habits of the upper city, Mithril City's food reserves are not optimistic, especially after the great flood. The entire Mithril City's food reserves can only last for three months. , this is still the case where the population does not grow. If the population continues to grow, the time that food can support it will be greatly shortened, and any reconstruction will be in vain by then.

Without food, there is no one, and no one can talk about reconstruction. Therefore, purchasing large amounts of food has become the main problem at present.

But these are not the only problems. Because of the special environment of the underground world, there is no so-called harvest season. Both mushrooms and snails, which are staple foods, are harvested when they are mature. In addition, both are inconvenient to store. The food reserves of any underground city are Not so good, even if they spend a lot of money to buy it, they won't be able to buy much, after all, they also have to eat.

Therefore, we can only buy from the outside world, that is, the surface world, where the food production is greater and it is easier to store, but this is not easy.

From the beginning to the end of the evil war in Mithril City, and now, Owen has never taken his eyes away, so he knows very well that this opportunity is rare. If he can win Mithril City's food order, he can then use Mithril City to Spreading from the center to the surrounding areas will undoubtedly allow the territory to hold an important bargaining chip in the underground world trade.

When the underground world is accustomed to the food on the surface, it undoubtedly puts its lifeline in the hands of the territory. Once the two sides go to war, it is not easy to get rid of dependence.

Therefore, under Owen's order, the Northern Glory Alliance used the Death Shadow Sect as an intermediary to try to win this important order.

Thanks to the good reputation of the Death Shadow Sect and Mithril City's eagerness to find suitable and stable food channels, the two parties successfully signed a contract.

Northern Glory Alliance, the territory of the Hydera family, is really missed. Ms. Mithril suddenly said with emotion after seeing the other party off.

I remember that Madam wanted to marry that Earl Owen. Edwin on the side suddenly said.

I was just the Ninth Princess at that time and didn't need to take on this responsibility. Ms. Mithril recalled that year and said with a smile, knowing in her heart that she would never go back.

Not only Ms. Mithril, but also Edwin fell into memories. After all, they had stayed in the underground world for thirty years, dreaming of blue skies and white clouds. Unfortunately, their mission was not completed yet, and it was not yet time.

I just didn't expect that the other party was actually related to the Death Shadow Sect. Ms. Mithril narrowed her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

This is not strange, because both sides are very strange. Edwin waved his hand and said.

The Northern Glory Alliance controlled by the Hydera family has never expanded externally in thirty years. Even with this strength, it remains motionless, which is strange.

The Death Shadow Sect is obviously a group of mutated drow who kill without blinking an eye, but they actually believe in tranquility and death, which is equally weird.

Perhaps there is a deeper connection between the two parties. We need to test it out. Come back next time and agree to their request to build a temple. I want to see what they really want. Ms. Mithril said lightly to Edwin.

Edwin is not surprised by Ms. Mithril's decision, and it will also help contain those demons and evil gods. After all, based on the teachings of both parties, it would be strange not to fight.

When the food order from Mithril City was won, the Ogre Castle and Black Castle also underwent expansion, and the roads were also renovated. For this purpose, many witches were sent to the territory to use transformation techniques to change the landscape.

For higher efficiency, the food transported is processed grain bricks and dried vegetables, which are smaller in size and easier to transport and store. Although they are not very delicious, they are more suitable for the underground world.

It's just that the food team transporting has attracted many forces with malicious intentions, but with the protection of the Ogre Castle, the Black Castle, and the Death Shadow Sect, not many people dare to take action. It's just that even Owen didn't expect that the secret Lady Silver actually demoted the seven drow matrons as slaves and sold them to the Ogre Castle.

Owen's ogre clone is willing to accept anyone who comes. If Silo is a fertility tool, then the drow matron is a fertility factory. He will not miss such high-quality land when he is trying to give birth to a corps.

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