Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 438 The Flood of the Champagne Tower

The Goblet Tower that takes over the underground river waterfall above the sky is actually not that simple. In addition to being the hub of the entire Mithril City water network, it is also a unique mage tower. Now that it is activated, the impact of the water flow is magically transformed. As a steady stream of magic power, it is then transmitted through the invisible network to the Mithril Golem Corps as an additional source of power.

With the transmission of new orders and magic power, the mithril golems that had not yet come into contact with the evil ratmen began to gather. Among them, the skeleton golems were the first to start. With contact, their joints connected and twisted with each other, and soon formed more It has a huge metal skeleton, and the armored golem also unfolds its armor pieces to cover the skeleton layer by layer, forming a giant golem five to six meters high. This is the third form of the Mithril Golem Corps in addition to the twin forms. The combination Golem.

More powerful magic power is poured into each of the combined golems, giving these behemoths greater strength and defense. They are also not slow and have poor flexibility. When they rush into the evil army, they are simply Just killing indiscriminately, one by one with a kick, and completely ignoring the damage caused by the evil energy gun.

The Fel Guards and the Giant Rat Knight who were trying to surround and kill the combined golem couldn't get close at all, because the arms of the giant golem could be freely extended and retracted, and sharp blades would pop out from the gaps in the armor. Even if they were swept across, they would not be killed on the spot. If beaten to death, they will be cut into pieces.

Just when the Fel Corps suffered heavy losses, with the roaring sound, the Fel Tank, which had a speed advantage, arrived first and immediately launched an artillery bombardment. However, it was difficult to hit the flexible combination golem, and instead caused Got Ms. Mithril's attention.

Destroy them. As soon as Ms. Mithril finished speaking, stronger magic power was poured into the several combined golems closest to the Fel Tank.

The powerful magic power even makes invisible magic lines emerge, emitting a slightly dazzling light. If the material is not excellent enough, such a powerful magic infusion is enough to destroy ordinary golems, but for golems made of mithril steel, This will only make it more terrifying, and the structure of the whole mithril steel also gives the combined golem the foundation to withstand and exert powerful magic.

One by one, the giant combined golems with the speed of a cheetah rushed past at an unimaginable speed. The giant rat cavalry tried to stop them on the way, but they were trampled like rats crossing the street and their intestines were torn to pieces. They became inseparable from the ruins of Midtown. a part of.

The Fel Energy Tank tried to fight back, but found that there was no way to fight back. Without reasonable design, the Fel Energy Tank was a large-caliber cannon fixed on a metal box. It was used for long-range bombing. It was simply intended to be used for short-range anti-armor. There were too many, and after the methods such as crushing and hitting didn't work, he immediately panicked. Unfortunately, it was too late and he could no longer escape.

After getting close, the combination golem stretched out its huge palm and grabbed the still rotating metal track. With the harsh friction sound, it easily twisted and tore the metal track into pieces, completely losing the ability of the evil tank to move, leaving only the Idling gears.

After the prey lost its ability to move, the combination golem began to dismember the prey. The sharp mithril steel blade popped out from the gap in the armor and became even sharper with the blessing of magic. The tank armor, which was not too thin, was easily cut, revealing what was inside. Fel Skaven pilots and loaders.

With a sound like a tomato being squeezed, an evil energy tank was completely destroyed.

More and more enhanced combination golems rushed over, killing a large number of the guarding giant rat cavalry and destroying more evil tanks. Until then, the evil machine, which used mechanical legs as a means of movement, A has just arrived at the edge of the battlefield.

Although the movement speed is not as fast as that of Fel tanks, Fel mechas that have withstood the battlefield test are more combat effective and have also evolved into many models. However, the main force is the mass-produced model called the Slayer.

Compared with the crude Fel mechas in the early days, after acquiring the craftsmanship of gray dwarves and gnomes, the Slayer has become more complete and sophisticated, with more flexible movements and enhanced weapons and equipment. It is now equipped with twin small-caliber Fel cannons. , equipped with evil energy-powered flying claws in one hand, has very good combat effectiveness, so as soon as it arrives on the battlefield, it raises the muzzle and launches a fierce attack.

The twin small-caliber fel cannons installed under the robotic arm fire powerful fel energy shells under the infusion of the fel energy furnace.

Compared with the weak and weak water gun-like evil energy gun, even if the evil energy cannon has a small-caliber prefix, it is not comparable to the former. The most important point is that in addition to the corrosiveness of evil energy, the evil energy cannon also has a strong Penetrating and impactful, a combination golem received two hits. The armor forged from mithril steel was first twisted, and then penetrated by highly concentrated evil energy. The released kinetic energy made the combination golem look like It was like being hit by a heavy punch, but the worst thing was the impact and damage caused by the evil energy that penetrated inside and caused the magic lines.

The harm of evil energy is somewhat beyond our expectations. If we don't use other defense mechanisms, defeat is only a matter of time. At this time, Edwin was on the phone with Ms. Mithril. After seeing the evil energy mecha, he had no idea about the battle situation. No longer had any hope, and had some worries about evil energy.

The Mithril Golem Corps is strong. No matter what kind of opponent it faces, even in a siege battle, it will smash the enemy like a hammer, but evil energy is like a highly corrosive liquid, constantly penetrating and corroding, making Mithril The attacks of the Golem Corps became increasingly weak. In theory, any attack that could not resist the corrosion of evil energy would be in vain.

Ms. Mithril was also aware of this, but she did not panic at all, but was considering the pros and cons.

Mithril City is not important. The location of Mithril City is the most important. Therefore, the evil energy must be eliminated and Mithril City must be rebuilt. Only in this way can she firmly occupy this place, so she spoke.

Start the Great Purge and wash away the entire Mithril City. We still have time to rebuild it.

After pondering for a moment, Edwin realized that this was the only way at the moment. After all, using other methods would undoubtedly expose his trump card. You must know that they had been preparing here for so long, not to clean up the evil ratmen, so he nodded and opened the mage tower. flood gate.

Few people know that there is a huge expansion space inside the Goblet Wizard Tower, which stores a huge amount of water. At this time, almost endless water flows out from the flood channels reserved on all sides of the Goblet Tower, just like a fountain. , constantly washing away everything around it, and quickly forming a growing torrent, rushing towards the buildings in all directions like a wall.

Just like the champagne tower, as the goblet tower continues to spurt out, a massive torrent flows down the stairs step by step, washing away the entire Mithril City. Blood sacrifices and evil energy are like sandcastles on the beach under the torrent. , disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the rat nest became a rat hole filled with water. Even the evil general located in the lower city area was dumbfounded by the torrent rushing from the central city area. He could only watch helplessly as the evil force that had the upper hand just now The capable regiment was rushed into the abyss.

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