The battle in Mithril City also sounded the alarm for Owen, because there are more evil rat-men scattered in the main world than just the underground world. Even how many evil rat-men there are in the underground world is also unknown.

A fel rat army could cause such destruction. Without the restrictions of the narrow and barren fel secret realm, the harm caused by the fel rat men coming to the main world was more serious than he imagined.

Owen originally wanted to use other forces in the main world to fight and suppress evil energy. For this purpose, he even formed a sacred shield. However, judging from the battle in Mithril City, the effect cannot be said to be nonexistent. It can only be said that he is too good at seeking death. .

Everyone knows that evil energy is harmful, but compared to the potential harm of evil energy, more people only see the benefits brought by evil energy. This leads to the fact that evil energy will not die no matter how much suppression it faces, but will continue to grow in secret. The corner of the world keeps growing until it backfires. In other words, there are always people who are not afraid of death to help hide it.

This situation cannot be changed at all, because not only humans, but other intelligent creatures also have the instinct to regard the lessons of history as passing by. It is not that they cannot see the harm of evil energy, nor are they unaware of the consequences of evil energy's backlash, but they just cannot give up. The possible benefits of evil energy leave people speechless.

No wonder the noble goddess didn't think about destroying the evil energy. Owen whispered to himself, because he could already imagine the way those noble believers acted in both ways.

What makes Owen even more troublesome is that the Fel Ratmen are progressing too fast. Whether it is the emergence of Fel Tanks or the improved Fel Mecha, it puts a lot of pressure on him.

How long has passed, if the Fel Rat Man is given enough resources and time, there will be no problem in rebuilding the Fel Empire in the main world. By then, it will be a sure thing to annex other forces and dominate the world.

Realizing this, even if Owen becomes a god, he still feels a headache.

In this regard, in addition to increasing investment in research, we must also update the military at the grassroots level, at least when facing the Evil Energy Corps, they will not fall behind with the same number.

This is not easy. The restraint of evil energy on life is really too strong. Especially with the introduction of evil energy technology, the threat level has not been increased slightly. Moreover, the more lives that die, the stronger the evil energy is. And it is not limited to Intelligent creatures, animals, plants, and even microorganisms are all within the scope of evil energy. In theory, if evil energy is allowed to spread, it can swallow a world.

What's even more terrible is that the stronger the evil energy is, the more outrageous the blessing on evil energy creatures is. Owen doesn't know what the upper limit is, and he doesn't want to know.

Therefore, we must not fight a protracted war with the Evil Energy Corps. We must strengthen our firepower to a level strong enough to destroy all enemies.

I wanted to call Maya to have an in-depth communication, but suddenly I remembered that I had become a god. Even if I called her here, I couldn't meet her in person, and I suddenly felt boring.

Helpless, Owen separated a ray of his mind and fell asleep.

Not to mention how Irving changed everything in his dream, Maya woke up the next day, kicked off the quilt, and asked Ram to wash and dry it.

After patting her flushed face, Maya sadly went to take a bath and change clothes. While soaking in the bath, she looked at Ram who was serving at the side.

But it was still important to get down to business. After changing her clothes, Maya immediately summoned the senior officials of the territory for a meeting.

As Owen issued the oracle, the entire territory began to take action, and the power generated shocked the gods.

In addition to the system, the millions of believers in the territory are now Owen's most solid backing, so he decided to find a way to increase the population limit of the system. If there are tens of millions of believers, even if the evil empire reappears, he will dare to confront it.

But this is not easy. He has already tried every means to increase the system's population limit of one million. If he wants to increase it again, he must have strong enough support, otherwise the backlash from the main world will come.

Now that Owen has become a god, he understands the power of system transformation better. It is a means to completely seize the soul. Regardless of life or death, once the system is transformed, it will only belong to him. This is intolerable in any world. After all, the soul belongs to the world. An important component without a soul, no matter how rich the resources are, it is just a dead land.

However, as the system's population limit continues to increase, Owen's behavior has changed from poaching to poaching. If the system's population limit is raised to 10 million, it will be like using excavators to demolish the system. How can it not alarm the world's consciousness, so we must be careful, otherwise The main world stopped targeting evil energy and instead targeted him.

At this time, Maya was still in a meeting to discuss how to implement the orders issued by Owen. This was not an easy task. It not only involved the change of uniforms of the entire army, but also internal production adjustments and external strategic changes.

Fortunately, the territory's execution ability is at the level of cheating. There is no tampering or procrastination. Orders received are executed 100%.

Although the territorial army is currently equipped with single-personnel weapons that use paper shells, it does not mean that these are the only ones. In fact, more advanced weapons have been stored in the strategic warehouse, and adaptation training has been conducted in batches. Therefore, it can be formed immediately after changing the equipment. combat effectiveness.

However, although the territory now has more mountains and underground worlds that provide more materials, it is limited by some problems and is not equipped with more advanced weapons. At least modern small-caliber rifles are not suitable for the world of swords and magic. The ammunition consumption was too high, and the lethality was insufficient. Therefore, the equipment level of the territorial army remained at the level of World War II.

In addition to guns and artillery, the territory is also preparing to form tanks, aircraft and mecha brigades to deal with the Fel Corps.

There is no way, the evil ratmen are all cheating, and the territory is impossible to fight without cheating.

However, the imaginary enemy of the territory is the Evil Corps, but the neighbors don't think so.

With the current size of the territory, just mobilizing troops to change defenses is enough to make the territory uneasy, let alone a large-scale change of equipment and army expansion, which is enough to scare the territory into doing some irrational things.

Therefore, while the territory was changing its equipment, it also increased its arms trade, selling the weapons originally equipped by the army to the Northland Noble Alliance and the Beiguan Border City Alliance, so that the two sides always maintained a gap of one or two generations, which was a gap that could not be defeated but could be defeated. , so that at least they will not do irrational things out of panic.

Because this is not the first time something like this has happened. When I learned that the Northern Honor Alliance had changed its uniform, it also opened an arms trade. The two major alliances are very accustomed to spending money to buy arms and change the uniforms of their troops. After all, even if they can't defeat the North, In the League of Honor, there is still no problem in fighting other forces.

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