The broken bone was corrected and fixed with sutures, and the wound was sutured. Only the broken arm was a little difficult to repair.

It's not because there are too many pieces, but because the arm is not original, otherwise it wouldn't be so badly damaged.

The problem is that the zombie girl doesn't know that her original arm is missing, so she can only make do with it.

Owen threw the soft arm aside, selected a female arm from the jar on the shelf, and sewed it on Zombie Girl, but she was very dissatisfied.

It's too fragile. I even doubt that this hand can even squeeze a man's penis. The zombie girl's complaint made Owen feel a little sad, but he still promised to prepare a new arm for her, but he had to pay more.

The zombie girl, who had many debts and no worries, readily agreed, since she would not use this slender arm to fight anyway.

Because the technique of manipulating puppet silk is used for suturing, the repair speed is very fast. This makes the zombie girl who is not the first time very curious. However, whether it is Mithril City or Bone Street, curiosity is never a good habit, so she does not He asked, but put on Owen's makeshift clothes and acted as a store clerk.

Unexpectedly, Zombie Girl was a decent store clerk, which made Owen worry a lot.

There were not many customers next, just a few skeletons. They were responsible for sweeping the streets on weekdays, so their joints were badly worn. We pooled our money together to buy a jar of cheap corpse oil from here, and carefully applied it to the joints, and then moved with satisfaction without making any noise. The skeleton of the sound left.

The last person to arrive was a suture zombie. The sutures on his body had come loose and he was infected with corpse bugs, which made him very distressed and came to visit.

Owen took it apart, killed the insects and took out the eggs, maintained it, and sewed it back together again. Finally, he gave it a bottle of insect repellent, which he poured into water in a certain proportion and soaked regularly to kill the remaining insects. egg.

Because the zombie girl is here, Owen saves a lot of trouble and has time to do his own things.

When the daytime bell rang and it was time to close the shop, the zombie girl skillfully closed the heavy shop door.

Owen put down what he was holding and rubbed his sore lower back. He was a little worried about his health, but the most important thing right now was to win over his only subordinate.

Walking to the Holy Emblem, Owen pretended to pray devoutly, and then fired a ray of light into the body of the zombie girl who was watching the show.

What is this? The zombie girl who originally wanted to fight back stopped, her stiff expression became more lively, and she said to Owen in surprise.

You can get the blessing of the God of the Shadow of Death if you pray devoutly. It will make your zombie body more flexible and powerful, and even have the feeling of a living person. Owen is really not fooling the zombie girl, his priesthood is really powerful Done.

Thanks to the good reputation of the Death Shadow Sect and the idea of ​​giving it a try, the zombie girl picked up the teachings that Owen gave her and started to read them stumblingly.

Owen withdrew some money, hid the old revolver close to his body, and prepared to go to the next street.

The predecessor was not picky about food. He ate three meals a day made from various hard breads. This not only caused physical weakness, but also caused serious problems with his teeth. Therefore, Irving decided to start eating some normal food from today on. In Bone Street, it was obviously impossible to meet his request.

Let the zombie mother look after the house. After going out, Owen went to the deepest part of Blood Sausage Alley according to his memory. There was a steel door here that separated the Street of Bones from the next street.

However, as long as the magic power belonging to the undead caster is input, the steel door will open automatically. After all, many undead casters are still alive and they also have various needs, so there are some secret doors, and this one in Blood Sausage Alley is just one of them. .

As soon as he stepped out of the steel door, the small door behind him quickly closed and merged with the surrounding environment under the influence of magic. Without the magic input as a mark, ordinary people would not be able to find it at all.

Owen didn't care. He walked out of the alley and looked around, and found that the environment here was indeed a bit bad.

There is no safety in a ghost place like Mithril City, especially in narrow alleys like this. All kinds of tragedies happen every day. Therefore, for a long time, there are broken limbs, broken teeth, and pulled out... Fingernails, excrement, vomit, etc. accumulate layer by layer to form a special ground.

The residents living here have long been used to it, but for Owen, every step can be regarded as a kind of torture. But what he didn't expect was that before he reached the entrance of the alley, he saw another scene that was difficult to control. .

Not far ahead, a short gray dwarf was having something with a short, fat rat woman. The scene looked very spicy. Owen frowned and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, he saw the handsome man without any pants. The gray dwarf laughed strangely and picked up the hand ax on the side. Before the skirt could be put down, the mouse woman also took out a shiny boning knife from the basket on the side and decided to cut some meat after the gray dwarf was done. Add meals to the family.

How could Owen tolerate them? After a flick of his finger and a clear sound from the strings, both the gray dwarf and the mouse woman remained as still as if they had been cast under a spell. It was not until Owen walked around that they turned into a bunch of living creatures. Cuts of meat.

Wiping the blood-stained sutures clean with a piece of cloth and wrapping them around his wrist again, Owen exhaled the breath he was holding and walked out of the alley.

This is Rat's Nest Street, just like Corpse Street. Most of the people living here are rat people.

Ratmen are natives of the underground world. Although they are not as strong as gray dwarves or as powerful as drow, they are good at being assassins or spies. In addition, they are very suitable for the underground environment and have a very large group. Although the individual is weak, the overall strength is not bad, and it has a place even in Mithril City.

The buildings on Rat's Nest Street are very interesting. Buildings that can only be built with two floors in other places can be built with three or four floors here. Only in this way can the relatively large family members of the rat people be accommodated.

Because his body was stained with the smell of blood, Owen attracted the attention of a group of rat guards as soon as he walked out of the alley.

These rat guards were wearing close-fitting vests and thin iron helmets. They were holding weapons that were more like spears than long needles. They also had daggers stuck in their waists. They stared at Owen with greedy eyes, as if they wanted to eat. Same as people.

Being stared at by a bunch of black bean eyes, Owen felt a bit fussy, but when he released the power of death, the rat guards left in a wise manner.

There is no such thing as good or evil in Mithril City. If Owen behaves weakly and can be bullied, not to mention the civilians, even the rat guards who are responsible for this stability will not mind killing him for meat.

So looking for guards when in danger won't work here, it will only make you die faster.

But it's different if they have strength. These rat people will become extremely reasonable and eager to help others. As long as they don't be led into a trap, it's still good.

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