Becoming a lord in another world starts with farming

Chapter 424 The smell of evil energy

Owen came to the Rat Market based on his memory. This place is located underground on Rat's Nest Street. It occupies half of the street and looks particularly spacious because not all the customers are rat people. There are also many people like Owen who come from other streets. customers, and business seems to be good.

The reason why the business of the market run by the ratmen is so prosperous is mainly because the goods sold here are very complete. After all, the ratmen are not only the best assassins and spies, but also the race with the highest proportion of thieves. Therefore, the source of their goods cannot be said, but It is first-rate and complete, even including items on the surface and in the city.

Of course, these precious commodities are not easily put on display. The market mainly sells common things underground, such as various mushrooms, ferns, snails and bugs, which are the most common food sources for underground residents.

In addition, there are goods from the surface. Even bread that is as dry as a stone is a good thing here, not to mention cheese, preserves, ham and other foods that only the rich and powerful are entitled to enjoy.

In addition, weapons, materials, books, slaves, etc. are all sold here. In theory, as long as you pay the starting price, there is nothing in Mithril City that cannot be obtained in the Skaven Market.

Although it was dazzling to see, due to limited funds, Owen only bought some hard bread, a small amount of dried fruits and vegetables, as well as shelf-stable potatoes and carrots to improve the food and supplement nutrition.

After packing the things, Owen casually used sutures to wrap around the neck of a rat-man who didn't know when he was approaching, and stared at it as it retracted its claws.

Take me to Old One-Eye's. I want to order the rat newspaper.

Hearing Owen's words, he looked panicked on the surface, but in fact he was using the frequency of shaking his tail to send signals. The rat man, who was about to ask the surrounding accomplices to attack together, stopped, and then gestured to the accomplices to stop.

I'll take you there. The rat thief twisted his neck, looked at the sutures that Owen had withdrawn with some fear, and said.

Old One-Eye was also a popular figure back then. He had a large number of rat assassins under his command and controlled many smuggling channels. Therefore, he could always find some special goods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables from the surface and slaves, and even extended his business to the upper city.

It's a pity that the big tree attracts the wind, not to mention that as a rat man, he is naturally weak. After eventually losing an eye, he hid in the Rat's Nest Street in Zhongcheng District and never took a step forward again, looking like he was retiring to his old age.

However, the channels that Old One-Eye originally had were not lost, but they were no longer so public. He transferred a group of subordinates from assassinations and smuggling to intelligence, and even published a rat newspaper, which recorded various anecdotes underground and on the surface. Strange thing, there are quite a lot of people ordering it, which shows how well-informed Old One-Eye is.

In a certain store, Owen filled in his address and paid a month's payment. He also paid extra to have several rat men pack a pile of old newspapers and carry them away.

Although Irving only ordered a regular version of the Rat newspaper, he could be regarded as a customer of Old One-Eye. With the pile of Rat newspapers he was carrying, he didn't meet anyone who didn't have long eyes on the way back. Unfortunately, this didn't happen. It made him feel better because he smelled fel energy there.

Although I expected it, it's really damned that it spread here so quickly. Owen passed through the steel door and returned to Bone Street. He didn't stay long, but returned to the attic and lay down directly to contact the main body.

Owen has always been very concerned about evil energy, because both demons and evil gods belong to outside the territory. The will of the main world will instinctively exclude the other party from entering. If you reluctantly enter, you will be forcibly suppressed by the laws of the main world. Therefore, although it is harmful, it is difficult to spread. , I didn’t realize that the original location of Academy City has almost turned into an Abyss branch, and it is still limited to a certain range.

Evil energy is different. The pollution and spread of this thing are really outrageous. In theory, as long as there is enough life, it can be infinitely converted into evil energy, and the upper limit is unknown.

Owen even speculated that when the concentration of evil energy in the main world reaches a certain level, something terrible will resurrect in the main world.

Sure enough, the more you know, the more troubles you have. Owen is not surprised by the decision of the main body, because unchecked evil energy is very terrifying. Maybe the top management of Mithril City has taken precautions against this, but evil energy The power given will make those bastards ignore all risks, so as long as they know about evil energy and come into contact with evil energy, the ultimate loss of control is inevitable.

If everyone in Owen's territory had not been transformed by the system, it would have been impossible to fight against the evil energy for thirty years, and it would have been out of control long ago.

Moreover, the evil energy appearing in Rat's Nest Street now reminds Owen instinctively of evil ratmen. Obviously, there is nothing worse than this.

The Fel Ratmen are simply born with Fel Energy. Currently, no one is more familiar with Fel Energy than these Skaven, let alone mastered the terrifying Fel Energy technology during the thirty-year battle with the Goblin Corps. Once they are allowed to gain a foothold in the main world, without the restrictions of the evil secret realm, even he can't predict how terrifying they can develop. They might create a more terrifying evil empire than the empire before it was split. .

This is not a joke. Although there is no saying that the rat people in the world are the same family here, with the identity of the same race and the irresistible bargaining chip of evil energy, it is almost certain that the evil rat people will develop and grow with the help of Rat Nest Street.

Faced with such a critical situation, Irving had no choice, because the power he had could not reach this point, so a head-on confrontation method was obviously not feasible.

If the Evil Rat Man wants to develop and grow in Rat's Nest Street, Old One-Eye is unable to cross the threshold. However, Old One-Eye is cautious and will not easily touch the Evil Energy, but its subordinates cannot tell. When the time comes and the pressure from his subordinates becomes stronger and stronger, it will only be a matter of time before Old One-Eye accepts evil energy. Owen rubbed his brows and whispered to himself.

This is not a random guess, but an almost inevitable development.

Few people who work with Old One-Eye can control their ambitions, especially after gaining power. In order to suppress these subordinates, Old One-Eye must master stronger power, so compromising to evil energy is inevitable.

No, once Old One-Eye accepts evil energy, Rat's Nest Street will become the new lair of evil rat-men. Old One-Eye must be given a new choice, a choice that is enough to fight against evil energy. Owen touched his chin, and this There is no one else but him.

Before the evil energy spreads, there were no less than two digits of people in Mithril City who could fight against it, but Owen was sure that there was not one who was willing to take action.

If evil energy is to be eradicated, a certain price must be paid, and after paying a huge price, the original balance will definitely be broken. When the time comes, you will have to die a good death after doing good things. No one will be so stupid, even if you sit back and watch evil energy swallow mithril. I'm afraid no one in the city is willing to take action.

In this case, who would take action except Irving, the enemy.

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